Incrementalism Is Still Working


Sep 23, 2010
The Supreme Court’s homosexual marriage ruling can be clearly attributed to incrementalism. That ruling was not the beginning, nor is it the end. Five lawyers codifying homosexual morals is where the strategy of incrementalism is at today. Homosexuals achieved their first incremental steps when:

. . . Utah became the first state to enact a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage following a ruling by the state’s highest court in 2003.

June 26, 2015
Same-Sex Marriage, State by State

Same-Sex Marriage State by State Pew Research Center

The High Court’s ruling is but another incremental step.

Indeed, the phrase “settled law” evolved from incrementalism. Settled law means that Socialist/Communist law can never repealed or diminished in any way.

NOTE: Incrementalism itself was born as the best way to implement Communism’s goal of totalitarian government. In the late 19th century Communists preached violent revolution. Violent revolution led to the Russian Revolutions, Mao’s long march, Castro, and so on. Socialists preached an incremental approach to totalitarian government. That was, and remains, the only difference between Socialists and Communists. In Short: Socialists are incremental Communists.

Here are a few examples of how incrementalism worked so well:

1. Women should not be forced into back ally abortions. That led to Roe v. Wade. The next step was butchering live infants in the womb à la Kermit Gosnell et al. The next step is already underway: Kill imperfect children.

2. Today’s 30,000,000 illegal aliens began with:

Sen. Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration. . .


. . . the United States abandoned any attempt to transmit American values to its own citizens, never mind immigrants, the 1965 immigration act began dumping the poorest of the poor from around the world on our country.

June 17, 2015
Ann Coulter


4. Eminent Domain became an incremental step in Kelo v. New London:

The court’s 5-4 holding in Kelo v. City of New London gave local officials a green light to seize and demolish private homes through eminent domain, then turn the land over to developers itching to build something more lucrative. In Fort Trumbull, those private homeowners included people such as Susette Kelo, a local nurse who bought her little Victorian cottage on the Thames River because she loved its waterfront view; Wilhelmina Dery, who was born in her house on Walbach Street in 1918 and had been living there all her life; and Pasquale and Margherita Cristofaro, whose home on Goshen Street was the second New London property they lost to eminent domain, the first having been taken 30 years earlier because the city intended to construct a seawall. (The seawall was never built.)

Eminent disaster
Homeowners in Connecticut town were dispossessed for nothing
By Jeff Jacoby Globe Columnist March 12, 2014

The devastation caused by eminent-domain abuse - Opinion - The Boston Globe

5. The Clean Air Act was the first incremental step on the road to the EPA confiscating private property. Noble’s article should have been titled —— EPA’s Most Significant Private Property Grab in US History is Eminent Domain on steroids

EPA’s Most Significant Private Property Grab in US History is Imminent
by S. Noble • June 7, 2014

EPA s Most Significant Private Property Grab in US History is Imminent

6. Forced labor in violation of the 8th and 13th Amendments, not to mention a flagrant violation of the First Amendment, is an incremental step that will not end here:




7. Legislating fast track authority for the president is a giant incremental step on the road to bypassing treaty ratification required by the Constitution. When the TPP comes home to roost, it will be too late to complain about how it began?

8. The Affordable Care Act began with coerced charity. The ACA is now supposedly settled law much like Roe v. Wade.

Parenthetically, most Americans hold lawyers in contempt. Most Americans opposed, and still oppose the ACA. Most Americans opposed, and still oppose Roe v. Wade. Five lawyers settled the ACA. Seven lawyers settled Roe v. Wade. Yet those lawyers are somehow respected and praised for their decisions because they sit on the Supreme Court.

In the same vein, most Americans hold the crooks, liars, and perverts in government in contempt, yet a president who rises to top of the political cesspool is the one man who is hailed as honest, trustworthy, a loyal American, and the guy who represents every American. After living through Bill Clinton and the sewer rat, I will never understand how praising the office of president works if I live to be a thousand. Praise the man when he earns it, but never praise the office.

As far back as the early 19th century print press was instrumental in separating every issue from Socialism itself. Socialism’s 19th century incremental strategy remains successful because every issue is reported as though they are unconnected to an ideology. The Chicago sewer rat was called a Socialist, the ACA was called socialized medicine, but nobody in the press mentioned incrementalism, or that the ACA was an integral component of an all-encompassing form of government that drives every issue.

Television controlled by broadcast licenses issued by the government is far worse than print journalism ever was.

