In Europe Refugees 'Will Go Through Windows if Doors Closed' - UN


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I realize the people are desperate, but they can't just run around Europe willy nilly deciding where they want to go. Imagine if the people south of our country felt so desperate that they would all just break across the border. How about setting up Displace Persons camps like they did after World War II so that these people can be processed in a peaceful manner?


In Europe Refugees 'Will Go Through Windows if Doors Closed' - UN
© AP Photo/ Boris Grdanoski
05:05 05.09.2015(updated 05:06 05.09.2015) Get short URL
Major Migrant Crisis in Europe (117)
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights urging the European migrant crisis to be solved stated that EU would better to find more efficient ways to prevent conflicts rather than constructing anti-migrant border fences.

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – The European migrant crisis can only be resolved if conflicts are eliminated in the Middle East and North Africa, from where refugees are flowing in great numbers to EU member-states, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic said, adding that closing doors will not solve the issue.

"If you approach the problem just by securitization, let's do more patrolling, let's intersect boats, let's declare war on smugglers and traffickers, it sounds good. But it's not efficient. It will not eliminate the challenge that we are facing," Simonovic stressed on Friday.

According to the UN Assistant Secretary-General, Europe has so far been inefficient in preventing conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, unable to end the ongoing violence in the regions, at the same time failing to protect basic human rights.

"You cannot hope to solve this crisis just by closing the door. Those desperate people will go through windows if you close the door," Simonovic said referring to thousands of people fleeing their conflict-torn home states.

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In Europe Refugees 'Will Go Through Windows if Doors Closed' - UN
they oughta be sent back to their homelands . That action robably won't happen so the Western world will be infected Sally . Course ok with me if 'europe' is infected as it'll be something to watch .
I realize the people are desperate, but they can't just run around Europe willy nilly deciding where they want to go. Imagine if the people south of our country felt so desperate that they would all just break across the border. How about setting up Displace Persons camps like they did after World War II so that these people can be processed in a peaceful manner?


In Europe Refugees 'Will Go Through Windows if Doors Closed' - UN
© AP Photo/ Boris Grdanoski
05:05 05.09.2015(updated 05:06 05.09.2015) Get short URL
Major Migrant Crisis in Europe (117)
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights urging the European migrant crisis to be solved stated that EU would better to find more efficient ways to prevent conflicts rather than constructing anti-migrant border fences.

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – The European migrant crisis can only be resolved if conflicts are eliminated in the Middle East and North Africa, from where refugees are flowing in great numbers to EU member-states, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic said, adding that closing doors will not solve the issue.

"If you approach the problem just by securitization, let's do more patrolling, let's intersect boats, let's declare war on smugglers and traffickers, it sounds good. But it's not efficient. It will not eliminate the challenge that we are facing," Simonovic stressed on Friday.

According to the UN Assistant Secretary-General, Europe has so far been inefficient in preventing conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, unable to end the ongoing violence in the regions, at the same time failing to protect basic human rights.

"You cannot hope to solve this crisis just by closing the door. Those desperate people will go through windows if you close the door," Simonovic said referring to thousands of people fleeing their conflict-torn home states.

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In Europe Refugees 'Will Go Through Windows if Doors Closed' - UN
He looks pretty healthy not like a lot of immigrants out there?
Migrants break out of camp as Hungary loses grip...

Buses take migrants west to Austria; Hungarian crackdown crumbles

4 Sept.`15

- Long lines of buses left Budapest on Saturday packed with migrants bound for Austria, which said it had agreed with Germany to let them in as Hungary gave in to crowds, including Syrian refugees, that had set out on foot for western Europe.
Hungary's right-wing government said around 100 buses would pick up thousands of migrants camped in front of Budapest’s main railway terminus and another 1,200 striding down the main highway to Vienna led by a one-legged Syrian refugee and chanting “Germany, Germany!”
Austria said they would be granted entry, regardless of European Union rules. Smiling migrants boarded the buses, waving goodbye to Hungarian volunteers and aid workers.
“Because of today’s emergency situation on the Hungarian border, Austria and Germany agree in this case to a continuation of the refugees’ journey into their countries,” Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said on his Facebook page.

The Hungarian government cited safety concerns for the decision to lay on buses, after days of canceled trains and confrontation with riot police refusing to let the migrants pass.
But it appeared to mark an admission that the government had lost control in the face of overwhelming numbers of migrants determined to reach western Europe having fled war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
For days, Hungary has canceled all trains going west to Austria and Germany, saying it is obliged under EU rules to register all asylum seekers, who should remain there until their requests are processed.


