IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.

It said that the Israeli force handed the “final” notice to the Khirbat Susiya elementary school, which provides education for 36 students with a seven-member teaching staff.

IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.

It said that the Israeli force handed the “final” notice to the Khirbat Susiya elementary school, which provides education for 36 students with a seven-member teaching staff.

IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school

How about some actual facts? I realize you don't do any facts or intelligence unless it is supportive of your buddies the terrorists but maybe you should try?
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.

It said that the Israeli force handed the “final” notice to the Khirbat Susiya elementary school, which provides education for 36 students with a seven-member teaching staff.

IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school

How about some actual facts? I realize you don't do any facts or intelligence unless it is supportive of your buddies the terrorists but maybe you should try?

You can post anything contrary to my posts that you like.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.

It said that the Israeli force handed the “final” notice to the Khirbat Susiya elementary school, which provides education for 36 students with a seven-member teaching staff.

IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school

How about some actual facts? I realize you don't do any facts or intelligence unless it is supportive of your buddies the terrorists but maybe you should try?

You can post anything contrary to my posts that you like.

You do realize I read what you post? I know I am assuming, but my assumption is you post this stuff in the hopes of convincing others your complaints are legit. You have no chance of doing that when you insist on posting one sided, prejudiced pieces like the one in this op.

You want to convince me the Israelis should not destroy this school? Provide me both sides of the story. Or I will just assume that as usual you blindly have taken the terrorists side.
How about some actual facts? I realize you don't do any facts or intelligence unless it is supportive of your buddies the terrorists but maybe you should try?

You can post anything contrary to my posts that you like.

You do realize I read what you post? I know I am assuming, but my assumption is you post this stuff in the hopes of convincing others your complaints are legit. You have no chance of doing that when you insist on posting one sided, prejudiced pieces like the one in this op.

You want to convince me the Israelis should not destroy this school? Provide me both sides of the story. Or I will just assume that as usual you blindly have taken the terrorists side.

OK but why would Israel want to go into Palestine and destroy their schools, homes, and water wells. They do it all the time. They also do it to non Jewish citizens of Israel.
You can post anything contrary to my posts that you like.

You do realize I read what you post? I know I am assuming, but my assumption is you post this stuff in the hopes of convincing others your complaints are legit. You have no chance of doing that when you insist on posting one sided, prejudiced pieces like the one in this op.

You want to convince me the Israelis should not destroy this school? Provide me both sides of the story. Or I will just assume that as usual you blindly have taken the terrorists side.

OK but why would Israel want to go into Palestine and destroy their schools, homes, and water wells. They do it all the time. They also do it to non Jewish citizens of Israel.

I can think of a few reasons. But YOU brought the story, provide us the rest.
I do READ your threads. And if you were more willing to cite unbiased sources or provide both sides take on the things you post I might occasionally agree with you.

And no the UN is not unbiased. Nor is Turkey.
I do READ your threads. And if you were more willing to cite unbiased sources or provide both sides take on the things you post I might occasionally agree with you.

And no the UN is not unbiased. Nor is Turkey.

There are no unbiased sources. Show me any "MSM" story and I will point out the lies.
[ame=]Israeli military destroys village - Amniyr, South Hebron Hills, West Bank - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Israeli forces bulldoze Palestinian village - PressTV 101124 - YouTube[/ame]
The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.
Oh, looks very much like an illegal palistanian settlement of "al-khalil"!
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority served a notice to Yatta village council, south of Al-Khalil on Wednesday, that a primary school, a water well, and three nearby homes would be demolished.

It said that the Israeli force handed the “final” notice to the Khirbat Susiya elementary school, which provides education for 36 students with a seven-member teaching staff.

IOA threatens to raze Palestinian school

Nothing Israeli Terrorists do amazes me.
You can post anything contrary to my posts that you like.

You do realize I read what you post? I know I am assuming, but my assumption is you post this stuff in the hopes of convincing others your complaints are legit. You have no chance of doing that when you insist on posting one sided, prejudiced pieces like the one in this op.

You want to convince me the Israelis should not destroy this school? Provide me both sides of the story. Or I will just assume that as usual you blindly have taken the terrorists side.

OK but why would Israel want to go into Palestine and destroy their schools, homes, and water wells. They do it all the time. They also do it to non Jewish citizens of Israel.

There is no Palestine. The Romans renamed Israel "Palestina" but they went back to Italy 1500 years ago.

If the structure was built illegally, then it should be razed just like Hamas razed almost 200 Gazan homes

Hamas to raze 180 Gaza houses to erect Islamic religious center - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
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