CDZ Intended meaning?


Active Member
Apr 20, 2015
Jefferson s original Rough draught of the Declaration of Independence The Papers of Thomas Jefferson

he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.

The topic question concerns the intended meaning of the words "that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die,"

If the two sides involved in the struggle for independence are clearly understood as those defending against those who are aggressors, then those two side in clear view may be a competitive angle of view, from each side, to answer the question concerning the intended meaning of the words published as the rough draft copy of a Declaration of Independence which bookmarks American defense against offense.

Looking from the side of defenders there are clearly those who are suffering from aggression.

"...a distant people who never offended..."

"...captivating & carrying them into slavery..."

"...exciting those very people to rise in arms among us..."

"...he has deprived them..."

"...the liberties of one people..."

Clearly, at least to my reading/interpretation/judgment/understanding/knowledge/guess/presumption/hypothesis/theory:

Those 5 references are references referring to people from Africa who are victims. Some of the victims may have been criminals themselves from Africa whereby Africans may have been defending their own innocent people from harm, by capturing African criminals, and then selling African criminals to foreign criminals who were in the business of making money by forcing people (anyone who can be forced to work will be forced to work: innocent or guilty, non-criminal or criminal) to work so as to then create wealth for the criminal's own wants, needs, desires, pleasures, etc.

That may be another Topic concerning the right or wrong of selling criminals, or wild animals, or criminally insane sociopaths, or mass murderers, or torturers, or mass torturers, or mad dogs, to criminals who will then dispose of those criminals. What happens, for example, if you sell a pack of mad dogs to a criminal, and then the criminal waits until the previous owners are asleep in their village, then once the villagers are asleep it is time for a midnight release of that same pack of mad dogs into that unsuspecting, defenseless, populated village? It is not uncommon for a criminal running an organized crime ring to perpetrate the crime known as a pogrom: crimes against humanity.

Back to the Topic question:

Another group, other than the African people mentioned (apparently) 5 times in the words that may or may not convey precise meaning to anyone; on the countdown to Independence Day remembering, or Independence Day miss-remembering, or Independence Day forgetting, or Independence Day willful ignorance.

"...into slavery in another hemisphere..."

"... the CHRISTIAN king...

"...MEN should be bought..."

"... has prostituted his negative..."

"...arms among us..."

"... murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them..."

I have a work order at this moment so I will post this and return later. There is at least one other group in this message, clearly expressed as a third group. There are more obvious groups once the message is thought about and reasoned out well. I can use some help here, but if you are thinking that your "help" is to assassinate my character instead of actually discussing (or debating) the topic, then your version of "help" is unruly. Forums are voluntary associations with specific rules agreed upon by those who volunteer to participate within those clearly expressed boundaries of good conduct.
Group A are Africans who are victims of the crime called slavery, which includes kidnapping, torture, forced labor, and murder.

"...a distant people who never offended..." [Red Coat British Criminals perpetrate crimes upon African people, not just MEN in Africa]

"...captivating & carrying them into slavery..." [Perpetrators known as Red Coat British perpetrate crimes upon them, where them are people in Africa]

"...exciting those very people to rise in arms among us..." [Red Coat British criminals offer protection as an incentive for African victims to defend themselves?]

"...he has deprived them..." [Africans have been deprived by Red Coat British criminals and whoever buys into that type of crime]

"...the liberties of one people..." [Again, obviously, the "one people" here are African victims of Red Coat British crimes against humanity, and whoever else aids, abets, lends moral support to, or lends material support to said crimes against humanity, including those people who buy people as if people were less than cattle]

Group are criminals who dream up, invent, contemplate, with malice aforethought, crime, and then Group B perpetrates said crime upon the targeted victims.

"...into slavery in another hemisphere..." [Red Coat British Criminals (under the color of law) sell to other fellow criminals in America]

"... the CHRISTIAN king... [Christ is said to have said: do unto others as you would do unto yourself, therefore this CRIMINAL, and any other criminals who buy into these crimes, are not CHRISTIAN by that measure alone]

"...MEN should be bought..." [Slave Traders include those first perpetrate the crime initially and then those who receive the stolen "property"]

"... has prostituted his negative..." [Prostitutes sell something, so who buys this prostitutes services?]

