Income Inequality

The kids posting here simply cannot know or remember what it USED to be like for American workers.

Most of them have no idea how much the working classes have lost in the last 40 years, and since some of these scions started out with multiple legs up that few people have, it panders to their conceiet to imagine that everything they have they earned and the working classes are going down because of their own foibles.

But ya know...I spend most of my life going to school with very wealthy kids and then, after I started work. making some of these pampered scions even richer, too.

And yes, many of them work hard, too, and are highly productive and thoroughly decent people, too, without doubt.

But they did not start out with nothing.

And everything they have they did not get by their own efforts and they KNOW IT, too, even if some of them are such cowards that they cannot even admit it to themselves.

They started out with every advantage this society can give the wealthy, and they also know they are so blessed because millions workers work damned hard to give them those advantages without any hope that THEIR children will ever have those sorts of chances that their masters children have.

There's nothing wrong with capitalism until the capitalists forget what it took for them to have all that capital.

And that is exactly why some of this board's scions, and this generation of scions generally are so brutish and basically lying to themselves and anybody else who will listen.

They know perfectly well if the playing field was truly on the level, they'd be struggling to keep their heads above water just like most of us.

So rather than accept that they're lucky to have had those opportunities that most people will never have, they choose to blame the victims of the system that supports them.

Basically many scions are nothing but self agandizing equivicators and they KNOW it.

Now perhaps, we will read the mythical bios from some here who imagine that we're going believe them when they tell us how they are self made men.

And a few of those stories will be in part true, too, no doubt.

But most of these stories will be heavily redacted such that the real advantages those people started out with will be overlooked or not mentioned.

Count on this to happen, because these self made man stories happen every time I post a post like this.

Some scions might be so clueless that they believe their own fables about their enormous compentence.

And let's face it, there's no hope for those idiots.

Not everybody is the scion of a rich family. Some people start out with everything, others start out with VERY LITTLE, maybe that works for you. Some get lucky, some don't. Some get smart, go to school, make something of themselves, some don't. Some lay around on their fat asses bitching about those top 1% folks instead of trying to work their way up. Some have a sucky attitude, some don't. No hope for those idiots either.
One can argue about why this is happening. Some say it's the result of a decline in workers' bargaining power as labor unions have weakened, while others blame the rise of offshoring and outsourcing. But despite the best efforts of some commentators, there's really no serious debate about the overall realignment of income in our age: The already super-rich have vastly increased their share of the pie--at the expense of everyone else.

Off-the-charts income gains for super-rich - Yahoo! News

Go to the link and see the chart. It's disgusting. I can't believe Americans haven't risen up in revolt already.

Thank people like George Soros for buying politicians to get super rich while keeping everyone else down.

Yes there's George Soros and then there's the Koch brothers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
Income Inequality is not the problem. The problem is the slavery of income.

Slavery of income? You mean our reliance on money? Expand if you will please.

I mean the system of Capitalism which exploits workers, forcing them to labor their lives away only to recieve the bare minimum needed to feed their family.

There's got to be a better way.

Let me know when you find it. Forcing workers to labor their lives away? What the hell are you talking about? Bare minimum? Are you kidding? When I see people getting welfare checks that have home theater systems and those ipod blackberry thingys that cost a couple hundred bucks and you gotta pay another hundred a month for the service contract? There was a picture the other day of a homeless man taking Michele Obama's picture with one of those things. The standard of living in this country is pretty damn good even for the poorest among us, if they can stay off the drugs and the booze.

Let me tell you something, capitalism may not be the perfect economic model, but it's way ahead of every other idea that's ever been tried. In a country where Barack Obama can grow up to be the President of the United States, anything is possible but you gotta get off your dead ass and work for it.
Want me to tell you why the bottom 90% aren't getting a bigger piece of the pie? It's because they ain't worth it, they haven't gone out and gotten the education and the skills to make themselves worth more. That top 1%, we're talking about people earning over 250k right, they're making that much cuz they're busting their asses. We got laws that prevent discrimination in the workplace, if you aren't moving up it's mostly your own fault.

"It's because they ain't worth it". Amazing. Productivity up 86% and the American working class isn't worth it.
Obviously you are not educated, otherwise you'd understand the ramifications of the 86% growth in productivity and that the 90% increase in the US economy.
The American worker has consistently been at the top echelon in worker productivity in the world.

With your post, I sure hope you were trying to be a comedian.

