IRAN regime poven less then primates?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This commentary was written during the former presidents term, but can be asked again with the recent rhetoric from the recent president of Iran who still neglects his people for sake of sponsoring destructive intrusions around the globe.

Iran Regime proven less then primates?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I did not see one report of Iran's regime or (former) President Amidinejad sending aid to earthquake victims in Haiti.
What gives? They have the time and money to send money, man power, guns, ammo, and other weapons to terrorist orgs in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and the Gaza for destructive means, but no time money and manpower to support constructive behavior in rescue and relief to Haitian earthquake victims (that occured during his term).
How quickly they forget the world rallying around to help Iran during their time of need during their earthquakes. Even Israel and US offered help but they refused that help even when it meant spiting their own people.
This was their chance to pay it forward and thank the global community which came to their aid by doing the same for another in similar need. But no, they can't spare a square, not even one roll of toilet paper was delivered from Iran to Haiti during their dire need for assistance.
What kind of human behavior is this? Well it's not human, in fact it's not even primate behavior. I just saw a special on TV on the study of primates and children, both which had an sense and innate nature to help others. The observer would drop an article in front of the child and another time in front of the primate and would act like they needed help reaching that article and both the child and primate chimed in to help the observer by picking it up and handing it to them. The nature in both children and primates in much of the study showed they both wanted to help, something the Iran Regime and (former) President Amidinejad have not yet learned.
Does this mean the behavior of the Iranian regime is lesser then Primates? In some ways yes, but in other ways they are similar to primates in that all they do is throw dung around with tantrums when they don't get their way. Something to think about because Obama thinks he can rationalize with that same regime which is less rational then a primate.
Wake up
The American Muslim TAM

Now Iran is also sending a lot of aid to Yemen, and the word is Israel sent a nuke! Check it out.

Iran is a member of the Red Crescent Society and Red Cross.
Wake up
The American Muslim TAM

Now Iran is also sending a lot of aid to Yemen, and the word is Israel sent a nuke! Check it out.

Iran is a member of the Red Crescent Society and Red Cross.

Yeah great so Iran is in the 'red cross' how great the've reached that basic level of humanity. When I say Iran- I mean the Islamist Revolution govt. not the people who wish to overthrow them:

Now about the so called 'aid'- Show me where Iran sends anything when it's not in their Geopolitical interests of fighting against The House Of Saud? Israel on the other hand is usually the first to send it's trained teams even to hostile countries like Turkey and other unrelated places like Haiti, Malaysia and many more. I'd share some videos but that's off-topic (however You'll find the easily on

Now as an indicator, take a look at Israel-Iran relationship prior to the facist regime overthrow:
AIPAC administration battle over Iran nuclear deal - Page 30 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But You can judge the situation by looking at the behavior of people who support THIS KIND of Iran....while neglecting Iranian civilians and their will in all cases.

Thank You for the brought up point.
Wake up
The American Muslim TAM

Now Iran is also sending a lot of aid to Yemen, and the word is Israel sent a nuke! Check it out.

Iran is a member of the Red Crescent Society and Red Cross.

Yeah great so Iran is in the 'red cross' how great the've reached that basic level of humanity. When I say Iran- I mean the Islamist Revolution govt. not the people who wish to overthrow them:

Now about the so called 'aid'- Show me where Iran sends anything when it's not in their Geopolitical interests of fighting against The House Of Saud? Israel on the other hand is usually the first to send it's trained teams even to hostile countries like Turkey and other unrelated places like Haiti, Malaysia and many more. I'd share some videos but that's off-topic (however You'll find the easily on

Now as an indicator, take a look at Israel-Iran relationship prior to the facist regime overthrow:
AIPAC administration battle over Iran nuclear deal - Page 30 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But You can judge the situation by looking at the behavior of people who support THIS KIND of Iran....while neglecting Iranian civilians and their will in all cases.

Thank You for the brought up point.

Yes and M. Albright said it was a mistake doing the coup. Its time Israel sends the 1 billion to Iran that it owes. Also I do not believe SA helped out in Haiti , I might be wrong. Now the reason Israel sent people to Nepal is it was Israel's baby factory.
Penelope, wrong kind of aid.

