India Trip: $200 Million A Day


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
10 days. We can afford this?

$200 Million Per Day to be Spent by US on President Barack Obama's Visit to India | India Mag

$200 Million Per Day to be Spent by US on President Barack Obama’s Visit to India

Posted by khusboo on November 3, 2010

Mumbai: According to sources, the US President Barack Obama’s trip to India would cost $200 million (Rs 900 crore approx) per day to the US Government. “The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit,” a top official of the Maharashtra government close to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

The amount would be spent on Obama’s security and extreme measures are being taken to ensure the safety of President Obama. For the security purpose, all the 570-room of Taj Mahal Hotel has been completely booked, where terrorists killed at least 173 people two years ago.

On the first day of his India visit, President is expected to spend it visiting the Taj Mahal Hotel and meeting survivors of the attacks. About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President...
I really am surprised so few are outraged over this awful excess. $200 Million a Day?? Is this really appropriate? Just seems so excessive to me.
thats around what it costs for any president to go anywhere outside the u.s. he's the most guarded man in the world. entire cities shut down.
thats around what it costs for any president to go anywhere outside the u.s. he's the most guarded man in the world. entire cities shut down.

Maybe he should just stay home then. With Poverty numbers at their highest in the 50yrs. of Poverty record-keeping,this just seems to be an unnecessary excess. Just how i feel anyway.
Total non-issue.

Our Presidet HAS to visit and meet with World's part of his job description.

But its fun to watch you reprehensible NUTJOBS froth at the mouth over nonsense though.



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