In Support of Father Serra


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
With the pope's announcement that he is going to make the founder of the California missions a state, isolated small groups and intellectuals are attacking this decision.

As someone who has studied Father Serra's life, this article is quite heartwarming and it corroborates what I've come to feel about this devout and caring man. Here is a quote from the article that says what needs to be said:

“I began to realize: especially the most malicious comments about Fr. Serra were usually by people who knew nothing about him, who had picked it up secondhand on the internet or on a blog, or who simply just didn’t care for the Catholic Church and its doctrine.”

The full article can be read @ History truth and politics Researcher seeks to clear the record on Junipero Serra Catholic News Agency CNA
Pope Francis to honor Junipero Serra at American seminary in Rome

Now watch the next flood of anti-Serra complaints from those who claim he was a cruel taskmaster who enslaved the natives and took their culture from them.

They will trot out the same old, trite - and untrue - complaints without explaining why thousands of natives flocked to the missions and even begged the friars to establish missions near them. Or why they stayed without chains or other restrains.

If BL Father Serra was so cruel, why did thousands walk hundreds of miles - something they had never done before in their history - to pass the grave of their beloved father when he died.

Having studied Father Serra's life, I sincerely hope Pope Francis will not change his mind about this. Saint Junipero should be celebrated all over California - and the world.

The story is @ Pope Francis to honor Junipero Serra at American seminary in Rome Catholic News Agency CNA \
Ambiguities about Serra should not discount sainthood, panelists say

My first reaction: What “ambiguities?” The man spent almost every hour of his entire life dedicated to what he deeply felt – the spread of Christianity to disbelievers and helping Iron Age peoples advance into the 18th Century. He did not enslave anybody. Nor did he cruelly beat or torture a single one.

If he was evil, why did peoples who had never traveled more than one day's distance from their homes travel hundreds of miles to pass by the Blessed Father's grave?

Let's cut to the chase and celebrate Blessed Father Serra for what he was – the dedicated leader of men who devoted their life to their deepest beliefs.

Read more @ CNS STORY Ambiguities about Serra should not discount sainthood panelists say
What Would Father Serra Think of Being Made a Saint?

While reading the article, Junípero Serra, saint or not? from the National Catholic Reporter @ Jun pero Serra saint or not National Catholic Reporter , the above question hit me.

Having studied the man, I honestly believe he would bow his head at hearing the news, express his obedience to the will of the Holy Father, and plea that the decision be revoked. I do not believe the man ever felt himself free from sin and went to his grave believing he failed to fulfill his directive to spread The Word of God to the Gentiles and expand Spain's control of California.

The scars upon his back attested to that. He spent endless nights on his knees begging The Lord''s forgiveness for what he saw as his sins, often flagellating himself to the point of blood flowing down the thin flesh upon his back.

He would plea that his children, those who came to the missions to accept baptism and confirmation, suffered in later years because he somehow did not secure their futures.

I can imagine the tears rolling down this cheeks at watching was the Mexicans did to the missions and what the Americans did to the Gentiles by exiling them to reservations with none of the support the missions had provided them.
Back in 2012, I wrote some blog posts about Father Serra based on what I was learning from my research for the historical novels.

As his sainthood draws closer, I thought it would be a good idea to bring them forward and update them. They are available if you click on the link in my signature.

As well, I just posted some of my thoughts on the priest that might be of interest - also at the same place.

As always, comments are appreciated.
With the pope's announcement that he is going to make the founder of the California missions a state, isolated small groups and intellectuals are attacking this decision.

As someone who has studied Father Serra's life, this article is quite heartwarming and it corroborates what I've come to feel about this devout and caring man. Here is a quote from the article that says what needs to be said:

“I began to realize: especially the most malicious comments about Fr. Serra were usually by people who knew nothing about him, who had picked it up secondhand on the internet or on a blog, or who simply just didn’t care for the Catholic Church and its doctrine.”

The full article can be read @ History truth and politics Researcher seeks to clear the record on Junipero Serra Catholic News Agency CNA
Did you mean 'saint' instead of 'state' in the first sentence?
With the pope's announcement that he is going to make the founder of the California missions a state, isolated small groups and intellectuals are attacking this decision.

As someone who has studied Father Serra's life, this article is quite heartwarming and it corroborates what I've come to feel about this devout and caring man. Here is a quote from the article that says what needs to be said:

“I began to realize: especially the most malicious comments about Fr. Serra were usually by people who knew nothing about him, who had picked it up secondhand on the internet or on a blog, or who simply just didn’t care for the Catholic Church and its doctrine.”

The full article can be read @ History truth and politics Researcher seeks to clear the record on Junipero Serra Catholic News Agency CNA
Did you mean 'saint' instead of 'state' in the first sentence?

Thanks. You would think after months with this new keyboard, I could type better.
California legislators renew push against Junipero Serra, saint and Hispanic 'founding father'


Coming from California legislators, this doesn't surprise me. They lean so far to the left that all the doorways in the capitol building had to be rebuilt so they could get through them.

At least one group is fighting back, Salvemos a Serra (Salvemos a Fray Jun pero Serra) or Let's Save Serra. To date, more than 46,000 Californians have signed English and Spanish petitions on asking that the attempt to removed the blessed father's statue from the US Capitol Rotunda.

Why are they doing this? Who are they pandering to? I see no big movement among the California Spanish community. There's nothing on Latino television or in their newspapers. The only “Indians” complaining about this are small bands, many of whom never even lived in areas affected by the missions!

Why aren't they complaining about the first American governor of California who, in 1840, had them rounded up and deposited on “reservations” in areas not wanted by the Yanks? :dev2:

The story comes from California legislators renew push against Junipero Serra saint and Hispanic founding father Catholic News Agency CNA
"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another."
Mal Reynolds, Firefly

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