In the eyes of the beholder


No Neg Policy
Apr 2, 2009
Which is more fucked up? The map or the eyes that are looking at it?

AP map shows slower pace of decline in US economy
AP June 8, 2009

The recession's grip loosened slightly this spring as seasonal hiring picked up and helped offset rising bankruptcies and foreclosures, according to the Associated Press' monthly analysis of the economic pain in more than 3,100 U.S. counties.

The latest results of the AP's Economic Stress Index show the free fall that marked the autumn of 2008 and winter of 2009 gave way in April to a more controlled descent, possibly even a bottom. Still, the analysis found that pain remains high compared with year-ago levels.

The AP calculates a score from 1 to 100 based on each county's rate of unemployment, foreclosure and bankruptcy, with lower numbers indicating less economic pain. The average Stress score dipped to 9.7 in April, from 10.3 in March. In April 2008, the national average was 5.9.
CBS News - Breaking News Headlines and Video from

Confidence in U.S. Economy Builds Even as Recovery Still Seems Distant

By Neil Irwin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Economists, senior government officials and ordinary consumers are all showing greater confidence in the outlook for the economy.

But three months after signs of hope emerged, the evidence of improvement still exists only in the form of glimmers. A slew of recent economic data and other news, including yesterday's bankruptcy filing by General Motors, make clear that the nation is still muddling through a deep recession.

"A few months ago, the U.S. was in the throes of the most severe recession since the 1930s," said Paul Ashworth, a senior economist at Capital Economics. "We've had some improvement, but . . . we're still nowhere near a meaningful recovery or even a slight recovery."
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Meaingful recover?

The recover will be meaningful when tens of millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans go back to work.

Everything else is bullshit.
Meaingful recover?

The recover will be meaningful when tens of millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans go back to work.

Everything else is bullshit.

Great. Didn't answer my question though.
Obviously if I believe I get to choose what a recovery requires, I am telling you that recovery is in the eyes of the beholder.
Obviously if I believe I get to choose what a recovery requires, I am telling you that recovery is in the eyes of the beholder.

Then obviously the eyes of the beholder are fucked up! It wasn't a trick question!
Meaingful recover?

The recover will be meaningful when tens of millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans go back to work.

Everything else is bullshit.

if people don't get back to work i agree that means we haven't recovered regardless of Dow or other indicators.


if people DO get back to work that doesn't necessarily mean anything either.

in fact !

we CAN'T " recover " because we didn't have an economy to begin with.

you can always just pay businesses to hire people back - that will work to restore employment - but will it constitute recovery ?
Meaingful recover?

The recover will be meaningful when tens of millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans go back to work.

Everything else is bullshit.

if people don't get back to work i agree that means we haven't recovered regardless of Dow or other indicators.


if people DO get back to work that doesn't necessarily mean anything either.

in fact !

we CAN'T " recover " because we didn't have an economy to begin with.

you can always just pay businesses to hire people back - that will work to restore employment - but will it constitute recovery ?

The bullshit here is people see and believe what they WANT to see and believe, and isn't it nice that the media is helpin' them out? Telling 'em what to see and believe? Kinda like an election, ain't it? Buncha damned fools.

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