"...arms among us..." [Who is us?]

"... murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them..." [Who are the targets of murder, and who is "them" as in "obtruded them"?]

Group A are the African victims, and again those victims may include innocent victims as well as any victims who may be guilty of any crime themselves and according to the common laws of free people it is unlawful to perpetrate cruel and unusual punishments to anyone, meaning anyone, whereby the intended meaning of anyone means all the people as if all the people were one people.

Group B are the Red Coat British criminals perpetrating crimes against humanity (humanity is everyone, as in everyone, meaning all the people as if all the people were one, not two, three, four, or many groups one above, dominating, torturing, and murdering another group of individuals) and those are the people loyal to their idea that any order demanded by the King is an order that must be obeyed without question or the punishment will be an order that cannot be refused, including torture, including murder, including mass murder, and worse, such as crimes against humanity.

Group C is obviously another two Groups in America.

Those two groups were collectively known as Loyalists or Tories on one side, and on the other side were those whose idea was to defend against crime perpetrated by criminals under the color of law.

Group C is demonstrably divided into those who demonstrated a force that intended to work against all enemies of liberty, foreign, domestic, under the color of law, or just plain old, in your face, criminals perpetrating plain old crimes, on one side, and on the other side were those who demonstrated a force that intended to work for all enemies of liberty, foreign, domestic, under the color of law, or just plain old, in your face, criminals perpetrating plain old crimes.

Group C then becomes:

Group C1 = Americans living in America who invest into Red Coat British criminal organizations that include crimes against humanity.

Group C2 = Americans sharing the idea that volunteers must volunteer to defend each other from all criminals everywhere, under every rock, behind every false flag, foreign, domestic, overt, and especially those who are covertly working to perpetrate crimes that include crimes against humanity.

Group C2a = People in America who are genuinely effective at the work of defense of the innocent victims from the guilty criminals; a very high demand service for anyone currently being victimized by criminals.

Group C2b = People in America falsely claiming to be on the good side while their actions confess their false claims.

Summing up some:

Group A
African victims

Group B
Red Coat British Criminals

Group C

Group C1
Tories Loyal to Red Coat British criminals perpetrating crimes against humanity openly or covertly

Group C2
Moral human beings duty bound to defend each other as explained well in the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence.

That clears things up some as the criminals do not belong in Group C2 despite their claims that they are the only authorities that have the power to speak for Group C2, and the only ones who have the power to borrow against the productive capacity of Group C2, and the only ones who are never held accountable for their crimes they perpetrate once they gain the power they claim they own. They claim they own people.
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At a time when some (not all) MEN considered WOMEN as property there were some (not all) who considered slavery as a sound investment of stolen loot; from that viewpoint the idea of maintaining the cash flow evolves into elaborate lies.

Revising the list of Groups may help as sub-groups are listed according to a reasonable pattern.

Group A
African Criminals guilty of perpetrating crimes in Africa and these African criminals remain in Africa
African Criminals guilty of perpetrating crimes in Africa and these Africans voluntarily join criminal gangs operating in America (Uncle Tom so called?)
African Criminals victimized by Criminals, no longer perpetrating crimes at all, they become victims, no longer criminals, and they remain in Africa
African Criminals victimized by Criminals, no longer perpetrating crimes at all, they become victims, no longer criminals, and they are disposed of in America
African Non-Criminals who are not victims remaining in Africa
African Non-Criminals who are victims remaining in Africa
African Non-Criminals who are victims captured in Africa and tortured while being shipped to America and forced into slave labor camps, some of which may make a Nazi blush
African Non-Criminals who voluntarily relocate at their own expense, or by some other non-criminal means, to America
African Non-Criminals who defend themselves effectively in America without becoming criminals themselves, and they escape victimization in America
Africans in America who defend themselves effectively in America through criminal means as they turn from former slaves into criminals themselves.
Africans in America who start out as criminals in Africa or America, however they manage somehow to regain trust and good standing as free Americans in America

Group B
British Red Coat criminals perpetrating "the opprobrium of infidel powers" which is summed up as "piratical warfare" upon everyone including themselves as anyone failing to obey British Red Coat criminal orders will be tortured and murdered to set an example to anyone daring to question "the opprobrium of infidel powers."

