Introducing the world's strongest currency: The shekel


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
Even the powerful euro has had a hard time competing with what has become probably the strongest currency in the world since the beginning of 2008: the Israeli shekel.

Since the beginning of 2008 the shekel has made some serious gains against nearly all the major world currencies. The shekel has gained 15% against the dollar, slightly more against the British pound and the Canadian dollar, as well as 8% versus the Swedish kroner and 24% against the South African rand.

Even the solid euro has had a hard time competing with the shekel, and has fallen from NIS 5.74 at the beginning of April by 12% to NIS 5.00 - its lowest rate in five years. Since the start of the year, the shekel has strengthened against the euro by 9%.
A week ago the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Triche, praised the euro to the Wall Street Journal, saying the European currency would provide price stability in the medium-term.

Even compared to the currencies of countries rich in natural resources and raw materials, such as Australia and Canada, it has done well.

One opinion is that the shekel will continue to gain in the next few months against the dollar and euro, at least until the November elections.

The real question is, which elections - those in America or maybe those here in Israel?

Introducing the world's strongest currency: The shekel - Haaretz - Israel News
This is something new. I haven't read about this.

But sure, of COURSE Israel's currency is going to be strong.

They don't treat their currency like we do, but they have the world's understanding that they will be protected by our military. They get the best of both worlds. A good monetary policy, and US military protection. Without us protecting them militarily, no one with common sense would invest in their currency.
You so must hate that. :eusa_dance:

well, it's pretty indicative of the repercussions of that duel citizenship you enjoy..


Do you really think this kind of news shocks anyone?
Without us protecting them militarily, no one with common sense would invest in their currency.



Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans

Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)

Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments

Grand Total

Total Benefits per Israeli

Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Costs Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
what about how our aid has helped the saudis? egypt? iraq??(before we blew it to smithereens), How about Pakistan? India? (and any miscellaneous islamic state you care to mention)....

I always find myself bemused by everyone's concern over money to Israel. No agenda there, I'm sure.

And the U.S. has NEVER fought for Israel. If Israel's a success, it's despite ijits who love bashing it....

yea.. every new instigation for the US to bomb the shit out of iran probably ISNT hilarious despite your knee jerk, dual citizen reaction.

If isreal is a success every jew in zion should remember what price the west must pay for the sake of the promise of a burning bush.

but please... DEFLECT some more. I've got some articles for you about how pals have been given video camaras that, im sure, prove how antisemitic digital photography is.

Indeed, tomorrow ill gig up the JEWISH response which, SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH, assumes that jewish settlers MUST HAVE BEEN provoked in order to be caught beating the shit out of elderly pals on tape. Clearly, unless someone films a syran this is just another example of rampant joooo hatred.
I still don't get why we're not supposed to help Israel.
They help us, they're a free society...why wouldn't we help them?
no, because jews are supposed to remember what its like to be socially marginalized and scattered from their homeland.

*yawn* indeed, jillian. your ability to empathize with non-jews is about as profound as the reason the US didnt' enter ww2 until pearl harbor.
I still don't get why we're not supposed to help Israel.
They help us, they're a free society...why wouldn't we help them?

FREE society? thats like calling a white, land owning colonial US "free".

but, i tellya, i really thank g-d that we have freinds like israel every time the US eats shit from shit stirred in the mid east for the sake of zion.. not to mention each spy we catch from israel. "helping" isreal doesn't mean doing so to our own demise.
This is something new. I haven't read about this.

But sure, of COURSE Israel's currency is going to be strong.

They don't treat their currency like we do, but they have the world's understanding that they will be protected by our military. They get the best of both worlds. A good monetary policy, and US military protection. Without us protecting them militarily, no one with common sense would invest in their currency.

They seem to have done pretty well without our help.

As independence was declared, Arab forces from Egypt, Syria, Transjordan (later Jordan), Lebanon, and Iraq invaded Israel. The Egyptians gained some territory in the south and the Jordanians took Jerusalem's Old City, but the other Arab forces were soon halted. In June the United Nations succeeded in establishing a four-week truce. This was followed in July by significant Israeli advances before another truce. Fighting erupted again in August and continued sporadically until the end of 1948. An Israeli advance in Jan., 1949, isolated Egyptian forces and led to a cease-fire (Jan. 7, 1949).