New members of Congress with a conservative bent may understand the evils of Democrat party incrementalism when they arrive, but it does not take them long to put in with a deeply entrenched way of doing business. I am guessing that their first capitulation is justified by telling themselves “Voting for this one law will not do any harm.” The first always does the most harm. That is why the first incremental step must be stopped because each step after the first step becomes more difficult to stop.

Finally, Taqiyya the Liar benefitted immensely from incrementalism. The sewer rat is a Communist, a religious fanatic who despises the Constitution, a vicious black racist, and a homosexual. That man is afflicted with every moral disease known to man. Believe the videos or not, but do not call the reported facts a conspiracy theory:

incrementalism...I agree...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.
The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

To Bfgrn: You are either engaging in doublespeak, or you are deliberately mixing grapes and watermelons.

The history of mankind’s struggle for freedom and individual Rights meant freedom from cruel, oppressive, governments, and equally cruel, oppressive, organized religions. If you disagree with me, you tell me exactly who, or what, mankind was struggling against.

When Colonial Americans codified limited government they moved mankind light years away from oppressive government. Socialism’s incrementalism reverses hard-won freedoms and individual Rights by forcing Americans back into government oppression. Being forced to put parasites ahead of one’s self and loved ones is not freedom by any definition. And it sure as hell is not opportunity unless you believe that opportunity is forcing a free people to work for things they do not believe in.

On top of it all, the New World Order crowd is working to bury freedom under another layer of government —— a global government. It does not take much insight to understand the personalities of Americans who always beg for more government.

Bottom line: Every generation produces a bumper crop of fools who believe that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Socialists are only too happy to take fools where they want to go —— incrementally.
The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

To Bfgrn: You are either engaging in doublespeak, or you are deliberately mixing grapes and watermelons.

The history of mankind’s struggle for freedom and individual Rights meant freedom from cruel, oppressive, governments, and equally cruel, oppressive, organized religions. If you disagree with me, you tell me exactly who, or what, mankind was struggling against.

When Colonial Americans codified limited government they moved mankind light years away from oppressive government. Socialism’s incrementalism reverses hard-won freedoms and individual Rights by forcing Americans back into government oppression. Being forced to put parasites ahead of one’s self and loved ones is not freedom by any definition. And it sure as hell is not opportunity unless you believe that opportunity is forcing a free people to work for things they do not believe in.

On top of it all, the New World Order crowd is working to bury freedom under another layer of government —— a global government. It does not take much insight to understand the personalities of Americans who always beg for more government.

Bottom line: Every generation produces a bumper crop of fools who believe that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Socialists are only too happy to take fools where they want to go —— incrementally.

The founder's generation produced a bumper crop of fools who believed that a benign non-totalitarian government is possible. And history has provided bumper crops of progressive minded people who have worked to expand the founder's vision of freedom and liberty to all Americans regardless of the color of their skin, ethnic background or station in life to create a more perfect union.

Colonial Americans, particularly the founding fathers we all know by name, codified a Federal government with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that replaced the Article of Confederation where every state was a sovereign entity.

When you start defining fellow Americans as "parasites" you merely define yourself and the cancer you and your ilk bring to our nation.

So thank you for proving my point flanders...
The founder's generation produced a bumper crop of fools who believed that a benign non-totalitarian government is possible.
To Bfgrn: Behave yourself.
The history of mankind’s struggle for freedom and individual Rights meant freedom from cruel, oppressive, governments, and equally cruel, oppressive, organized religions. If you disagree with me, you tell me exactly who, or what, mankind was struggling against.
And history has provided bumper crops of progressive minded people who have worked to expand the founder's vision of freedom and liberty to all Americans regardless of the color of their skin, ethnic background or station in life to create a more perfect union.
To Bfgrn: Since you brought up race. Did you notice that a black president of questionable moral character celebrated the homosexual marriage ruling by obliterating white?:


The next incremental step is:

Colonial Americans, particularly the founding fathers we all know by name, codified a Federal government with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that replaced the Article of Confederation where every state was a sovereign entity.
To Bfgrn: Get your story straight. The Founders who opposed the federal government did not get the original Bill of Rights until December 15, 1791. A year and a half after the Constitution was ratified. Most of the Amendments that came later turned the original Bill of Rights into a government bill of rights; most notably the XVI and the XVII Amendments.
When you start defining fellow Americans as "parasites" you merely define yourself and the cancer you and your ilk bring to our nation.