Group C
American Criminals deeply invested into British Red Coat "piratical warfare."
American Non-Criminals who are Irish, German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Indian, African, and any other color, origin of birth, or former connections to whomever.

Moving then, with the above laid out, back to the Topic question and the relevant message that was intended to convey meaning when it was written by Thomas Jefferson into a Declaration of Independence; which is associated with the date July 4th, 1776 now known as Independence Day in America.

he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.

British Red Coat Criminals (with malice aforethought) waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating natures (scientific connotations) most sacred (spiritual connotations) rights (natural right, God given rights, inalienable rights, rights that exist in all human beings without need of special permission to have these rights since no man can give or take away these rights, as these rights are self evident and inherent in the fact of existing as a living being) or life & liberty in the African people who never offended British Red Coat Criminals, kidnapping and torturing them into victims of forced labor added to torture, and often murder, and often mass murder, and carrying them to America, where former subjects of Red Coat British Criminals are now federated into a voluntary association with the former Red Coat British Criminal Group, where the formerly federated Americans are, with this document, declaring their independence from the former connection of federation to the Red Coat British Criminal Group, since this Declaration of Independence indicts the Red Coat British Criminal Group as criminals, where those victims from Africa are often murdered during that torturous criminal transportation from Africa to America.

The sentence is already a long sentence from the original rough draft written by Thomas Jefferson; however the additions are there for a reason, and the reason is to get to the point at which Thomas Jefferson offers those words that appear to be controversial, or confusing, or difficult to understand as to the intended meaning.

"he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither."

Here it is important to jump ahead in time so as to add a relevant message from Thomas Jefferson as to what happened to those words that were written into the original rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, and the source of this quote is Elliot's Debates Volume I.

"The clause, too, reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa, was struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves, and who, on the contrary, still wished to continue it. Our northern brethren also, I believe, felt a little tender under those censures; for, though their people had very few slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others."

Those famers working relentlessly to earn an honest living in South Carolina and Georgia under difficult circumstances were severely injured by the criminal slave trade and they were not represented by criminals whose crime was to strike out those words from that original draft of that Declaration of Independence. The modern version of this type of criminal process is anyone on this planet where innocent people are forced into slavery and the fruits of their labor is stolen from them so as to reduce the cost of whatever is made by those slaves, as those criminals products flood the otherwise free market with so called "subsidized" (corporate welfare) industry. Mom and Pop businesses are "taxed" heavily to then transfer the fruits of Mom and Pops labor to current criminals who invest that stolen loot into huge "profits" as markets are captured through the employment of slave labor.
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You understand what Jefferson was saying very well but he was preaching "from a dirty pulpit" being an owner of slaves himself.
There were over 4000 black slave owners in the American colonies and the early states. Slavery was an acceptable practice in all the states. In fact, the Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in those states that were not under Union control. It had no effect on the slaves in any of the captured southern or northern states at all. Slavery was big business in New York - even bigger than the cotton trade with England. slavery has Biblical support in the Old Testament - just as it does, and for the same reasons, in the Qur'an. Since it had Biblical support it was hard to change and took many years to eradicate in the US. It is still a measure of wealth in many countries today from parts of the old USSR to Taiwan and some South American countries.
"Slavery was an acceptable practice in all the states."

If that is true then the following cannot be true:

"In 1777, slavery was abolished by constitutional provision in Vermont. Pennsylvania abolished slavery by statute in 1780; Rhode Island and Connecticut followed in 1784."

Just The Beginning Foundation State and Federal Efforts to End Slavery

Trial by Jury according to the common law of free people is also historically against slavery as a rule.

As for religious sentiments there is this:

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Someone expending time and energy enslaving people is someone asking for the same blowing back in return.

If you can support your claims about slavery then please do, but the Topic has to do with specific words written by Thomas Jefferson in the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence and if your words mean anything then please consider explaining what your words actually mean.

"You understand what Jefferson was saying very well but he was preaching "from a dirty pulpit" being an owner of slaves himself."

I do not understand, and that is why I can use some help, figuring out what the following words most likely mean:

"..l.this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die..."