On Oct. 29, 1956, Israeli forces, directed by Moshe Dayan, launched a combined air and ground assault into Egypt's Sinai peninsula. Early Israeli successes were reinforced by an Anglo-French invasion along the canal. Although the action against Egypt was severely condemned by the nations of the world, the cease-fire of Nov. 6, which was promoted by the United Nations with U.S. and Soviet support, came only after Israel had captured several key objectives, including the Gaza strip and Sharm el Sheikh, which commanded the approaches to the Gulf of Aqaba. Israel withdrew from these positions in 1957, turning them over to the UN emergency force after access to the Gulf of Aqaba, without which Israel was cut off from the Indian Ocean, had been guaranteed.

The escalation of threats and provocations continued until June 5, 1967, when Israel launched a massive air assault that crippled Arab air capability. With air superiority protecting its ground forces, Israel controlled the Sinai peninsula within three days and then concentrated on the Jordanian frontier, capturing Jerusalem's Old City (subsequently annexed), and on the Syrian border, gaining the strategic Golan Heights. The war, which ended on June 10, is known as the Six-Day War.

During 1973 the Arab states, believing that their complaints against Israel were going unheeded (despite the mounting use by the Arabs of threats to cut off oil supplies in an attempt to soften the pro-Israel stance of the United States), quietly prepared for war, led by Egypt's President Anwar Sadat. On Oct. 6, 1973, the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur, a two-pronged assault on Israel was launched. Egyptian forces struck eastward across the Suez Canal and pushed the Israelis back, while the Syrians advanced from the north. Iraqi forces joined the war and, in addition, Syria received some support from Jordan, Libya, and the smaller Arab states. The attacks caught Israel off guard, and it was several days before the country was fully mobilized; Israel then forced the Syrians and Egyptians back and, in the last hours of the war, established a salient on the west bank of the Suez Canal, but these advances were achieved at a high cost in soldiers and equipment.

In 1982 Israel launched a massive attack to destroy all military bases of the Palestine Liberation Organization in S Lebanon and, after a 10-week siege of the Muslim sector of West Beirut, a PLO stronghold, forced the Palestinians to accept a U.S.-sponsored plan whereby the PLO guerrillas would evacuate Beirut and go to several Arab countries that had agreed to accept them. Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 1985 but continues to maintain a Lebanese-Christian–policed buffer zone north of its border.

Arab-Israeli Wars: The 1982 War —

Don't see anything in there about US forces protecting Israel.
I still don't get why we're not supposed to help Israel.
They help us, they're a free society...why wouldn't we help them?

Because they aren't the 51st state, as some people think; because lots and lots of people hate the Israeli government (same holds true for the other mideastern governments as well), because we aren't the world's policeman and it's none of our business, because it's an apartheid state, because they spy on us (the two highest leaders of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC got caught red-handed passing info to Israel and will almost certainly be convicted of treason).

The middle east is a rough neighborhood, but the bottom line is, it's a neighborhood they chose to live in (partially by buying land, partially by stealing land).
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Because they aren't the 51st state, as some people think; because lots and lots of people hate the Israeli government (same holds true for the other mideastern governments as well), because we aren't the world's policeman and it's none of our business, because it's an apartheid state, because they spy on us (the two highest leaders of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC got caught red-handed passing info to Israel and will almost certainly be convicted of treason).

The middle east is a rough neighborhood, but the bottom line is, it's a neighborhood they chose to live in (partially by buying land, partially by stealing land).

thats exactly it. christians and jews might have zion on the brain 24/7 but America is not isreals toilet paper and bulldog rolled up into one convenient big brother to run to.

It blows my fucking mind that jews, of all people, can NOW fathom a nation that puts a premium on a chosen ethnicity despite their hisotry of the same in Germany. History won't be kind to that double standard. Of course, history hates joooooos anyway so...
from the person who thinks mexicans should be in concentration camps.... lol

blah blah blah blah...blah blah...


Id love to see you QUOTE me saying as much. My opiniion is that mexicans belong in MEXICO. I know, truth doesn't fit your zionist agenda quite like a martyr complex and the accusation of racism.. as Ironic as hell THAT is.

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