Sunni, if you really think that then either you are deaf dumb and blind or need to be monitored.
Are you a Baath party Sunni or something?
Penelope when Iran pays the billions it owes Lebanon, and Palestine and Israel, then when they pay the rest of the world the costs they brought them, pay Egypt, pay Iraq, pay it's citizens, pays the families of their hostages,
pays back lives it took from Palestinians by it's illegal occupation of Palestine by proxy where it ought not be, preventing peace for them all these years costs were lives, stability economies....yeah Iran owes the world trillions including their own citizens they stole money from to sponsor their terror and occupation in Palestine and to line the pockets of the Mullahs of Darkness.
Penelope when Iran pays the billions it owes Lebanon, and Palestine and Israel, then when they pay the rest of the world the costs they brought them, pay Egypt, pay Iraq, pay it's citizens, pays the families of their hostages,
pays back lives it took from Palestinians by it's illegal occupation of Palestine by proxy where it ought not be, preventing peace for them all these years costs were lives, stability economies....yeah Iran owes the world trillions including their own citizens they stole money from to sponsor their terror and occupation in Palestine and to line the pockets of the Mullahs of Darkness.
With zionist's all about money. ...... :cuckoo:
Penelope when Iran pays the billions it owes Lebanon, and Palestine and Israel, then when they pay the rest of the world the costs they brought them, pay Egypt, pay Iraq, pay it's citizens, pays the families of their hostages,
pays back lives it took from Palestinians by it's illegal occupation of Palestine by proxy where it ought not be, preventing peace for them all these years costs were lives, stability economies....yeah Iran owes the world trillions including their own citizens they stole money from to sponsor their terror and occupation in Palestine and to line the pockets of the Mullahs of Darkness.
With zionist's all about money. ...... :cool:

Best Hasbara troll:))
Penelope when Iran pays the billions it owes Lebanon, and Palestine and Israel, then when they pay the rest of the world the costs they brought them, pay Egypt, pay Iraq, pay it's citizens, pays the families of their hostages,
pays back lives it took from Palestinians by it's illegal occupation of Palestine by proxy where it ought not be, preventing peace for them all these years costs were lives, stability economies....yeah Iran owes the world trillions including their own citizens they stole money from to sponsor their terror and occupation in Palestine and to line the pockets of the Mullahs of Darkness.

Are you kidding. Israel owes everything it has to the Palestinians, taking their home and land and destruction of Gaza. Israel never pays it debts. We need to quit foreign aid to Israel, the biggest terrorist regime there is.
Penelope when Iran pays the billions it owes Lebanon, and Palestine and Israel, then when they pay the rest of the world the costs they brought them, pay Egypt, pay Iraq, pay it's citizens, pays the families of their hostages,
pays back lives it took from Palestinians by it's illegal occupation of Palestine by proxy where it ought not be, preventing peace for them all these years costs were lives, stability economies....yeah Iran owes the world trillions including their own citizens they stole money from to sponsor their terror and occupation in Palestine and to line the pockets of the Mullahs of Darkness.
With zionist's all about money. ...... :cuckoo:

Money is their God.
So Iran aids terrorists?

The US aided the Mujaheddin A.K.A the Taliban, gave loads of weapons to ISIS, remember that one? Backed countless regimes, like the Khmer Rouge.

I mean, who'd support this?


Oh, yeah, the US govt would. (and did)
So Iran aids terrorists?

The US aided the Mujaheddin A.K.A the Taliban, gave loads of weapons to ISIS, remember that one? Backed countless regimes, like the Khmer Rouge.

I mean, who'd support this?


Oh, yeah, the US govt would. (and did)

So now we're into repeating mantras again?

The American muslim Barry bin Obama Laden supports these savages...not the US of America.

Do You know how to think for Yourselves..You know say something original...not some stories from dark ages...

Now back to the topic or is it too TRUE for You?
With zionist's all about money. ...... :cuckoo:

With that logic you are calling Arafat a Zionist Juden because he stole millions from the Palestinions and his wife still enjoys the spoils of her Husbands greed. You are calling the Ayatollah a Zionist Juden because he akso has gotten rich over the nanufacturing of hate.
Hatred and propaganda is a huge profit business atcthe expense of the citizens they enslave in that hatred.
You and Penelope are being used and you willingly sacrafice hapiness and well being for this self destructive mind set.
Congrats you are what's called a tool for those making money off your ignorance and fears.
So Iran aids terrorists?

The US aided the Mujaheddin A.K.A the Taliban, gave loads of weapons to ISIS, remember that one? Backed countless regimes, like the Khmer Rouge.

I mean, who'd support this?


Oh, yeah, the US govt would. (and did)
So Iran aids terrorists?

The US aided the Mujaheddin A.K.A the Taliban, gave loads of weapons to ISIS, remember that one? Backed countless regimes, like the Khmer Rouge.

I mean, who'd support this?