So thank you for proving my point flanders...
To Bfgrn: Thank you for admitting that you love parasites and totalitarian government. One is not possible without the other.
The founder's generation produced a bumper crop of fools who believed that a benign non-totalitarian government is possible.
To Bfgrn: Behave yourself.
The history of mankind’s struggle for freedom and individual Rights meant freedom from cruel, oppressive, governments, and equally cruel, oppressive, organized religions. If you disagree with me, you tell me exactly who, or what, mankind was struggling against.
And history has provided bumper crops of progressive minded people who have worked to expand the founder's vision of freedom and liberty to all Americans regardless of the color of their skin, ethnic background or station in life to create a more perfect union.
To Bfgrn: Since you brought up race. Did you notice that a black president of questionable moral character celebrated the homosexual marriage ruling by obliterating white?:


The next incremental step is:

Colonial Americans, particularly the founding fathers we all know by name, codified a Federal government with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that replaced the Article of Confederation where every state was a sovereign entity.
To Bfgrn: Get your story straight. The Founders who opposed the federal government did not get the original Bill of Rights until December 15, 1791. A year and a half after the Constitution was ratified. Most of the Amendments that came later turned the original Bill of Rights into a government bill of rights; most notably the XVI and the XVII Amendments.
When you start defining fellow Americans as "parasites" you merely define yourself and the cancer you and your ilk bring to our nation.

So thank you for proving my point flanders...
To Bfgrn: Thank you for admitting that you love parasites and totalitarian government. One is not possible without the other.

And just who are the 'parasites' flanders?
And just who are the 'parasites' flanders?
To Bfgrn: Now that is a question I’ve answered with pleasure many times over the years:

There are parasites on every economic level of society; hence, parasite is defined by anybody whose majority income is derived from income tax dollars. Repeal the XVI Amendment and the parasite class will disappear.

Parasites include government employees who are not necessary to government; “employees” in unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies for example.

Another example is the 4,000,000 parasites the ACA is creating.

Pelosi’s 4 million will quickly grew incrementally to at least ten million. Insurance company executives and Wall Street crooks are included.

And let’s not overlook the millions of illegal aliens who receive tax dollars directly, or through government programs.

Finally, add in the parasites in industries who receive subsidies, bailouts, tax deductions for charitable contributions, advertising tax deduction, and you are still left with a minority of parasites. Sad to say that minority is coming dangerously close to tipping the scale against freedom.

p.s. Responsible legislators would never let parasites access government revenues necessary to run essential —— limited —— government.
And just who are the 'parasites' flanders?
To Bfgrn: Now that is a question I’ve answered with pleasure many times over the years:

There are parasites on every economic level of society; hence, parasite is defined by anybody whose majority income is derived from income tax dollars. Repeal the XVI Amendment and the parasite class will disappear.

Parasites include government employees who are not necessary to government; “employees” in unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies for example.

Another example is the 4,000,000 parasites the ACA is creating.

Pelosi’s 4 million will quickly grew incrementally to at least ten million. Insurance company executives and Wall Street crooks are included.

And let’s not overlook the millions of illegal aliens who receive tax dollars directly, or through government programs.

Finally, add in the parasites in industries who receive subsidies, bailouts, tax deductions for charitable contributions, advertising tax deduction, and you are still left with a minority of parasites. Sad to say that minority is coming dangerously close to tipping the scale against freedom.

p.s. Responsible legislators would never let parasites access government revenues necessary to run essential —— limited —— government.

So that would include "tea party" political organizations who apply for tax exempt status with the IRS and this tax exempt organization...

White-nationalist group that influenced alleged Charleston shooter is subsidized by American taxpayers
So that would include "tea party" political organizations who apply for tax exempt status with the IRS and this tax exempt organization...
To Bfgrn: Every organization and political cause is included so long as it is applied to all, and not just to conservative organizations. Repeal the XVI Amendment (the income tax return) and tax exempt status becomes moot:
p.s. Responsible legislators would never let parasites access government revenues necessary to run essential —— limited —— government.
White-nationalist group that influenced alleged Charleston shooter is subsidized by American taxpayers
To Bfgrn: Now you are trying be clever again. I can just as easily say that the black racist in the White House influenced every white cop killed by a black man simply by funding a hit squad:

See how taxpayer dollars end up in the hands of left-wing activists:

Obama funds left-wing hit squad with your tax dollars
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/29/2015 @ 2:28 pm