The context of those specific words are vitally important as those words above are part of a larger sentence.

I can guess that the idea is to say that the African (innocent victims) of slavery were aiding (by deceit, or misdirection) the false credit given to the "piratical warfare" as if such crimes could ever be considered lawful, good, right, moral, justified, authorized, productive, beneficial, efficient, nice, happy, or worthy of good credit in any way whatsoever.

Is that close to your own interpretation of the intended meaning of those specific words in that context?
As to the concept of human interaction contained in the intended meaning of the words "from a dirty pulpit," the idea of Jefferson perpetrating immoral acts is suggested.

I'm not so sure, and that is why I prefer to figure out the intended meaning of those words that were struck out of the original rough draft Declaration of Independence.

I've found some evidence inculpating George Washington as a dictatorial, tyrannical, criminal slave owner, trader, and in that example there is a standard of "excellence" from which to then compare someone like Jefferson.

On an auction block stands a human being having just managed to survive a torturous journey on a sailing ship that crossed the Atlantic. The slave may be sold to any number of buyers each having any number of plans by which the slave will be utilized or consumed in time and place.

1. The slave will be whipped, forced to work or whipped again, imprisoned in horrible conditions when not terrorized with the threat of whippings, breed under extremely degrading conditions so as to increase the profitability of the stock, and disposed of the moment the return on investment dropped below the calculated point of diminishing returns.

2. The slave may be offered a decent job with current market pay rates where the slave can eventually earn enough personal assets to then afford independence, which is offered as incentive by the slave owner to the slave.

In between absolute evil and absolute good, which are both demonstrated in fact by the worst of the worst or the best of the best, not merely fictional ideas having no substance, in between evil and good, most people on a bell curve manage to live in time and place.

The words written by Jefferson clearly work against those whose intention is to invest in crimes against humanity. If that is not easy to see, since slavery is a crime against humanity, and since those words were not only struck out of the Declaration of Independence, not only that, Jefferson is credited with words, by his hand, that explain who struck them out, and for what reasons those words were struck out.

"The clause, too, reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa, was struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves, and who, on the contrary, still wished to continue it. Our northern brethren also, I believe, felt a little tender under those censures; for, though their people had very few slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others."

Perhaps a few more personalities involved in this struggle between absolute evil and absolute good, where most people somehow remain somewhat independent in America, might help complete the picture as the intended meanings of these founding words are found.

Richard Henry Lee The Forgotten Founders

In 1757 he was appointed justice of the peace for Westmoreland County. In 1761 he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses, of which he remained a delegate until 1788. Extreme shyness prevented his taking any part in the debates for some time. His first speech was on a motion:

“to lay so heavy a duty on the importation of slaves as effectually to put an end to that iniquitous and disgraceful traffic within the colony of Virginia.”

On this occasion his hatred of slavery overcame his timidity and he made a powerful speech containing the proofs of the principal arguments used in by the northern Abolitionists through the 1860’s. Lee had no profession beyond his public service. Like Samuel Adams, he was a professional politician. In times of need, especially when the real estate market declined after the French Indian War, he could see no other way to provide for his family except through seeking lucrative appointive governmental offices. In 1764, Lee even requested the post of Virginia Stamp Collector in a particularly embarrassing life episode. It was actually Lee’s repeated failure to win Crown appointments that reinforced his and Arthur Lee’s perception that the British regime only distributed offices to buy or reward sycophant colonialists. His perceptions quickly evolved into convictions that the colonial side of “virtue against the forces of corruption” was just cause early in the Anglo-American conflict.

How does that stack up against the claim of wild and free criminal abandon in former colonies (slave plantations) where the former slaves turn their coats and become the new slave masters?

"Slavery was an acceptable practice in all the states."

Repeating rumors as if rumors were true is not a good way to get closer to the truth; but that assumes, of course, a shared goal.
Returning to the words struck out of the Declaration of Independence while a few people assembled into a transforming power of former "tax collectors" who empowered foreign enemies of Liberty (Red Coat British) where "tax collectors" are now forming into an opposing power, in opposition to foreign enemies of Liberty, so as to then be able to afford an effective defense while the enemies of Liberty (Red Coat British) currently are rioting in the blood of the innocent, so as to enforce their version of "tax collectors" here in their "slave plantations" as that is how criminal minds work.