Oh, yeah, the US govt would. (and did)

True they supported people who later turned on them, but at the time those they supported were victims of suppression and agression.
Taliban by the Russians and Isis by Syrian Regime and Shiite lead Gov't in Iraq.
These were lesser of 2 enemies damned if you do damned if you don't unseen situations that blew up in their faces as did their initial helping Saddam with Iran.
The U.S. had no clue about the long range goals of the Baath party Sunnis nor conbected those dots to Isis.
All you are doing is proving why you need a better central source of spiritual teaching and wisdom not seen since the days of Solomon.
Some source other then the inadequate Vatican that would have mediated to prevent these hiccups and that knows what these politicians can't grasp or see.
That takes us to Sunni's ignorance, there is no Al Isra nor peace without defending oeace with Israel, there is no Imam Mahdi in your world of hate violence and destruction....primstes throw dung so get your hand outcyour butt and stop throwing it at your salvation and start pointing it at yourself.
So now we're into repeating mantras again?

The American muslim Barry bin Obama Laden supports these savages...not the US of America.

Do You know how to think for Yourselves..You know say something original...not some stories from dark ages...

Now back to the topic or is it too TRUE for You?

I'm sorry, I don't know who "The American muslim Barry bin Obama Laden" is.

I get the feeling there's no point in talking with someone who's just going to talk nonsense.
True they supported people who later turned on them, but at the time those they supported were victims of suppression and agression.
Taliban by the Russians and Isis by Syrian Regime and Shiite lead Gov't in Iraq.
These were lesser of 2 enemies damned if you do damned if you don't unseen situations that blew up in their faces as did their initial helping Saddam with Iran.
The U.S. had no clue about the long range goals of the Baath party Sunnis nor conbected those dots to Isis.
All you are doing is proving why you need a better central source of spiritual teaching and wisdom not seen since the days of Solomon.
Some source other then the inadequate Vatican that would have mediated to prevent these hiccups and that knows what these politicians can't grasp or see.
That takes us to Sunni's ignorance, there is no Al Isra nor peace without defending oeace with Israel, there is no Imam Mahdi in your world of hate violence and destruction....primstes throw dung so get your hand outcyour butt and stop throwing it at your salvation and start pointing it at yourself.

Oh, when the Soviets invaded they were victims of suppression. When the US invaded they weren't victims of suppression. Er.....

The US had no clue about the long term goals of the Ba'ath Party. To be honest the US govt doesn't even seem to see past its own special interests at any given point in time. I mean, supporting the Khmer Rouge was completely ridiculous and done for one reason, that was because the VIETNAMESE, the enemy, the evil Commie Vietnamese had gone in and rescued Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge. But the US couldn't see past the lost Vietnamese War, couldn't see that Vietnam was doing something good and the Khmer Rouge was evil.

So they supported evil over good because evil supported their own special interests. Nothing has changed. The US, especially the right, had been willing to go into Syria to support what was essentially ISIS, without understanding the situation in Syria, without caring. All it knew was that Assad was against its own interests therefore needed to be removed. Luckily not enough Congressmen and women voted for intervention.
U.S. did not invade when acting in it's rights against the group that comitted acts of war on our soil.
If Afghan would have been able to remove or put on trial the group then we would not have gone there. They asked for our help and Afghans assisting in Removing the Taliban and calling it liberation is testiment to that.
So bad propaganda on your part. Anyone who buys such propaganda is being used and abused by people spewing it, thus you become that thing that you hate.
Iraq same thing, they violated peace treaties thus the war was still on and never actually over so you can't call it an invasion...once again the people helped and it was considered a liberation. They received huge amounts of money and opposite invasions like Russian or Isis who takes everything they can.
Learn the difference between police action and helping people during acts of genocide from offensive grab and snatches.
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So now we're into repeating mantras again?

The American muslim Barry bin Obama Laden supports these savages...not the US of America.

Do You know how to think for Yourselves..You know say something original...not some stories from dark ages...

Now back to the topic or is it too TRUE for You?

I'm sorry, I don't know who "The American muslim Barry bin Obama Laden" is.

I get the feeling there's no point in talking with someone who's just going to talk nonsense.

The narcissistic traitor in the White House is the nonsense of today...
The guy who send ammo 'by mistake' to the chaliph, who bows to Saudi king and LOVES the muslim call to prayer.
You speak of nonsense, do You know how Mu'ammar Ghdaffi presented him to the muslim world?
And this guy is the one pushing the deal to arm Iran and suppress its' citizens even harder.

Sorry for the off-topic.

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