IOF attack worshippers in Jeursalem

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Nov 22, 2010

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Violent clashes took place Friday after the noon prayers between Palestinian worshippers and IOF troops who stormed the Aqsa Mosque plazas after the prayers.

Eyewitnesses said that the IOF troops raided the Mosque after the end of the Friday prayers resulting in the clashes with the worshippers. The IOF troops fired teargas canisters and stun grenades and Palestinian worshippers responded with stones.

The IOF restricted entry to the Aqsa Mosque barring young Palestinians from attending the prayers there.

Israeli media outlets said that the IOF was taking strict measures around the mosque since Friday morning.

Over the past few days, extremist Jewish settlers have escalated their attacks against Muslim and Christian holy places in the city.
"We were praying when they started shooting tear gas towards us," 58-year-old Umm Mohammad told AFP by telephone from inside the Dome of the Rock.

"At first, they were shooting at the Al-Aqsa mosque but we hid in the Dome of the Rock, and now they have started firing tear gas and sound bombs towards the gates," she said.

"Women were terrified and screaming at first, but we got over it and started shouting 'Allah Akbar' (God is greatest)," she said.
Palestinians, police clash at Al-Aqsa mosque - Region - World - Ahram Online

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