Criminal minds see innocent people as crops to be consumed so as to satisfied the needs and wants of criminals.

The former slave plantations known as colonies were forming into new mutual defense agencies based upon the idea of federation, which is precisely the opposite of the idea of Monarchy, or Slavery, or Despotism, or Tyranny, or Fascism, or Communism, or Corporatism, or Aristocracy, or Organized Crime Under the Color of Law.

So the idea is to find out what specific words written by Jefferson mean, and once meaning is known (competitively understood), then the idea can also include an effort to understand why some of those people in those meetings leading up to July 4th struck out those words, adding to the explanation already offered by Thomas Jefferson.

The few who were claiming to represent Georgia and South Carolina needed and wanted to finance their slave plantations, they wanted to take over where the Red Coat British enemies of Liberty had previously dominated the innocent victims of slavery.

The few who were claiming to represent "northern brethren" (Jefferson's words) needed and wanted to finance their slave trade profits, as they were invested into that "piratical warfare" (again Jefferson's words), while others (such as Jefferson) also claiming to represent people (defenders of liberty against all enemies foreign and domestic) were writing words that zero in precisely onto who are the victims and who are the criminals.

The problem here in these specific words written into the Declaration of Independence is the problem of word choices from someone who is famous for choosing the right words and uncharacteristically these specific words fail to convey accurate meaning in English.

"determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

It might help to edit that long, drawn out, sentence (making it even longer) and during editing the idea is to use parenthesis when it seems appropriate to establish who is who during the conveyance of the meaning in the message.

"determined to keep open a market (free markets suggests that there are people who need and want free markets free FROM something) where MEN should be bought & sold (slaves are not free to trade in free markets so this suggests that free markets must be free FROM people who need or want slaves), he (this suggests something called the cult of personality whereby all power is said to be accountable to one individual who is in command of everyone else) has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce (here are three groups as the "prostitute" selling "sinful" services, next the "John" who buys "sinful" services, and lastly there is the group who are working to defend the innocent slaves from the guilty slave traders): and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die (now there is a thing wanting some-thing, as "assemblage of horrors" is a SET of thoughts and actions that is directly traceable to specific individual people in time and place, however "it" which is "slavery" can be said to be one thing, and this one thing is an "assemblage of horrors" and this one thing "wants" something, which actually means that specific people want something, since a thing, a SET, cannot want something itself), he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us (here is at least 3 groups of people, "he" is Red Coat British criminals enforcing their versions of slavery upon everyone in America, and "those very people" are African slaves who were made slaves by at least two groups including Red Coat British and American slave buyers, sellers, traders, shippers, packaging houses, auctioneers, etc., and then there is the group said to be "us" as if "us" includes once again the group that is decidedly, willfully, openly, and by action in time and place, are abolishing all slavery anywhere, including the Red Coat British version of slavery, and including the African trade, and transport, and auctioning, and slave plantation, and government subsidized financing, slavery), and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them (commerce is suggested here as Red Coat British salesmen sell a counterfeit "freedom" to those who were enslaved by the same Red Coat British salesmen, so this is the classic example of buying your way out of slavery by accepting the deal to be a paid criminal on-the-take), by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people (here now is a suggestion that someone is "paying off" someone, as if the idea is to "pay-your-debt-to-society"?), with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

What is this "by murdering the people upon whom he also abtruded them"?

Is that a key that may unlock this:

"and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die"

It is July 3rd, 2015.

An Uncle Tom, so called, is currently presiding over a fraudulent version of a federation, whereby the fraudulent, counterfeit, version of a federation is in demonstrable fact a foreign corporation held in "trust" by an even greater power of fraud in the form of another "parent" corporation involving a counterfeit money fraud backed up by a fraudulent "tax" collection agency.

You do not know this as you begin to celebrate something worthy of celebrating?

Some 3000 names were entered onto a ledger as the Red Coat British criminals tortured these people to death on "Hospital Ships" during the Revolutionary War. They were offered a deal. Pay, or pay even more. They refused the immoral order to pay.

To be continued...

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