Information about the extraterrestrials who colonize us

They are not octopoid. They are Cthulu!


Our planet has been invaded by an octopoid race. Their name is unknown. The giant squids observed in our oceans are actually extraterrestrials.

They arrived here approximatively 10000 years ago. The motive of this race is to terraform this planet. The gradual change of climate towards a warmer, and wetter world, was caused by them.

This image was taken as the octopoid extraterrestrials were engaged.

They seem to have used dimensions to enter our world. Dimensions are also used to make people disappear.
They use anti-electromagnetic (or positronic) frequencies to influence our behavior. Concepts like mind-control, scare-mongering, bluff, and provoking agents were used by them from the beginning.

Incorporation is their fundamental tactic. With this they can, almost unnoticeably, influence our thoughts.

Events in locations such as the Bermuda triangle are related to the octopoids preventing their exposure.

They discredited their presence with propaganda and ridicule, such as in Pac Man, Barbapapa, Galaxy Quest, Half Life 2.

WTF? I think that the human race is involved in a battle between good and evil, between God and Satan, humans are being used by Satan....Maybe Satan's demons are the aliens? :lol:
It seems that the octopodal race is one of the civilizations who were manipulated into this behavior by a tertiary race, namely the Zeta Reticulians.
We Cat people are the ones to worry about.
We know everything you do, but we are a patient race.
You humans do not serve the Lizardoid and octopoids like you do us.
You even get more upset when the Chinese poision our food than when they poision medicine for humans. Good humans, you are being trained well.

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