In the Real World

What's funny is I don't give a crap whom white people marry and would be no more phased by the white woman's decision to marry a black guy than by her decision to move out of the country or commit suicide. Most racists I know are "racist" simply in their understanding of statistics: they see the information and interpret it rationally. Liberals see the truth but don't believe it because it goes against their agenda.
Give a real world example
What "truth" do think liberals do not believe?
That negroes are different.

And not just in skin color.
Different in what ways specifically? There are differences between blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians, etc.,etc. Different does not mean "less than" and it does not mean "superior". It just means different. The world is a rainbow of people, all of equal worth.
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
If you should choose to read "The New Jim Crow," by Michelle Alexander, you may discover that "blacks commit more violent crimes" is not a factual or accurate statement, although a commonly used one. As far as winding up in prison more often, that is also explained by forces that have laid and sprung the trap purposely as the modern way of keeping black men down, since laws prohibit actual Jim Crow treatment as in the past.
I don't have to do your research for you. If you have evidence, post it.
O.K. Here’s a portion of “The New Jim Crow,” which I have read and reread: Today, most Americans know and don’t know the truth about mass incarceration. For more than three decades, images of black men in handcuffs have been a regular staple of the evening news. It is precisely because we know that black and brown people are far more likely to be imprisoned that we, as a nation, have not cared too much about it. We tell ourselves they “deserve” their fate, even though we know – and don’t know – that whites are just as likely to commit crimes, especially drug crimes.

Most Americans come to “know” about the people cycling in and out of prisons through fictional police dramas, music videos, gangsta rap and “true” accounts of ghetto experience on the evening news. These racialized narratives tend to confirm and reinforce the prevailing public consensus that we need not care about “these people”: they deserve what they get.

The War on Drugs is the vehicle through which extraordinary numbers of black men are forced into the cage. The first stage is the roundup. Vast numbers of people are swept into the criminal justice system by the police, who CONDUCT DRUG OPERATIONS PRIMARILY IN POOR COMMUNITIES OF COLOR. They are rewarded in cash – through drug forfeiture laws and federal grant programs – for rounding up as many people as possible. The can stop, interrogate and search anyone they choose. Racial biases are granted free reign. Police are allowed to rely on race as a factor in selecting whom to stop and search – effectively guaranteeing that those who are swept up into the system are primarily black and brown.

Second stage is the period of formal control. Once arrested, defendants are generally denied meaningful representation and pressured to plead guilty whether they are or not. Prosecutors are free to “load up” defendants with extra charges, and their decisions cannot be challenged for racial bias.

The final stage is the period of invisible punishment. There is a unique set of criminal sanctions imposed on individuals after they step outside the prison gate. These sanctions are imposed by operation of law rather than decisions of a sentencing judge, yet they have a greater impact on one’s life course than the months or years one actually spends behind bars. They will be discriminated against, legally, for the rest of their lives – denied employment, housing, education and public benefits. Unable to surmount these obstacles, most will eventually return to prison, caught in a closed circuit of perpetual marginality. They become members of an undercaste – an enormous population of predominantly black and brown people who are denied basic rights and privileges of American citizenship and are permanently relegated to an inferior status.

Race has always influenced the administration of justice in the United States. Since the day the first prison opened, people of color have been disproportionately represented behind bars. The nature of the criminal justice system is this – it is no longer concerned primarily with the prevention and punishment of crime, but rather with the management and control of the dispossessed.”

I could give you plenty more from this 312 page book which took years to research and write, but I’ll keep it for another day.
The only statement here that claims (or suggests) discrimination based on race is the initial decision to conduct operations primarily in poor communities of color (everything else is punishment for the crime, which is by crime, not by race), but there is no evidence presented that they were selected because of race. If property forfeiture laws are the driver as the article suggests, then it would make far more sense to do this in rich white communities, especially if whites are just as likely to commit these crimes. They'd get more forfeiture per conviction that way. So why do they still do it in poor black areas if not because THAT'S WHERE THE CRIME IS?