Migrants enter a bus, which is supposed to leave to Austria and Germany, at the Keleti trainstation in Budapest, Hungary

Many have refused, determined to get to the richer and more generous countries of northern and western Europe, mainly Germany.
Several thousand have been camped outside the Budapest train station, but on Friday a crowd that swelled to over 1,000 broke away, streaming through the capital, over a bridge and out onto the main highway from Budapest to Vienna, escorted by police struggling to keep the road open.
Clutching pictures of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, they broke through a police barricade.

Others, in Bicske to the west of Budapest, sprinted down railway tracks, escaping a packed train held back by police for two days, while in the south they broke down barriers and wrestled with helmeted riot officers at an overcrowded border camp near Serbia.
The turmoil contrasted with a pledge by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to get to grips with Europe’s worst refugee crisis since the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s; parliament tightened laws that his government said would effectively seal Hungary’s southern border to migrants as of Sept. 15.
Orban hailed “a different era”, but Friday brought more desperate scenes in a crisis that has left Europe groping for unity. A Pakistani man died, police said. State television said he had stumbled and hit his head as he ran down train tracks.


See also:

Migrants stream into Austria, swept west by overwhelmed Hungary
Sat Sep 5, 2015 |

Thousands of exhausted migrants streamed into Austria on Saturday, bussed to the border by a Hungarian government that gave up trying to hold them back as Europe's asylum system buckled under pressure from the numbers reaching its frontiers.
After days of confrontation and chaos, Hungary’s right-wing government deployed dozens of buses to move on migrants from the capital, Budapest, and pick up over 1,000 – many of them refugees from the Syrian war – who had set off by foot on Friday down the main highway to Vienna.
Austria said it had agreed with Germany that they would allow the migrants access, waiving the rules of an asylum system brought to breaking point by Europe’s worst refugee crisis since the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.

Wrapped in blankets and sleeping bags against the rain, long lines of visibly exhausted migrants, many carrying small children, climbed off buses on the Hungarian side of the border and walked into Austria, receiving fruit and water from aid workers. Some waiting Austrians held signs that read, “Refugees welcome”.
“We’re happy. We’ll go to Germany,” said a Syrian man who gave his name as Mohammed. Another, who declined to be named, said: “Hungary should be fired from the European Union. Such bad treatment.”


Migrants arrive at the Austrian-Hungarian border station of Hegyeshalom, Hungary

Austrian police said 2,000 had arrived at the border, with many more likely to follow during the day. Trains were laid on to take them from the border town of Nickelsdorf to Vienna.
Hungary cited traffic safety for its decision to move the migrants on.

But it appeared to mark an admission that the government had lost control in the face of overwhelming numbers determined to reach the richer nations of northern and western Europe at the end of an often perilous journey from war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
“Because of today’s emergency situation on the Hungarian border, Austria and Germanyagree in this case to a continuation of the refugees’ journey into their countries,” Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said on his Facebook page.

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The UN is biased and has always displayed moral relativism. This is a case in point. While criticizing Europe for it actions, or lack thereof, no mention has been made of other countries responsible for the refugee crisis:

"Some European countries have been criticized for offering sanctuary only to a small number of refugees, or for discriminating between Muslims and Christians. There's also been a good deal of continental hand-wringing over the general dysfunction of Europe's systems for migration and asylum."

"As Amnesty International recently pointed out, the "six Gulf countries -- Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain -- have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees." This claim was echoed by Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, on Twitter..."

"Moreover, these countries aren't totally innocent bystanders. To varying degrees, elements within Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the U.A.E. and Kuwait have invested in the Syrian conflict, playing a conspicuous role in funding and arming a constellation of rebel and Islamist factions fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad."

The Arab world’s wealthiest nations are doing next to nothing for Syria’s refugees

Why isn't more being asked of these countries?

Immigration/emigration have push/pull factors. The push factors, things like war and poverty, are obvious and much more difficult to difficult to deal with. The pull factors, things like accommodation and support for the immigrants are far more easily influenced by the host nation .

There is a reason that immigrants do not want to stop in places like Turkey, Greece and Hungry even though they are as safe there as they would be in Germany, France or Britain, nor do they want to emigrate to the safer destinations within their region. If Europe rolled up the welcome mat, these people would find safe haven elsewhere, but obviously they prefer the system of financial support offered in rich northern European countries.

That is what killed the child in Turkey and countless others in the seas of the Mediterranean and in chicken trucks in Austria. The solution is simple.

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