Initial jobless claims at the lowest level since 2008


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Fewer Americans filed for their first week of unemployment benefits last week. So few in fact, that initial jobless claims were at their lowest level since May 2008.

About 366,000 people filed initial jobless claims in the week ended Dec. 10, the Labor Department said Thursday. That was a decrease of 19,000 from the prior week, and far better than the bigger influx of claims that economists were expecting.

Less filing unemployment benefits causes jobless claims drop - Dec. 15, 2011
With the current formula, 100 million can be unemployed, out of unemployment benefits and the govt can paint a rosy picture of 5 percent unemployment.

I'm not impressed and neither are the 10's of millions that are currently unemployed.
Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.
With the current formula, 100 million can be unemployed, out of unemployment benefits and the govt can paint a rosy picture of 5 percent unemployment.

I'm not impressed and neither are the 10's of millions that are currently unemployed.
Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.

This isn't partisan. High unemployment is bad for the country.
Your right wing is going to lose this one.

The American people see your desire for a political outcome wanting to crush our fiscal health
Yeah, great news.... people are throwing in the towel, gubmint now doesn't count them as unemployed, even though they are, and we rejoice at 15% real unemployment.

Call me when Obama chooses "Four more years" as his slogan.

Sound kinda like all those saved or created jobs they were trying to take credit for.
"Initial" jobless claims. Now they are playing word games hoping that nobody notices the real unemployment figures which are around 15%. Go ahead and pat Barry on the back because not many people are laid off in December. Wait until Feb.
lie all you want about the statistics.

Your not going to win this election by being NOTHING but negative and dooms saying
Gee, December sees employers picking up part time and temporary help and unemployment claims go down. Go figure.
With the current formula, 100 million can be unemployed, out of unemployment benefits and the govt can paint a rosy picture of 5 percent unemployment.

I'm not impressed and neither are the 10's of millions that are currently unemployed.
Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.

I dont see it that way.

Obama and the left insisted that another stimulus was required to bring the economy around....and the extended tax cuts on the job creators was a waste of money.

Congress made it clear another stimulus wont happen....and is not necessary,....and to simply let the extended tax cuts work.

So now...any uptick in the economy is confirming that the GOP was correct and that Obama was going to spend another half a trillion dollars for no reason.

So you are worng....we WANT to see an uptick...
With the current formula, 100 million can be unemployed, out of unemployment benefits and the govt can paint a rosy picture of 5 percent unemployment.

I'm not impressed and neither are the 10's of millions that are currently unemployed.
Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.

I dont see it that way.

Obama and the left insisted that another stimulus was required to bring the economy around....and the extended tax cuts on the job creators was a waste of money.

Congress made it clear another stimulus wont happen....and is not necessary,....and to simply let the extended tax cuts work.

So now...any uptick in the economy is confirming that the GOP was correct and that Obama was going to spend another half a trillion dollars for no reason.

So you are worng....we WANT to see an uptick...

The last thing the GOP wants to see is any improvement in the economy. They have done everything they could to slow or stall any recovery, especially now that the economy is improving despite all GOP attempts to stop it. The GOP are against any stimulus because they know it would speed up the improvement in the economy from the last stimulus. Failing all attempts to sabotage the recovery, CON$ will then try to take credit for the recovery they all voted against.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

December 6, 2011
RUSH: I feel sorry for all the people who are going to be out of work.
Millions in high school, and in college frats and dorms, know that there should be Mini on, if only prior to a surge(?)!

European Central governments have taken the first stabilizing steps. Like it or not, the euro is doing what Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy: Cannot do for themselves. The Euro is doing a de-valuation. Exports are that more likely to happen from the Euro-zone, which will still buy cheap from China.

Post-Lubrication USA, post-disaster stimulations: Is now excited(?)! The surges are everywhere! The private sector is steadily adding jobs, despite the GOP-induced drag on the economy of less and less state and local employment. The Employment Situation improvement is widespread--except as just noted.

China will likely be able to do some lubrication of its own. Their housing bubble burst, and price inflation is lower than at the beginning of the year. China may fear the proletariat, but the new bourgeoisie are already at war among themselves over housing prices--suddenly lower than when they bought, a month ago.

Finally: The Republicans are fairly genuinely disgusted with their Presidential Contenders.

Senator John McCain would have called 366,000 new jobless claims: Evidence of a "Strong Economy," in the event he didn't, in May 2008. Sarah Palin would have run to the porch, in contrast, hoping to catch a glimpse of a shirtless Vladimir Putin, riding horseback on the beach.