And what evidence does the book provide that shows white commit as much crime? I see a CLAIM, nothing more. It's followed by an irrational argument that actually debunks the premise.
Pages 264-312 are notes and indexes. You'd have to get the book and check them for all of her references.
So what's stopping you from finding the page and putting it here? You're the one using it as your source.
Right now, sheer exhaustion and sore typing fingers that are full of arthritis. Wouldn't hurt other folks to want the truth and go searching for it and not rely on the same old stereotypical responses. Night.
What's funny is I don't give a crap whom white people marry and would be no more phased by the white woman's decision to marry a black guy than by her decision to move out of the country or commit suicide. Most racists I know are "racist" simply in their understanding of statistics: they see the information and interpret it rationally. Liberals see the truth but don't believe it because it goes against their agenda.
Give a real world example
That negroes are different.

And not just in skin color.
Different in what ways specifically? There are differences between blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians, etc.,etc. Different does not mean "less than" and it does not mean "superior". It just means different. The world is a rainbow of people, all of equal worth.
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't have to do your research for you. If you have evidence, post it.
O.K. Here’s a portion of “The New Jim Crow,” which I have read and reread: Today, most Americans know and don’t know the truth about mass incarceration. For more than three decades, images of black men in handcuffs have been a regular staple of the evening news. It is precisely because we know that black and brown people are far more likely to be imprisoned that we, as a nation, have not cared too much about it. We tell ourselves they “deserve” their fate, even though we know – and don’t know – that whites are just as likely to commit crimes, especially drug crimes.

Most Americans come to “know” about the people cycling in and out of prisons through fictional police dramas, music videos, gangsta rap and “true” accounts of ghetto experience on the evening news. These racialized narratives tend to confirm and reinforce the prevailing public consensus that we need not care about “these people”: they deserve what they get.

The War on Drugs is the vehicle through which extraordinary numbers of black men are forced into the cage. The first stage is the roundup. Vast numbers of people are swept into the criminal justice system by the police, who CONDUCT DRUG OPERATIONS PRIMARILY IN POOR COMMUNITIES OF COLOR. They are rewarded in cash – through drug forfeiture laws and federal grant programs – for rounding up as many people as possible. The can stop, interrogate and search anyone they choose. Racial biases are granted free reign. Police are allowed to rely on race as a factor in selecting whom to stop and search – effectively guaranteeing that those who are swept up into the system are primarily black and brown.

Second stage is the period of formal control. Once arrested, defendants are generally denied meaningful representation and pressured to plead guilty whether they are or not. Prosecutors are free to “load up” defendants with extra charges, and their decisions cannot be challenged for racial bias.

The final stage is the period of invisible punishment. There is a unique set of criminal sanctions imposed on individuals after they step outside the prison gate. These sanctions are imposed by operation of law rather than decisions of a sentencing judge, yet they have a greater impact on one’s life course than the months or years one actually spends behind bars. They will be discriminated against, legally, for the rest of their lives – denied employment, housing, education and public benefits. Unable to surmount these obstacles, most will eventually return to prison, caught in a closed circuit of perpetual marginality. They become members of an undercaste – an enormous population of predominantly black and brown people who are denied basic rights and privileges of American citizenship and are permanently relegated to an inferior status.

Race has always influenced the administration of justice in the United States. Since the day the first prison opened, people of color have been disproportionately represented behind bars. The nature of the criminal justice system is this – it is no longer concerned primarily with the prevention and punishment of crime, but rather with the management and control of the dispossessed.”

I could give you plenty more from this 312 page book which took years to research and write, but I’ll keep it for another day.
The only statement here that claims (or suggests) discrimination based on race is the initial decision to conduct operations primarily in poor communities of color (everything else is punishment for the crime, which is by crime, not by race), but there is no evidence presented that they were selected because of race. If property forfeiture laws are the driver as the article suggests, then it would make far more sense to do this in rich white communities, especially if whites are just as likely to commit these crimes. They'd get more forfeiture per conviction that way. So why do they still do it in poor black areas if not because THAT'S WHERE THE CRIME IS?

And what evidence does the book provide that shows white commit as much crime? I see a CLAIM, nothing more. It's followed by an irrational argument that actually debunks the premise.
Pages 264-312 are notes and indexes. You'd have to get the book and check them for all of her references.
So what's stopping you from finding the page and putting it here? You're the one using it as your source.
Right now, sheer exhaustion and sore typing fingers that are full of arthritis. Wouldn't hurt other folks to want the truth and go searching for it and not rely on the same old stereotypical responses. Night.
It's a "stereotypical response" to put the responsibility on a person for his sexual habits? That's the problem with blacks: no personal responsibility.
What's funny is I don't give a crap whom white people marry and would be no more phased by the white woman's decision to marry a black guy than by her decision to move out of the country or commit suicide. Most racists I know are "racist" simply in their understanding of statistics: they see the information and interpret it rationally. Liberals see the truth but don't believe it because it goes against their agenda.
Give a real world example
What "truth" do think liberals do not believe?
That negroes are different.

