Independence Day 2


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
The director of Independence Day, Roland Emmerich, said that Will Smith is "too expensive and too much of a marquee name" to come back for the sequel. Now I think that Will's head has gotten way too big and he's put out some garbage as of late...

But he's Captain Steven Fucking Hillard! Who piloted an alien fighter into the mothership, took out their shields, and then blew that mother up! How can he NOT be in it???

I'd pay $100 a ticket to see ID4:2! $200 for 3D iMax! But if Will Smith's not in it... then I know that the director, producers, and writers aren't really in it either.

So if any of you crazy forum people care and have any influence on this topic with anyone out there in hollywood go make it happen!
I liked the movie, love Will Smith. But yes...his head has grown a notch or two. Still..I would like to see it when and if it is ever made.
Hirsh is not my fav actor, nor is Quaid the Stay At Swanky Motels Then Run Out Without Paying. But Goldblum and Smith need to be in part two.

Actually, I want to see Smith and Jones back in another Men In Black.
I wonder if Jeff Goldblum will be in it too?

Oh geez don't remind me. Goldblum/Hirsch/Quaid... three train wrecks converging on celluloid. :D

But hey it's just my opinion.

Victory dance


Jeff Goldblum gave the world a fighting chance Mr. H. And as for Randy Quaid?

Legen--- wait for it...


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