Iran Already Repudiating Obama Admin's Version of "The Deal"


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Oh, this is such Poetic Justice, I doubt Sophocles could have written a better script.

Iran is disputing The Obamanoid's representations regarding the deal today.


Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.

Zarif additionally said Iran would have all sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.

Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.

“The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”

Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front....

Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement Washington Free Beacon
We can laugh our asses off at this clown administration IF they all weren't so dangerous to us and other countries in the world.

frikken UN . they do a fine job policing in their powder blue helmets until they come under fire..then they pack up and run with their tails between their legs
We can laugh our asses off at this clown administration IF they all weren't so dangerous to us and other countries in the world.

frikken UN . they do a fine job in their powder blue helments

The situation is indeed tragic, so one must at least find a bit of comic relief.

I just hope we can hold on as a nation and a world until after Obama is out of office.
We can laugh our asses off at this clown administration IF they all weren't so dangerous to us and other countries in the world.

frikken UN . they do a fine job in their powder blue helments

The situation is indeed tragic, so one must at least find a bit of comic relief.

I just hope we can hold on as a nation and a world until after Obama is out of office.

you and me both dear.
Oh, this is such Poetic Justice, I doubt Sophocles could have written a better script.

Iran is disputing The Obamanoid's representations regarding the deal today.


Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.

Zarif additionally said Iran would have all sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.

Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.

“The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”

Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front....

Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement Washington Free Beacon

So, you got that from a source that is actually a journalistic source of repute and not just a butthurt extreme-right-wing rag?
And more:

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

“What has been released by the website of the White House as a fact sheet is a one-sided interpretation of the agreed text in Geneva and some of the explanations and words in the sheet contradict the text of the Joint Plan of Action, and this fact sheet has unfortunately been translated and released in the name of the Geneva agreement by certain media, which is not true,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham told the Iranian press on Tuesday.

Afkham and officials said that the White House has “modified” key details of the deal and released their own version of the agreement in the fact sheet.

Iran’s right to enrich uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, is fully recognized under the draft released by Tehran.

“This comprehensive solution would enable Iran to fully enjoy its right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes under the relevant articles of the NPT in conformity with its obligations therein,” the agreement reads, according to a copy released to Iranian state-run media.

“This comprehensive solution would involve a mutually defined enrichment programme with practical limits and transparency measures to ensure the peaceful nature of the programme,” the Iranian draft reads. “This comprehensive solution would constitute an integrated whole where nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.”

Iran’s objection to the deal as presented in the fact sheet raises new concerns about final stage talks meant to ensure that the deal is implemented in the next few weeks....

Iran White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal Washington Free Beacon
Sounds like a repeat from over a year ago

PUBLISHED: 08:14 EST, 27 November 2013 | UPDATED: 10:15 EST, 27 November 2013
Iran says Obama administration lied about details of nuclear deal but the White House insists nothing is agreed until everything is agreed Daily Mail Online
Iran says Obama administration LIED about details of nuke deal, claiming uranium enrichment will actually INCREASEThe White House published its 'fact sheet' on the nuclear agreement a day before the text of the pact was officially releasedThe Obama administration claimed the agreement 'halts the progress of Iran's nuclear program'Iran insists that it hasn't given up its right to enrich uraniumThe Islamic republic's chief nuclear scientist now says enrichment will actually increaseObama claimed Saturday that Iran 'will halt work at its plutonium reactor'But Iran now says work at that facility 'will continue''Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed,' says a National Security Council spokeswoman

Read more: Iran says Obama administration lied about details of nuclear deal but the White House insists nothing is agreed until everything is agreed Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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My second quote was from 2013. I'd put this in a "fool him once, shame on you, fool him twice, shame on Obama" category.
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
Last edited:
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
I remember kids like Obama back in grade school. Loud mouth lying pieces of crap.
We can laugh our asses off at this clown administration IF they all weren't so dangerous to us and other countries in the world.

frikken UN . they do a fine job policing in their powder blue helmets until they come under fire..then they pack up and run with their tails between their legs
We called it "Pacifist Blue" when was on a UN mission.....
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
I remember kids like Obama back in grade school. Loud mouth lying pieces of crap.

I'm sure he remembers kids like you as well, although I'm sure he has put those years behind him. He is an adult now.
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
I remember kids like Obama back in grade school. Loud mouth lying pieces of crap.

I'm sure he remembers kids like you as well, although I'm sure he has put those years behind him. He is an adult now.

President "I Won" with his giving people the finger in public is An Adult now?

Who knew?
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
I remember kids like Obama back in grade school. Loud mouth lying pieces of crap.

I'm sure he remembers kids like you as well, although I'm sure he has put those years behind him. He is an adult now.

President "I Won" with his giving people the finger in public is An Adult now?

Who knew?

Personality is remarkably stable------IT JUST DON'T CHANGE over time. A bitch remains a bitch for life.
Psychiatrists and neurologists know------when a relative
comments on a nasty combative, bitchy relative----SHE WAS
NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE------that relative is probably
This is not the only nation that has ever repudiated what Obama claims. It has happened a few times through the years. He will call something historic, even when it has no teeth for the US.
I remember kids like Obama back in grade school. Loud mouth lying pieces of crap.

I'm sure he remembers kids like you as well, although I'm sure he has put those years behind him. He is an adult now.
Sure he is..
Oh, this is such Poetic Justice, I doubt Sophocles could have written a better script.

Iran is disputing The Obamanoid's representations regarding the deal today.


Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.

Zarif additionally said Iran would have all sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.

Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.

“The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”

Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front....

Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement Washington Free Beacon

so do you think that when Obama gets out of office he is going to skedaddle to Iran with his family, or do you think he'd really want to put his family in jeopardy.
Oh, this is such Poetic Justice, I doubt Sophocles could have written a better script.

Iran is disputing The Obamanoid's representations regarding the deal today.


Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.

Zarif additionally said Iran would have all sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.

Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.

“The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”

Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front....

Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement Washington Free Beacon

so do you think that when Obama gets out of office he is going to skedaddle to Iran with his family, or do you think he'd really want to put his family in jeopardy.

I think that as a former President, Obama will have around-the-clock security protection for himself and his family. He doesn't give a flying fig what happens to the Small Folk.

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