Actually: Anyone knows it could all be a whole lot worse(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Vomiting Seagulls, even, on Venice Beach: Picnic Basket ready for whatever comes next! Venice-Beach-Vagrant-And-Generally-Disheveled are having the sandwiches and brie delivered, however, from the catering service instead! RNC can appreciate that sort of concept of sharing(?)! Presumably these are people Newt-Romney(?) helped lay-off!)
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Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.

I dont see it that way.

Obama and the left insisted that another stimulus was required to bring the economy around....and the extended tax cuts on the job creators was a waste of money.

Congress made it clear another stimulus wont happen....and is not necessary,....and to simply let the extended tax cuts work.

So now...any uptick in the economy is confirming that the GOP was correct and that Obama was going to spend another half a trillion dollars for no reason.

So you are worng....we WANT to see an uptick...

The last thing the GOP wants to see is any improvement in the economy. They have done everything they could to slow or stall any recovery, especially now that the economy is improving despite all GOP attempts to stop it. The GOP are against any stimulus because they know it would speed up the improvement in the economy from the last stimulus. Failing all attempts to sabotage the recovery, CON$ will then try to take credit for the recovery they all voted against.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

December 6, 2011
RUSH: I feel sorry for all the people who are going to be out of work.

Jarhead's comment was such bullshit, I would wager that he could smell it.
Good news for the country is bad news for CON$, so they just deny it.

I dont see it that way.

Obama and the left insisted that another stimulus was required to bring the economy around....and the extended tax cuts on the job creators was a waste of money.

Congress made it clear another stimulus wont happen....and is not necessary,....and to simply let the extended tax cuts work.

So now...any uptick in the economy is confirming that the GOP was correct and that Obama was going to spend another half a trillion dollars for no reason.

So you are worng....we WANT to see an uptick...

The last thing the GOP wants to see is any improvement in the economy. They have done everything they could to slow or stall any recovery, especially now that the economy is improving despite all GOP attempts to stop it. The GOP are against any stimulus because they know it would speed up the improvement in the economy from the last stimulus. Failing all attempts to sabotage the recovery, CON$ will then try to take credit for the recovery they all voted against.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

December 6, 2011
RUSH: I feel sorry for all the people who are going to be out of work.

LMAO since when does Rush speak for all conservatives??

As for getting the credit JH is right.

A second stimulus would have done just about as much as the first one did. Waste our tax dollars. In this case the GOP was right to stick to its guns. The economy is improving but its taking its time.

It would improve a hell of a lot faster if Govt would get the hell out of the way.
Yeah, great news.... people are throwing in the towel, gubmint now doesn't count them as unemployed, even though they are, and we rejoice at 15% real unemployment.

Call me when Obama chooses "Four more years" as his slogan.


Just another day in Paradise... AKA Obamaland :mad:
That's a good thing but at the same time the real unemployment rate is 11.4 percent. Not good.
I dont see it that way.

Obama and the left insisted that another stimulus was required to bring the economy around....and the extended tax cuts on the job creators was a waste of money.

Congress made it clear another stimulus wont happen....and is not necessary,....and to simply let the extended tax cuts work.

So now...any uptick in the economy is confirming that the GOP was correct and that Obama was going to spend another half a trillion dollars for no reason.

So you are worng....we WANT to see an uptick...

The last thing the GOP wants to see is any improvement in the economy. They have done everything they could to slow or stall any recovery, especially now that the economy is improving despite all GOP attempts to stop it. The GOP are against any stimulus because they know it would speed up the improvement in the economy from the last stimulus. Failing all attempts to sabotage the recovery, CON$ will then try to take credit for the recovery they all voted against.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

December 6, 2011
RUSH: I feel sorry for all the people who are going to be out of work.

LMAO since when does Rush speak for all conservatives??

As for getting the credit JH is right.

A second stimulus would have done just about as much as the first one did. Waste our tax dollars. In this case the GOP was right to stick to its guns. The economy is improving but its taking its time.

It would improve a hell of a lot faster if Govt would get the hell out of the way.
Well, at least you admit the Obama economy is improving. However the CON$ just said that the GOP blocked the government getting in the way with a further stimulus, so the the economy should have improved much faster by your own "logic."
That's a good thing but at the same time the real unemployment rate is 11.4 percent. Not good.
The real UE rate is 8.6%. CON$ can't accept that so they say the real UE rate is the rate if no boomers ever retire and leave the work force.

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