INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Evidence Weeks Before Election


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The fix was in! Now they're busted.


INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election
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Which mod moved my factual thread without consulting me first? PM me if you did. We need to have a heart to heart chat man to man. This is Steve McGarrett, Alpha Male American Patriot!
You really need proof? Still? if that is the case why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you? No amount of proof will sway your opinion of Obama....
We all know illegal activity on the left gets a pass by leftest dupes like you...
You really need proof? Still? if that is the case why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you? No amount of proof will sway your opinion of Obama....
We all know illegal activity on the left gets a pass by leftest dupes like you...

Oh, yes. I don't accept the inane conspiracy ramblings of Steve without some evidence.

Can I take it from your spectacular failure to back up the claims of the OP in anyway....that you have nothing by way of evidence either?
Oh, yes. I don't accept the inane conspiracy ramblings of Steve without some evidence.

Can I take it from your spectacular failure to back up the claims of the OP in anyway....that you have nothing by way of evidence either?
The reason why I'm successful in business is I can foresee a waste of time...
Oh, yes. I don't accept the inane conspiracy ramblings of Steve without some evidence.

Can I take it from your spectacular failure to back up the claims of the OP in anyway....that you have nothing by way of evidence either?
The reason why I'm successful in business is I can foresee a waste of time...

Laughing......I accept your concession that you can't back up any of Steve's conspiracy horseshit.
Laughing......I accept your concession that you can't back up any of Steve's conspiracy horseshit
Steve seems to be right and you always seem to be wrong...history dude! check the scoreboard from time to time so you don't sound so out of it...
Laughing......I accept your concession that you can't back up any of Steve's conspiracy horseshit
Steve seems to be right and you always seem to be wrong...history dude! check the scoreboard from time to time so you don't sound so out of it...

And yet when pressed for evidence to back that always come up short.

So much for 'seems'. You fail because you don't demand evidence. You simply accept what you want to believe without thought or question.

I question. I demand. And that's what makes us different.
And yet when pressed for evidence to back that always come up short.

So much for 'seems'. You fail because you don't demand evidence. You simply accept what you want to believe without thought or question.

I question. I demand. And that's what makes us different.
Just because I don't want to aid in your education does not mean I've come up short....shorthorn...
And yet when pressed for evidence to back that always come up short.

So much for 'seems'. You fail because you don't demand evidence. You simply accept what you want to believe without thought or question.

I question. I demand. And that's what makes us different.
Just because I don't want to aid in your education does not mean I've come up short....shorthorn...

Laughing.....dude, you've got nothing. Its so painfully obvious with each awkward dodge, each rout from this cartoon simple demand:

Prove it. Prove that McCabe and Strzok concealed damaging Hillary evidence weeks before the election.

You can't. You're done. The only thing that changes what excuse you'll give for why you failed.
Laughing.....dude, you've got nothing. Its so painfully obvious with each awkward dodge, each rout from this cartoon simple demand:
Really? the man I voted for is in the White House and the party I vote for is in charge of the house and the senate...when that reverses you let me know....
Laughing.....dude, you've got nothing. Its so painfully obvious with each awkward dodge, each rout from this cartoon simple demand:
Really? the man I voted for is in the White House and the party I vote for is in charge of the house and the senate...when that reverses you let me know.... your excuse now for why you can't back Steve's conspiracy that you voted for Trump?

That's truer than you know. As you've abdicated your capacity for a game show host. You're merely apeing whatever he tells you to think. And you never ask why, do you?

That might explain why you can't possibly back the claim that McCabe and Strzok concealed evidence against Hillary before the election. your excuse now for why you can't back Steve's conspiracy that you voted for Trump?
Look dummy the fact that the FBI at it's highest level covered for Hillary is a no brainer but if you insist on being made to look silly I'll provide the evidence you are seeking...

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election

FBI's McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election your excuse now for why you can't back Steve's conspiracy that you voted for Trump?
Look dummy the fact that the FBI at it's highest level covered for Hillary is a no brainier but if you insist on being made to look silly I'll provide the evidence you are seeking...

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election

FBI's McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election

Oh, there are the accusations. But what is the evidence backing those accusations?

You merely say its a 'no brainer'. But when pressed to show us us the *actual evidence* backing the're nothing but excuses why you can't. don't think, you don't ask questions, you don't demand evidence. I do. your excuse now for why you can't back Steve's conspiracy that you voted for Trump?
Look dummy the fact that the FBI at it's highest level covered for Hillary is a no brainer but if you insist on being made to look silly I'll provide the evidence you are seeking...

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election

FBI's McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence

INSURANCE POLICY: FBI’s McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election


1. … an investigation into the FBI’s procedures that allowed Hillary Clinton to receive special treatment,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said at a press conference Wednesday. “We’ll also investigate the unprecedented bias against President [Donald] Trump that exists when we allow people who hate the president to participate in the investigations against him.” GOP Lawmakers Press for Investigation of FBI's 'Special Treatment' of Hillary Clinton Probe

2. "At least nine of the lawyers on special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team of 16 attorneys donated to Democrats, with most giving money to either the campaigns of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

None of the 16 lawyers on his team is listed as donating money to President Donald Trump’s campaign or to the presidential campaigns of any past Republicans, …."
Robert Mueller Team: Nine Donated to Hillary or Democrats

3. "…senior members of the Justice Department during the Obama administration, released emails Tuesday showing officials praised then-acting attorney general Sally Yates when she ordered staff not to defend Trump’s first travel ban in court.

One of those emails came from Andrew Weissmann, now a senior adviser to Mueller’s ongoing probe …"
Conservative group says Mueller team lawyer’s email shows bias

4. Sooo.....Flynn is guilty of lying to the FBI?
Who is allowed to lie to the FBI?

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

5. "Jeannie Rhee, another lawyer hand-picked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to serve on Russia probe, is coming under scrutiny for her pro-Hillary Clinton bias,after two others were forced to leave the team for the same reason….
“What Mueller did was hire a pedigree team of obvious partisans,” Ingraham said. “They should all step aside … including Bob Mueller.”

Rhee also represented the Clinton Foundation against a racketeering lawsuit brought by a conservative legal activist in June 2015, and donated a total $5,400 to Clinton’s political action committee in 2015 and 2016. She also represented Clinton herself, in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails, according to CNN."

6. "A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised outgoing acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”

He continued, “And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respects.”

“How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?” Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

Hardly ironic, as the Democrats Party stands for the very same aims and desires that Stalin's regime stood for....
...and now we see them using the very same methods.

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