In Delusional Pallyworld, Pals Will Conquer The World


Jun 29, 2011
Pally Mufti: The Caliphate Will Return. We Will Bring The Sword To Your Necks :badgrin: :clap2:
In the Levant, we are involved in a fierce battle, and we will bring about a change in Syria and in the Levant in its entirety. The infidels divided the Levant into four states, and we will reunite them into a single state. The Safavid enterprise that led to Iran occupying Iraq, along with the Americans and the Zionists, will end in the garbage bin of history. The Caliphate in the path of the Prophet will return.

We await the caliph who will address the leaders of the US and Europe and say: From the Emir of the Believers from Jerusalem to the rulers of the West, this is the religion of Allah. Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else you will bring the sword to your necks…

The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

[ame=]PLA Mufti Calls for Caliphate & Jizya "Or Else We Will Bring The Sword To Your Necks" - YouTube[/ame]

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