Iran Stoning: Woman To Be Executed For Adultery


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Iran Stoning: Woman To Be Executed For Adultery


TEHRAN, Iran -- Authorities in Iran said Sunday they are again moving ahead with plans to execute a woman sentenced to death by stoning on an adultery conviction in a case that sparked an international outcry, but are considering whether to carry out the punishment by hanging instead.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is already behind bars, serving a 10-year sentence on a separate conviction in the murder of her husband. Amid the international outrage her case generated, Iran in July 2010 suspended plans to carry out her death sentence on the adultery conviction.

On Sunday, a senior judiciary official said experts were studying whether the punishment of stoning could be changed to hanging.

"There is no haste. ... We are waiting to see whether we can carry out the execution of a person sentenced to stoning by hanging or not," said Malek Ajdar Sharifi, the head of justice department of East Azerbaijan province, where Ashtiani is jailed.

"As soon as the result (of the investigation) is obtained, we will carry out the sentence," he said, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency.

The charge of a married woman having an illicit relationship requires a punishment of stoning, he said.

Iran Stoning: Woman To Be Executed For Adultery
What kind of jerk ass would participate?

Now if she did kill her husband, a nice hanging would be a good deal.
Umm this is Iran and we do not run the entire world to our own messed up morals anyway.

Yes this incident is messed up by my morals, however not apparently by the majority of morals in Iran.

Hmm... the death penalty for adultry... fine christians should go for that! Christians are not adulterers are they?
Umm this is Iran and we do not run the entire world to our own messed up morals anyway.

Yes this incident is messed up by my morals, however not apparently by the majority of morals in Iran.

Hmm... the death penalty for adultry... fine christians should go for that! Christians are not adulterers are they?

To hell with morals, stoning a person for adultery is just backwards and wrong.
Man oh man they really want her dead. Even my Prime Minister's wife has jumped into the frey on this woman's behest.

This is beyond barbaric.

And a heads up. She was never ever convicted of killing her husband. I've been on this for years.

After her husband was killed, they tried her for adultery which means death in the religion of peace.
Now the sane and wonderful non radicals that I know at least agree with me that it's not a nice wing of a religion, that is so male dominated that if a child is raped by her cousin and this is a true case, that child could be convicted of adultery and stoned to death.

This woman only because we have all gone ballistic on this has survived this long. ETA: serious campaign for her/ no joke.

Iran obviously feels the need to eradicate her presence on the planet.
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Anyone believe that Muhammad never got any pussy on the side?

The men that commit adultery are rarely punished, the women get fucked over when they commit adultery though.

Islamic law requires multiple eyewitnesses for a rape charge to be brought which serves to nullify most rape charges since there are usually no witnesses let alone multiple witnesses.

Muhammad liked pussy, even pre-pubescent pussy, and he sanctioned his thugs to rape the females captured in his caravan hijackings.
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Anyone believe that Muhammad never got any pussy on the side?

The men that commit adultery are rarely punished, the women get fucked over when they commit adultery though.

Islamic law requires multiple eyewitnesses for a rape charge to be brought which serves to nullify most rape charges since there are usually no witnesses let alone multiple witnesses.

Muhammad liked pussy, even pre-pubescent pussy, and he sanctioned his thugs to rape the females captured in his caravan hijackings.

Isn't it 4 eye witnesses, and all of them have to be male as well?
The men that commit adultery are rarely punished, the women get fucked over when they commit adultery though.

Islamic law requires multiple eyewitnesses for a rape charge to be brought which serves to nullify most rape charges since there are usually no witnesses let alone multiple witnesses.

Muhammad liked pussy, even pre-pubescent pussy, and he sanctioned his thugs to rape the females captured in his caravan hijackings.

Isn't it 4 eye witnesses, and all of them have to be male as well?

Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.
Islamic law requires multiple eyewitnesses for a rape charge to be brought which serves to nullify most rape charges since there are usually no witnesses let alone multiple witnesses.

Muhammad liked pussy, even pre-pubescent pussy, and he sanctioned his thugs to rape the females captured in his caravan hijackings.

Isn't it 4 eye witnesses, and all of them have to be male as well?

Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.

Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.
Isn't it 4 eye witnesses, and all of them have to be male as well?

Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.

Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.

Moreover, to add insult to injury, shariah law sanctions honor killings of children and even grandchildren, in effect, by the interpretation of the absence of punishment.
Who Is Subject To Retaliation For Injurious Crimes
Retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.

The following are not subject to retaliation...
A father or mother (or their father and mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring
Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.

Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.

Moreover, to add insult to injury, shariah law sanctions honor killings of children and even grandchildren, in effect, by the interpretation of the absence of punishment.
Who Is Subject To Retaliation For Injurious Crimes
Retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.

The following are not subject to retaliation...
A father or mother (or their father and mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring

That is sick.:mad:
Isn't it 4 eye witnesses, and all of them have to be male as well?

Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.

Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.

Keep in mind, it used to be custom in the arab culture to bury their female babies alive because males were preferable to females. They can't do that today however women remain an inferior gender in the arab and muslime cultures.

Muhammad sez in the hadeeth that women are mentally deficient and all muslimes must emulate muhammad as per the sunnah.

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