Into the Cannibal's Pot

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
[ame=] Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (9780982773437): Ilana Mercer: Books[/ame]

Media won't tell truth about post-apartheid South Africa. Truth is: it's a hell on Earth for whites.
I don't think America will go so much into a Cannibal's pot, more likely a pot of Menudo.
"Is South Africa doomed to follow the rest of Africa into oblivion?" He says no but I'm not as optimistic because of the pattern nearly everywhere else in sub-Saharan Africa. The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism. Colonial masters never committed anything near the murder and genocide seen under black rule in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, Somalia and other countries where millions of blacks have been slaughtered in unspeakable ways that included: hacking to death, boiling in oil, setting on fire and dismemberment. If as many elephants, zebras and lions had been as ruthlessly slaughtered, the world's leftists would be in a tizzy.

When Zimbabwe, then Southern Rhodesia, was under white rule, the ANC demanded the ouster of Prime Minister Ian Smith and the installation of black rule. Today, Zimbabwe's Minister Robert Mugabe commits gross violations of black and white human rights. With the help of lawless thugs, Mugabe has undertaken a land confiscation program from white farmers. Instead of condemning Zimbabwe human rights abuses, the South African government has given Mugabe its unqualified support.

When a dog misbehaves, we don't blame the dog; we blame the owner for improper training. In Africa, when blacks behave badly, we blame colonialism, imperialism, apartheid, globalization or multi-nationalism is blamed for not bringing up blacks properly. Liberals saw South Africa's, apartheid and other human rights abuses as unjust because blacks were suffering at the hands of whites. They hold whites accountable to civilized standards of behavior. Blacks are not held to civilized standards of behavior. From the liberal's point of view it might even be racist to expect blacks to adhere to civilized standards of behavior.

South Africa After Apartheid

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