And not just in skin color.
Different in what ways specifically? There are differences between blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians, etc.,etc. Different does not mean "less than" and it does not mean "superior". It just means different. The world is a rainbow of people, all of equal worth.
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I do think there's a difference in the kinds of killings. I don't feel unsafe in a neighborhood that Scott Peterson killed Lacy and the baby. But on paper there were two murders in that town that year. And I don't feel unsafe living in Sandy Hook even though 26 people were murdered in that town. Aside from that one event the place is fairly safe.

There's a difference between these murders and the kinds that make Detroit a dangerous place to be especially if you are white.

Is there a white city as dangerous as Detroit?
Are most killings in Detroit gang related? Maybe detroit isn't so dangerous if you are a normal black but those people have bars on their windows, I dont
What's funny is I don't give a crap whom white people marry and would be no more phased by the white woman's decision to marry a black guy than by her decision to move out of the country or commit suicide. Most racists I know are "racist" simply in their understanding of statistics: they see the information and interpret it rationally. Liberals see the truth but don't believe it because it goes against their agenda.
Give a real world example
Different in what ways specifically? There are differences between blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians, etc.,etc. Different does not mean "less than" and it does not mean "superior". It just means different. The world is a rainbow of people, all of equal worth.
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't consider these discussions arguments, but by your choice of words, ie. piece of shit robber, worthless retards, shithole neighborhoods, moron writer, I do not believe your mind is open to any worthwhile conversation. The man you called a moron is a well-known professor and author of many books. I am of the opinion that we would do well to listen to someone who is black when they talk about themselves and not judge or condemn them for seeing things differently than we do. Your judgment is harsh.
Give a real world example
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't consider these discussions arguments, but by your choice of words, ie. piece of shit robber, worthless retards, shithole neighborhoods, moron writer, I do not believe your mind is open to any worthwhile conversation. The man you called a moron is a well-known professor and author of many books. I am of the opinion that we would do well to listen to someone who is black when they talk about themselves and not judge or condemn them for seeing things differently than we do. Your judgment is harsh.
I had a problem with the black community and the only ones that could convince me I was wrong was a black guy.

Fact is blacks are trying their best despite the fact the deck is stacked against them.

Do you worry that black guys never stick around? I don't know a lot of old mixed couples.
Give a real world example
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't consider these discussions arguments, but by your choice of words, ie. piece of shit robber, worthless retards, shithole neighborhoods, moron writer, I do not believe your mind is open to any worthwhile conversation. The man you called a moron is a well-known professor and author of many books. I am of the opinion that we would do well to listen to someone who is black when they talk about themselves and not judge or condemn them for seeing things differently than we do. Your judgment is harsh.
I called them what they are based on what they wrote and how they acted. The "well-known professor's" argument was highly flawed to the point where I thought he intended to mislead. The guy is either a crook or an idiot.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't consider these discussions arguments, but by your choice of words, ie. piece of shit robber, worthless retards, shithole neighborhoods, moron writer, I do not believe your mind is open to any worthwhile conversation. The man you called a moron is a well-known professor and author of many books. I am of the opinion that we would do well to listen to someone who is black when they talk about themselves and not judge or condemn them for seeing things differently than we do. Your judgment is harsh.
I had a problem with the black community and the only ones that could convince me I was wrong was a black guy.

Fact is blacks are trying their best despite the fact the deck is stacked against them.

Do you worry that black guys never stick around? I don't know a lot of old mixed couples.

Key facts about race and marriage, 50 years after Loving v. Virginia

Steep Rise In Interracial Marriages Among Newlyweds 50 Years After They Became Legal
Give a real world example
They're different in that they commit more violent crime and wind up in prison more often. Whether that's "better" or "worse" is an opinion I suppose.
Michael Eric Dyson, in his book "Tears We Cannot Stop," addresses crime. "Just this once set aside your litany of accusations and listen. Just this once take the side of the true victims of oppression. Just this once please don't side with the manufacturers and perpetrators of our death."

