Inner cities have 50% real unemployment - yet Obama will


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
get 80% of the votes in those areas -

Trump asked on Gretas show -will somebody explain that to me???
Trump is a shithead, do you really need an explanation why?
[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
Unemployment is terrible across the US. When the Chamber of Commerce and China and the Chamber Funded Republican Party, all working together, moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, those jobs left. They are gone. Those factories are closed.

Worse, Republicans feel education is for snobs. They cheered when Rick Santorum said there are no smart people in the Republican Party. Republicans don't believe in science. Thank God their ignorance has only affected the Red States. The problem is when they control state governments and the federal government, they gut the very things that will help us compete. Education and infrastructure investment.
I don't think Abe Lincoln could have bucked those headwinds......................
Unemployment is terrible across the US. When the Chamber of Commerce and China and the Chamber Funded Republican Party, all working together, moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, those jobs left. They are gone. Those factories are closed.

Worse, Republicans feel education is for snobs. They cheered when Rick Santorum said there are no smart people in the Republican Party. Republicans don't believe in science. Thank God their ignorance has only affected the Red States. The problem is when they control state governments and the federal government, they gut the very things that will help us compete. Education and infrastructure investment.

The question was, with 50% unemployment in the inner cities, why would they vote for Maobama, care to address the question in the thread?
Trump is a shithead, do you really need an explanation why?

why do u and other libs feel the need to put down other people mostly successive people?

Autocorrect is a bitch isn't it? Trump has never shown anything that even resembles political acumen yet republicans love him, explain that shit. Why do you pubs worship the wealthy even if they are idiots?
Trump is a shithead, do you really need an explanation why?

why do u and other libs feel the need to put down other people mostly successive people?

Autocorrect is a bitch isn't it? Trump has never shown anything that even resembles political acumen yet republicans love him, explain that shit. Why do you pubs worship the wealthy even if they are idiots?

i think u believe all u ssee and CHOOSE to not think for youself. but thats okay. i dont think people loved Trump as much as you think, even tho u did deflect from answering, im okay with that, because i want everyone to see you as you are.

Trump can raise a crowd, that doesnt mean all there love him, just means people love a crowd and most do. people also love traffic when theyd rather do 45 in a 55. but that doesnt answer my first question and yes not all loved trump, now the people that do love him are the ones he makes money for, and people love money. The dems should know this since dems love giving away stuff thats worth money.
If a Deep Thinker like Trump can't figure out why Obama is up in the race - then nobody can..............................................
Blacks know where the racists are, and the elitist policies that have put the inner cities where they are. Crummy jobs, infrastructure, public transportation, shopping, education and training oppotunity, the DEPRESSION- see sig pp1.
Unemployment is terrible across the US. When the Chamber of Commerce and China and the Chamber Funded Republican Party, all working together, moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, those jobs left. They are gone. Those factories are closed.

Worse, Republicans feel education is for snobs. They cheered when Rick Santorum said there are no smart people in the Republican Party. Republicans don't believe in science. Thank God their ignorance has only affected the Red States. The problem is when they control state governments and the federal government, they gut the very things that will help us compete. Education and infrastructure investment.

Wow, what a steaming turd.
What do Republicans do, or propose to do, at the federal level, that would lower unemployment rates in the inner cities?

try to work wiht the govenors and mayors to help the small businesses hire more and try to get locaks working and find ways of businesses staying put instead of moving around to whereever they think the money is. maybe they can look into programs that allow small businesses to invest in their towns and education and help all to grow.
What do Republicans do, or propose to do, at the federal level, that would lower unemployment rates in the inner cities?

try to work wiht the govenors and mayors to help the small businesses hire more and try to get locaks working and find ways of businesses staying put instead of moving around to whereever they think the money is. maybe they can look into programs that allow small businesses to invest in their towns and education and help all to grow.

Their track record has been the opposite of that. Much more they have been reluctant to invest a dime in cities and their political murder of the ACORN organization was proof positive of how willing they were to screw the advocacy groups devoted to actually doing something positive.
What do Republicans do, or propose to do, at the federal level, that would lower unemployment rates in the inner cities?

try to work wiht the govenors and mayors to help the small businesses hire more and try to get locaks working and find ways of businesses staying put instead of moving around to whereever they think the money is. maybe they can look into programs that allow small businesses to invest in their towns and education and help all to grow.

Their track record has been the opposite of that. Much more they have been reluctant to invest a dime in cities and their political murder of the ACORN organization was proof positive of how willing they were to screw the advocacy groups devoted to actually doing something positive.

by making everyone vote dem? no that group needed to go.

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