Increased Taxes for all, Medicare Part B Increase


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Still, Congress' deal delivered a walloping tax hike for most workers: the end of a two-year Social Security tax cut. The tax is rising back up to 6.2 percent from 4.2 percent. The increase will cost someone making $50,000 about $1,000 a year and a household with two high-paid workers up to $4,500
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Medicare premiums have been steadily rising every year. The monthly premium for Medicare Part B will rise 5% to $104.90 in 2013, up from $99.90. (Medicare Part B pays for outpatient services like doctor visits and medical equipment. Medicare Part B is optional, but most Medicare recipients opt to receive Part B.)
The 1.7% SS COLA is reduced by the Medicare Part B increase. Thus, SS is not keeping up with inflation.
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This should come as no surprise, the objective was to increase revenue, furthermore the only way to slip this through was to deflect and focus on the 1%-2% ...nothing more than a political ploy. The big bang hits with Obama care. Yep, those Democrats are sharp tools. What should scare you even more is their inability to read a financial statement.
I honestly wonder if I will ever even see my medicare and SS
This should come as no surprise, the objective was to increase revenue, furthermore the only way to slip this through was to deflect and focus on the 1%-2% ...nothing more than a political ploy. The big bang hits with Obama care. Yep, those Democrats are sharp tools. What should scare you even more is their inability to read a financial statement.
Yes, absolutely. We should have not done obamacare. We should have done nothing. We paid more for medical than any other nation in the world, save 1. Twice as much as Canada, for instance. But, we made those private insurance companies very happy. And I want them to make my medical more than any industrialized country in the world.

Man, those repubs are smart.
I honestly wonder if I will ever even see my medicare and SS

you don't think the libturds are good for it?? I thought being 16 trillion in debt and running record deficits was a good indication??

We can blame both parties for that deboccle.

Obama signed the Bill into law. He knew it would increase taxes on the middle class. I thought he promised not increase taxes on the middle class.
This should come as no surprise, the objective was to increase revenue, furthermore the only way to slip this through was to deflect and focus on the 1%-2% ...nothing more than a political ploy. The big bang hits with Obama care. Yep, those Democrats are sharp tools. What should scare you even more is their inability to read a financial statement.
Yes, absolutely. We should have not done obamacare. We should have done nothing. We paid more for medical than any other nation in the world, save 1. Twice as much as Canada, for instance. But, we made those private insurance companies very happy. And I want them to make my medical more than any industrialized country in the world.

Man, those repubs are smart.

Wait till the rest of Obamacare takes effect. You won't be so smug then
Remember the Democratic Congress voted without reading it. It is pretty hard to understand something you never read. Do you want your two US Senators and your member of the House of Representatives to vote on legislation without understanding it? If your democratic Senator(s) or House Rep voted for Obamacare, ask them to explain each part of it to you. I bet they can't.
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This should come as no surprise, the objective was to increase revenue, furthermore the only way to slip this through was to deflect and focus on the 1%-2% ...nothing more than a political ploy. The big bang hits with Obama care. Yep, those Democrats are sharp tools. What should scare you even more is their inability to read a financial statement.
Yes, absolutely. We should have not done obamacare. We should have done nothing. We paid more for medical than any other nation in the world, save 1. Twice as much as Canada, for instance. But, we made those private insurance companies very happy. And I want them to make my medical more than any industrialized country in the world.

Man, those repubs are smart.

Wait till the rest of Obamacare takes effect. You won't be so smug then
Remember the Democratic Congress voted without reading it. It is pretty hard to understand something you never read. Do you want your two US Senators and your member of the House of Representatives to vote on legislation without understanding it? If your democratic Senator(s) or House Rep voted for Obamacare, ask them to explain each part of it to you. I bet they can't.
I will keep your opinion in my mind; You know how much I respect your opinion. And, of course, we know that those senators do not have staff. And that as a result of not having staff, they can not read the law. And so they are going blindly through just voting for something that will hurt the poor insurance companies.

And we know, of course, that you are not a con tool. Just because you are in favor of all that those con sites are for, and against all that they are against, well.... It must be that everyone else is just stupid. And those insurance companies, the ones that spent hundreds of millions trying to stop the Affordabloe Care Act (Obamacare to you and yours). I am sure they did so just for the good of the people of the US. And though it would have helped them financially, it was not for themselves that they did it. It was for the good of the country.

And so the CBO says the cost of Obamacare will be about neutral, you believe the con politicians, who are paid by those nice insurance companies. And they tell you it will COST TRILLIONS. And you do not care that millions more get medical care. That thousands more may not die early. That hundreds of thousands are not forced to go to emergency rooms, for which we pay the highest possible costs for the care they receive.

Nah. You believe those nice insurance companies. The same ones that increased our premiums by over 15% per year, year after year. Those nice insurance companies that gave us the highest insurance costs in the world for medical services. Those insurance costs who paid their ceo's hundreds of millions of dollars per year to manage the company that provides our MEDICAL INSURANCE. Because you are a con, and that is what cons do. You do not believe in free thinking, let the insurance companies spend billions shaping your beliefs. And to hell with the truth.
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You believe those nice insurance companies. The same ones that increased our premiums by over 15% per year, year after year.

how stupid can you be??? Can one person be any more liberal and dumber?????Liberals made competition illegal among heath insurance companies and now blame them for not being competitive?? It's way too stupid for words!!

Kindergarten for liberals:

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

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