He goes on to tell the story of when he and his wife were nearly robbed in Detroit. He told the robber that he literally had a dollar and thirty-five cents on him. Then he told him that he didn't look like the type of brother that would do something like this. The guy said he regretted it, but he had a wife and kids and they had nothing to eat.
It's cruel and stupid to give birth to kids you can't support, thereby condemning them to a life of torture. It's even dumber to commit robbery for less than $2: you literally lose more money by going to prison for it. I have 0 sympathy for that piece of shit robber.
"Do you think crime doesn't bother us? Do you think we like being killed by folks who look like us? Our bullets are often aimed at each other because we're too near the site of pain and heartbreak, frustration and depression. We often lack food and shelter, and we live in homes overrun with bodies, leaving us little room or rest. So we lash out at them, or an acquaintance, or a partner in crime. Yes, it is true, sometimes we send them, or, perhaps a stranger nearby, to their eternal reward. This is the geography of despair. It is also the pain of never having control, or always being afraid, of struggling to care for and love what we cannot protect.
Whose fucking fault is it that these worthless retards can't use condoms or get an abortion? Or abstain from sex? That's why the place is crowded. They bring up a potential cause for their problems, but that cause is THEIR FAULT!

Negroes: no personal responsibility.
Black folks do protest, to each other, to a world that largely refuses to listen, the killing of blacks by other blacks.We cry out against what goes on in black communities. We know such communities are vexed by problems faced by all neighborhoods that are depleted of dollars and hope. They are emptied of good schools. They are deprived of the social and economic buffers that keep Beverly Hills from turning into Beirut.
I might feel bad if they at least didn't overpopulate their own shithole negrohood, but as it stands, they are just holding out their hands and looking for a handout, while refusing to even abstain from bad behavior to better themselves.
White folk commit the bulk of the crimes in our nation. And, beloved, it may surprise you that white folk commit the most violent crimes too.

According to FBI statistics, black folk committed 36 percent of violent crime in 2015, while white folk committed 42 percent of violent crimes the same year.
Given that whites are about 70% of the population and blacks are about 13% of the population as of recent statistics, blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites. The result is that negro neighborhoods are flooded with violent criminals, while white ones are not. If the moron who wrote this doesn't understand per capita statistics and their importance, then he shouldn't be writing anything.
White folk consistently lead all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny, illegal weapons possession, arson and vandalism. And white folk are far more likely to target the vulnerable too. White folk lead the way in forcible rape. You're also more likely to kill children, the elderly, significant others, family members and even yourselves. A majority of the homicide victims in this country are white. White folk are six times as likely to be murdered by a white person as they are to be taken out by a black "thug.' The white-on-white mayhem is profound, yet no one speaks of it in racial terms."
Much of violent crime is among people who know each other so it's not surprising that whites are more likely to be killed by whites. As usual, per capita statistics are lost on this moron.
I find it sad that the words of this well known, highly educated black man can be so easily dismissed and criticized. He is writing to white America so that we can begin to get an understanding of the hardships some people face. But some of us are still always going to blame the victims of oppression, not the perpetrators of it.
Why don't you argue the points I wrote instead of appealing to your magical, "educated" negro?
I don't consider these discussions arguments, but by your choice of words, ie. piece of shit robber, worthless retards, shithole neighborhoods, moron writer, I do not believe your mind is open to any worthwhile conversation. The man you called a moron is a well-known professor and author of many books. I am of the opinion that we would do well to listen to someone who is black when they talk about themselves and not judge or condemn them for seeing things differently than we do. Your judgment is harsh.

I'm certainly open to listening. It keeps me honest about the REALITIES of being "disadvantaged". But a lack of economic means and parity is not necessarily DICTATED by race. It's dictated also by culture and attitude and ambition. And a lot of what's described as mitigating circumstances by academics -- come from this false impression that folks are TRAPPED in dysfunctional communities and lives.

If all you see around you are Black folks in the same boat -- it's time for a more honest appraisal of your living situation then accepting the judgement that racism is the problem.

Can you tell me WHY parents who care about their kids STAY in dysfunctional,dangerous communities?? It's a HUGE country -- what IS it that keeps them "on the farm"??? There's no excuse for that. Other than VALUING the "culture" of that place above all other logical and reasonable alternatives.

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