Independent Benghazi Report Out


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
An independent panel charged with investigating the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans has concluded that systematic management and leadership failures at the State Department led to "grossly" inadequate security at the mission in Benghazi.

"Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," the panel said.

Benghazi review finds systematic security faults
Even as an independent review, it stops short of recommending discipline. People died here!

Also, the blame stopped on that side of the ocean. A bit too convenient.
" In the immediate aftermath, administration officials linked the attack to the spreading protests over an American-made, anti-Islamic film that had begun in Cairo earlier that day. "

Who? Based on what? Why did Obama and his surrogates continue for weeks to push the demonstration over a video story, when they had to know it wasn't true? And why didn't the media press for answers about this?

It's very hard not to conclude that political motivations were behind the words and actions coming from the Obama admin in the weeks that followed the attack. It's very hard not to conclude that the truth was hidden from us until after the election was over. And it's hard to understand why most Americans are not pissed about being deceived.
Let's honor the dead by sweeping the whole thing under the rug.
So anyways, to move forward we need a plan. What kind of security would you like at our embassies? We need cost, manpower and equipment totals. No more blame game. How about ideas to get better.
So anyways, to move forward we need a plan. What kind of security would you like at our embassies? We need cost, manpower and equipment totals. No more blame game. How about ideas to get better.

A plan huh?

Step 1.

Give help when requested repeatedly.

Step 2.

Never elect dems to positions of authority.

Problem solved
So no order to "stand down" was given.

And Obama was not watching from a drone.

And the attack on the consulate did not last for hours.

The piss drinkers will now erase their memories about how they were foaming at the mouth over this manufactured bullshit.

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Let's honor the dead by sweeping the whole thing under the rug.

Even better, let's honor the dead by making shit up about Obama watching them die and stand down orders and how they spent their last moments on Earth in a bazillion bullshit topics for weeks on end!

Where's Obama's outrage over his adminstration's lack of response to requests for additional help leading up to the attack? Why were assets not at least put on alert?
Where's Obama's outrage over his adminstration's lack of response to requests for additional help leading up to the attack? Why were assets not at least put on alert?

I might have believed his critics actually gave a shit about these questions if they hadn't exposed their true motives when they manufactured all the bullshit I pointed out above.

They don't care about what happened in Behngazi or the dead. Not one bit. Their invented lies betray them as the retarded piss drinkers they are.

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Obama said he would take responsibility for the outcome. Well, we know better what that was and fault was determined. Where's his response?

You have no idea what the motivation or feeling of others truly are, so that is just partisanship on your part.
So no order to "stand down" was given.

And Obama was not watching from a drone.

And the attack on the consulate did not last for hours.

The piss drinkers will now erase their memories about how they were foaming at the mouth over this manufactured bullshit.


The attack did not last for hours? Funny, I don't recall reading that in the report, want to explain how you jumped to that conclusion?
Where's Obama's outrage over his adminstration's lack of response to requests for additional help leading up to the attack? Why were assets not at least put on alert?

I might have believed his critics actually gave a shit about these questions if they hadn't exposed their true motives when they manufactured all the bullshit I pointed out above.

They don't care about what happened in Behngazi or the dead. Not one bit. Their invented lies betray them as the retarded piss drinkers they are.


The report about the order to stand down was wrong. That doesn't change the fact that you refused to even admit that, if it was true, someone should be held accountable. As for the length of the attack, if definitely lasted longer than 15 minutes. That can clearly be seen if you read the report where it described how the rescuers abandoned the search for the Ambassador because the compound was under fire and on fire. They even had to run at least one roadblock to get out.

Could the military have responded faster? The report says no, but offers no evidence of that assertion. Would it have made a difference? Again, the report says no, but offers no evidence. Personally, I think they could have got there faster than 12 hours later. It is nice of the committee to describe sitting on a tarmac in Tripoli as a heroic effort, but I don't see it that way.

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