Iran: Brazilian-Turkish Yasemin pact


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The "Yasemin Pact" references the grand-daughter of Brazlian Foreign MInister Amorim. That daughter is half Brazilian, half Turkish.
The pact says, that Brazil and Turkey intensify cooperation on International level, re-adjust their stance not to harm the interests of the other on International level.

At the Obama hosted Nuclear summit some weeks ago, Lula and Erdogan met and it was agreed that Brazil joins Turkish efforts to broker a diplomatic solution as a peacefull alternative.
Mete Cubukcu, chief editor of MSNBC Turkey (NTV), says that Brazil was taken on board to strengthen the diplomatic approach and to invalidate Journalists from the Israelian-"Axis of Evil" who write against Turkey, who fix+fake the motivation to seek a peacefull solution as a sign of Islamism.

There is now a tri-party agreement, which will be widened to other countries.
Turkey will act as location of uranium exchange and uranium storage.
Fuel rods will come from other countries, maybe even USA.
Under Monday’s deal, Iran would ship 1,200 kilograms of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey for safekeeping. In return, it would receive ready-made fuel rods, enriched to a level of 20 percent and capable of powering the Tehran Research Reactor, which Iran says is a crucial source of medical isotopes.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the deal means Iran has opted for a constructive approach.

“There is no ground left for more sanctions or pressure,” he told reporters in Iran, according to Turkey’s private NTV television.
Iran nuclear fuel swap: why US, others are no longer so keen on it -

It means:
Turkey as a direct neighbouring country won't be a member of a coalition of willing to put sanctions on Iranian people. Turkey will be economic lifeline for Iran in case of sanctions of coalition of willing.
Turkey can only apply sanctions, if it is the wish of the absolute majority of world community.
"Axis of Evil"-Israel is not world community, and hopefully we can now concentrate on the real issue:

- Forcing Israel under NPT
- De-Nuclearization of Israel
- Transfering Palestine from Gulag status into real statehood, and Palestine joining the International Community of real independent States with its capital in East-Jerusalem.
You disingenious Turkish WHORE. No where in the article does it call Israel part of the Axis of Evil!

You know who I include in the Axis of Evil, a country the slaughter 1.5 million Aremians for being highly successful and putting your Islamist Turks to shame and then denying you ever did it. Not only does that make you evil it makes you cowards!

The "Yasemin Pact" references the grand-daughter of Brazlian Foreign MInister Amorim. That daughter is half Brazilian, half Turkish.
The pact says, that Brazil and Turkey intensify cooperation on International level, re-adjust their stance not to harm the interests of the other on International level.

At the Obama hosted Nuclear summit some weeks ago, Lula and Erdogan met and it was agreed that Brazil joins Turkish efforts to broker a diplomatic solution as a peacefull alternative.
Mete Cubukcu, chief editor of MSNBC Turkey (NTV), says that Brazil was taken on board to strengthen the diplomatic approach and to invalidate Journalists from the Israelian-"Axis of Evil" who write against Turkey, who fix+fake the motivation to seek a peacefull solution as a sign of Islamism.

There is now a tri-party agreement, which will be widened to other countries.
Turkey will act as location of uranium exchange and uranium storage.
Fuel rods will come from other countries, maybe even USA.
Under Monday’s deal, Iran would ship 1,200 kilograms of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey for safekeeping. In return, it would receive ready-made fuel rods, enriched to a level of 20 percent and capable of powering the Tehran Research Reactor, which Iran says is a crucial source of medical isotopes.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the deal means Iran has opted for a constructive approach.

“There is no ground left for more sanctions or pressure,” he told reporters in Iran, according to Turkey’s private NTV television.
Iran nuclear fuel swap: why US, others are no longer so keen on it -

It means:
Turkey as a direct neighbouring country won't be a member of a coalition of willing to put sanctions on Iranian people. Turkey will be economic lifeline for Iran in case of sanctions of coalition of willing.
Turkey can only apply sanctions, if it is the wish of the absolute majority of world community.
"Axis of Evil"-Israel is not world community, and hopefully we can now concentrate on the real issue:

- Forcing Israel under NPT
- De-Nuclearization of Israel
- Transfering Palestine from Gulag status into real statehood, and Palestine joining the International Community of real independent States with its capital in East-Jerusalem.
Teheran, May 17th

Most important is the role played by Turkey and to a lesser degree Brazil. Both are currently sitting on the UN Security Council, where they have resisted the nonetheless rising pressure for sanctions. It is in these emerging powers’ interest to show they have an alternative. Both are positioning themselves as independent players bridging the mistrust between the west and the Muslim world (in Ankara’s case) and the developing world generally (in Brasília’s).

What is certain is that this development gives Turkey and Brazil a bigger stake in securing a peaceful outcome – and Iran a reason not to make them look like dupes. That is undeniably a positive change. / Comment / Editorial - Tehran promises exit from labyrinth
GHook93 said:
slaughter 1.5 million Aremians(...)

Innocent until proven guilty by International Courts.
US Congress as successor of biggest Genocide on continental scale, genociding dozens of different cultures is no moral authority for Turkey.
You disingenious Turkish WHORE.(...)

Those primitive rockets from non-state actors is nothing against the Turkish Valor, once activated - your quoted word WHORE - will bring lamentation to your Israelian women.
As for Israel, any deal with Iran, by its very nature, is bound to be disappointing, because the right-wingers who have gotten hold of that country have been itching to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities.

There is also another factor that Israel will have to consider now. Having been instrumental in working out a deal with Iran, it is unlikely that Prime Minister Erdoğan will drop his criticism of Israel’s own nuclear program. To the contrary, it is likely that Ankara will make much more of this now that Iran has been brought into line, and will push harder for a nuclear-free Middle East.

It seems, therefore, that while some will insist on keeping the pressure on Iran no matter what, the subject of pressuring Israel to come clean on its own nuclear program will mount relative to the extent that Tehran cooperates with the international community on its own nuclear program.

But as matters stand today, and whatever the doubts may be that remain; it is clear that what we have here is a major diplomatic coup for Turkey, after months of efforts that appeared to be going nowhere. Turkey will also have been instrumental in bringing about a deal on a major international issue, which will not go unnoticed.

The result is also an important success for Brazil, of course, and it is clear that Turkey will cooperate more with this country, and other countries like it, in the future in trying to solve apparently deadlocked international disputes.

Iran deal a major coup for Turkey and Brazil - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

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