“insult to force illegal aliens to self deport”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Coming from Chris Matthews mouth. Referring to Romney. “Its an insult to force Illegal Aliens to self deport.” Give me a **** break. It’s an insult to enforce our immigration laws by deporting those who entered the country illegal with their children? These people who advocate amnesty for illegal aliens don’t live with them. Their children don’t compete for education and jobs with them. Their jobs are not threaten and wages now lowered because of cheap illegal workforce. They sit in their safe neighborhoods, in the safe homes and send their children to safe neighborhood and private schools that are not crowded with children of Illegal Aliens that have to be taught English before their ABCs. Their neighborhoods are not gang and drugs infested and graffiti do not cover their neighborhoods and their schools are not vandalized. Most of them have never seen an illegal alien. They never have to wait hours in ER because they are used as primary free health care by Illegal Aliens and their children. Never have to wait for a room until someone is released. And gangs with knife and gun injuries take priority and you continue to wait.
Do you think for one minute that Obama give a damn about the innocent little children who were brought here by no fault of their own? He cares about Hispanic votes and nothing more. And the only reason he is getting my vote is because he is the lesser of the two evils.
Don’t tell me its an insult to want Illegal Aliens and their children deported. And don’t give a damn how its done, just do it.

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