IPCC temp projections

No, no breakdown, just a twerp who thinks he's smart because mommy told him so, now that he is faced with scientifically minded people he can't understand why we aren't impressed by his "super-genius" cred....is it just me or isn't that a Wile E. Coyote moniker?

I'm being serious. The character of his posts have changed. Random references to childhood, lots of appologizing for calling names while calling names...several indicators are strongly suggesting some sort of disconnect with reality...beyond just being a warmist wacko.

This is what happens when the facade is broken down. They resort to all manner of tactics and rationalisations to defend their hyper sense of intellectual prowess. He's probably the "smartest" one in his family. I fear however that his family is on the low side of the curve....intellectually speaking.
do you always blurt out what 'comes to your mind' dubya?

did you read the article? or at least skim it? do you understand the implications to the CO2 climate sensitivity caused by turning one of the feedbacks in the system from positive to negative?

you remind me of a child who interrupts an adult conversation with an inane comment. I take pleasure in responding to that child in a positive way but you are supposedly an adult so I just find your immature thinking to be annoying.

I certainly am talking to a fool.

I have a Super-Genius IQ, well over 160, so what makes you think I'm stupid? I just do what I want and have a good sense of humor.

I'm fortunate.

:lol::lol::lol: Sure you do buddy boy, sure you do. Did your mommy tell you that? Here's a hint buckwheat, real geniuses (and I've known quite a few) never talk about their IQ, that is for the twerps in Mensa (and yes, I refused to join their august ranks...) real geniuses let their work speak for them.

1. You only have to be near genius to join Mensa.

2. I didn't start the conversation on intelligence.

3. If you really have a degree in geology, you must have graduated Wossamotta U with Bullwinkle.

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