Insurmountable TRUMP VICTORY!


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
I just saw the first not fake CNN interview that I have seen in a long time.

CNN must have been even more butthurt than usual. Rodman shows up for an interview with a MAGA hat. Doubt they have been this pissed since people like Trump freed their slaves.

Is anyone not getting tired?

The media including Shep on Fox are purposely and intentionally disregarding the fact that this is a first of many meetings between our nation and North Korea...they keep saying we don't know what we got yet....dumb asses are embarrassing themselves....

Please FOX!!!! dump Shep!!!!! he ruins my lunch....
Clapper is a freaking did he ever get the position he held?????
Trump gave away the farm for a beat up old convertible with whitewalls and chrome hub caps.
Trump gave away the farm for a beat up old convertible with whitewalls and chrome hub caps
Trump didn't give up anything...war games???? the same games South Korea and every lib in the free world wished we would stop???? nice try....this is the first of many meetings between our people and their people stop acting as if this is the only meeting.....
Our State Dept is already making plans for more meetings....geez if you libs think this is a smart try and undermine talks between our two nations you will lose big time....
Trump gave away the farm for a beat up old convertible with whitewalls and chrome hub caps
Trump didn't give up anything...war games???? the same games South Korea and every lib in the free world wished we would stop???? nice try....this is the first of many meetings between our people and their people stop acting as if this is the only meeting.....
Our State Dept is already making plans for more meetings....geez if you libs think this is a smart try and undermine talks between our two nations you will lose big time....
Maybe congressional Democrats should get together and write a letter saying the U.S. can’t be trusted and will back out of the deal as soon as possible.
The sniveling Left are taking their pot shots at President Trump's historic meeting with the leader of North Korea. This is the first giant step on a new path. The Left and their Media is trying their best to frame it as a dangerous failure for political reasons. I watched a couple of douche bag ambassadors that CNBC trotted out today. "Oh he pulled out of TPP and now he's pulling out of the Korean peninsula!" A couple months ago these dickheads were attacking Trump for provoking nuclear war. Screw CNBC they are supposed to be a financial news network and bring out these swamp rats.
Donald Neville Chamberlain got a piece of paper to wave in front of the cameras and proclaim Peace In Our Time. And cons are like gullible Englishmen in 1938.
Donald Neville Chamberlain got a piece of paper to wave in front of the cameras and proclaim Peace In Our Time. And cons are like gullible Englishmen in 1938
Neville is no Trump....The times are very different today...Kim wants something more for his nation...he can see the dead end he is on...he wants what other nations have and can see that NK's nuclear desires are a roadblock to that goal...Kim is different from his father and grandfather...he wants in on the technical revolution he wants an NBA style league and American businesses to come to his nation....he is also tired of being China's and Russia's second thought.....
He can see where his bread will get the most butter...and that is from America...
Have a nice day Mr Barry....buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Over your head I see
No not over my head...I want to see the dems do it...this is a new everything....what was done in the past was done in the past...if you want to keep losing stay in the past.....

America is happy for the news from the Trump/Kim meeting and there is nothing you or the Dems can do to change will only screw yourselves with that stunt....
Over your head I see
No not over my head...I want to see the dems do it...this is a new everything....what was done in the past was done in the past...if you want to keep losing stay in the past.....

America is happy for the news from the Trump/Kim meeting and there is nothing you or the Dems can do to change will only screw yourselves with that stunt....
Democrats are against sabotaging the nation. They won’t do what your GOP did a few years ago.
Democrats are against sabotaging the nation. They won’t do what your GOP did a few years ago.
Yeah right LMAO you dems voted for the biggest American saboteur in the nations history...The Kenyan Iranian mole... Obama!!!!!
you libs will never live that will scar your party for generations....
Democrats are against sabotaging the nation. They won’t do what your GOP did a few years ago.
Yeah right LMAO you dems voted for the biggest American saboteur in the nations history...The Kenyan Iranian mole... Obama!!!!!
you libs will never live that will scar your party for generations....
Obama remains very popular. Enjoy your conspiracy theories about him while you can, as people will soon forget :itsok:
Obama remains very popular. Enjoy your conspiracy theories about him while you can, as people will soon forget
If he were we would see polls showing one respects Obama anymore....he was and is the worst president we ever had....

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