VIDEO MB Obama funds left-wing hit squad with our tax dollars Reclaim Our Republic
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So that would include "tea party" political organizations who apply for tax exempt status with the IRS and this tax exempt organization...
To Bfgrn: Every organization and political cause is included so long as it is applied to all, and not just to conservative organizations. Repeal the XVI Amendment (the income tax return) and tax exempt status becomes moot:
p.s. Responsible legislators would never let parasites access government revenues necessary to run essential —— limited —— government.
White-nationalist group that influenced alleged Charleston shooter is subsidized by American taxpayers
To Bfgrn: Now you are trying be clever again. I can just as easily say that the black racist in the White House influenced every white cop killed by a black man simply by funding a hit squad:

See how taxpayer dollars end up in the hands of left-wing activists:

Obama funds left-wing hit squad with your tax dollars
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/29/2015 @ 2:28 pm

VIDEO MB Obama funds left-wing hit squad with our tax dollars Reclaim Our Republic

Liberals don't kill people
Liberals don't kill people
To Bfgrn: You got that backwards. Liberals do not commit suicide.

Socialists never commit suicide because tax dollar funded compassion replaced conscience in their religion. Only those who can no longer face life because of real or imagined guilt end their own lives. It is those without shame who promote eugenics, population controls, killing children in the womb and after birth, doctor assisted suicides, the elderly and the infirm, death panels, and the government killing every group they consider disposable who never commit suicide.

And let’s not overlook those American liberals who defended government mass murders done in Communist countries.

At the same time liberals claim they want to save the poor along with saving every non-human life form in the universe. It is no wonder that admitted liberals insist on aligning themselves exclusively with economic issues when it comes right down to implementing Socialism by any means.

Could it be that liberals are wallowing in a perverted orgy of self-righteous logic whenever they deny the very existence of conscience-stricken shame by erasing sorrow from suicide? If Socialists have their way no one will ever be guilty of anything except not paying their taxes, and stepping on a cockroach.
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Liberals don't kill people
To Bfgrn: You got that backwards. Liberals do not commit suicide.

Socialists never commit suicide because tax dollar funded compassion replaced conscience in their religion. Only those who can no longer face life because of real or imagined guilt end their own lives. It is those without shame who promote eugenics, population controls, killing children in the womb and after birth, doctor assisted suicides, the elderly and the infirm, death panels, and the government killing every group they consider disposable who never commit suicide.

And let’s not overlook those American liberals who defended government mass murders done in Communist countries.

At the same time liberals claim they want to save the poor along with saving every non-human life form in the universe. It is no wonder that admitted liberals insist on aligning themselves exclusively with economic issues when it comes right down to implementing Socialism by any means.

Could it be that liberals are wallowing in a perverted orgy of self-righteous logic whenever they deny the very existence of conscience-stricken shame by erasing sorrow from suicide? If Socialists have their way no one will ever be guilty of anything except not paying their taxes, and stepping on a cockroach.

With each post you reveal more and more just how delusional you are. And how deep your cynical hate filled mind is infested with false propaganda.

It amazes me that when the discussion is war or capital punishment, liberals are suddenly pacifists, sissies and bleeding hearts.

There is ZERO self awareness in the simple right wing mind.
With each post you reveal more and more just how delusional you are. And how deep your cynical hate filled mind is infested with false propaganda.
To Bfgrn: I was wondering when you would flee to the last refuge of liberals who lack the intelligence to defend their beliefs.
It amazes me that when the discussion is war or capital punishment, liberals are suddenly pacifists, sissies and bleeding hearts.
To Bfgrn: They are that and more. They are sneaks when their beloved Communists get their asses kicked à la Korea and Vietnam. They are lions when they are killing the weak and defenseless.
There is ZERO self awareness in the simple right wing mind.
To Bfgrn: Self-awareness has ZERO to do with identifying liberals and everything they stand for. Even the most insecure, self-deprecating, individual can see they are more valuable than all of the liberals put together.
Has anyone noticed that a black president of questionable morals celebrated the homosexual marriage ruling by obliterating white?:


The next incremental step is:


This certainly shoots down the lie that presidents represent all Americans:

. . . Jarrett worked with gay rights organizations to pay for the display to avoid using taxpayer money. The idea came from one of Jarrett’s aides who was also the LGBT liaison in the White House.​

Homosexuals inside the White House is okay if every group in the country also has a liaison in the White House.

Valerie Jarrett Organized White House Rainbow Lights
by Charlie Spiering29 Jun 2015

Valerie Jarrett Organized White House Rainbow Lights - Breitbart
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