Internet celebrity PewDiePie obliterates the FakeNews Media.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The FakeNews media has just been obliterated by none other than the biggest youtuber: PewDiePie. A lone guy who makes entertainment videos on the internet. Wall street journal's fake, yet completely unpredictable diagnosis? He is a Nazi and a fascist.

So far the video has gathered over 10 million views and almost 2 million likes. Perhaps the media should not have called him Hitler for disagreeing with their opinions. Just think about it, the media just got handled by a lone guy who produces bullshit videos on the internet. With all their journalistic standards and integrity, they can't even represent an internet entertainer correctly. Their propaganda is less than worthless.

For how long will the far left call everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi?
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You know things are desperate when the Trump cult's most popular crusader is a youtube troll.
You know things are desperate when the Trump cult's most popular crusader is a youtube troll.

Some reading comprehension please. It was the media, not Trump, who went after him. They indeed have sunk lower than thought possible.

In their ultimate irony the media managed to pick things out of context, out of a video that was about the media taking this "internet trolls" stuff out of context. It's unreal how dishonest the propaganda touting media is. Clearly they lack even the most basic human decency.

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