No man, nothing funny about this. You know why productivity is up 86% and the economy is up 90%? It's because a lot of smart people with an education figured out how to do things cheaper and faster and better. Many of 'em made it to that top 1% in earners that liberals constanty bitch about. Nothing wrong with the American worker, but unskilled laborers pretty much do as they're told. It's better management dude.
Want me to tell you why the bottom 90% aren't getting a bigger piece of the pie? It's because they ain't worth it, they haven't gone out and gotten the education and the skills to make themselves worth more. That top 1%, we're talking about people earning over 250k right, they're making that much cuz they're busting their asses. We got laws that prevent discrimination in the workplace, if you aren't moving up it's mostly your own fault.

"It's because they ain't worth it". Amazing. Productivity up 86% and the American working class isn't worth it.
Obviously you are not educated, otherwise you'd understand the ramifications of the 86% growth in productivity and that the 90% increase in the US economy.
The American worker has consistently been at the top echelon in worker productivity in the world.

With your post, I sure hope you were trying to be a comedian.

No man, nothing funny about this. You know why productivity is up 86% and the economy is up 90%? It's because a lot of smart people with an education figured out how to do things cheaper and faster and better. Many of 'em made it to that top 1% in earners that liberals constanty bitch about. Nothing wrong with the American worker, but unskilled laborers pretty much do as they're told. It's better management dude.

So that's why they are making the same wages as they were thirty years ago! It isn't Corporate America holding down their wages so they can pay bigger dividends, it's because the workers are uneducated. :doubt:
"It's because they ain't worth it". Amazing. Productivity up 86% and the American working class isn't worth it.
Obviously you are not educated, otherwise you'd understand the ramifications of the 86% growth in productivity and that the 90% increase in the US economy.
The American worker has consistently been at the top echelon in worker productivity in the world.

With your post, I sure hope you were trying to be a comedian.

No man, nothing funny about this. You know why productivity is up 86% and the economy is up 90%? It's because a lot of smart people with an education figured out how to do things cheaper and faster and better. Many of 'em made it to that top 1% in earners that liberals constanty bitch about. Nothing wrong with the American worker, but unskilled laborers pretty much do as they're told. It's better management dude.

So that's why they are making the same wages as they were thirty years ago! It isn't Corporate America holding down their wages so they can pay bigger dividends, it's because the workers are uneducated. :doubt:

They're getting the same wages pretty much as 30 years ago because we got a big supply of unskilled workers and businesses don't have to pay 'em more to keep 'em. Simple supply and demand, not a lot of demand cuz many of these jobs got shipped overseas or replaced by automation. You're right, CA holds down their wages so they can pay bigger dividneds or invest more in their business or take home big fat bonuses. CA isn't going to pay anybody more than they have to, but the good news is you can improve yourself and earn a bigger paycheck if you can make yourself more valuable in some way.
This is gross income data, right? What about debt, we know that a pretty good chunk of the top 1% are small business owners. Many of whom are paying off debt from startup costs and loans, and overhead costs. So a person making say $400,000 in income from their business may be paying a pretty good bit of that to the bank or the state. Say you're a doctor or lawyer paying off your colege debt on top of the other stuff. I'm thinking that some of these guys aren't living that high on the hog.

I'm looking at data from The United States Social Security Administration for 2009, it says that there were about 38,000 people making a million or more that year out of almost 151 million wage earners. So most of that top 1% are under a million, many are the people that went through the rat race and came out on top or they are white collar professionals that went to law school or medical school and deserve the money they get.

Note to the lib/dems: why don't you guys stop obsessing about these guys and worry more about how to spend the gov'ts money to the best advantage of the less fortunate. Gotta say you ain't doing too well at it so far. I don't think taking more money from those who earned it is going to change the dynamic.
One can argue about why this is happening. Some say it's the result of a decline in workers' bargaining power as labor unions have weakened, while others blame the rise of offshoring and outsourcing. But despite the best efforts of some commentators, there's really no serious debate about the overall realignment of income in our age: The already super-rich have vastly increased their share of the pie--at the expense of everyone else.

Off-the-charts income gains for super-rich - Yahoo! News

Go to the link and see the chart. It's disgusting. I can't believe Americans haven't risen up in revolt already.

The strike had been announced by Service Employees International Union Local 1, which wants to organize the workers and help them push for $15 hourly wages.

The security guards are employees of Atlanta-based SecurAmerica, which is the primary contractor in downtown for businessman Dan Gilbert's Bedrock real estate firm.

The company says it employs 340 security guards for nearly 100 downtown Detroit properties.

Security guard strike fizzles out in downtown Detroit

What is the net worth of Dan Gilbert?
7.5 billion USD (2019)

Mother fucker can't even pay $15 hr? That would be $10,600,000 a year for the billionaire.

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