In an alternate universe.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
"Dammit they mean business, what the hell am I doing, here"? You ask this question but none of your companions has an answer. When your brother-in-law suggested this fiasco over shots and beers the night before it seemed like an awesome idea, "stand up to the fucking feds" he said "fucking right" you said and jumped in the truck with the rest of the case of natural light and hit the damn road. So here you stand with your rifle and a wicked hangover and wouldn't you know it, you left your sunglasses back at the trailer.

That desert glare is like a knife in your brain and the severe dehydration is making you dizzy and hazy. All of the sudden, your stupid, just out of prison, brother-in-law yells obscenity at the jackbooted thugs and opens up with that big ass desert eagle, startling you out of your gin and natty hell into another even worse kind of hell, like a bad dream everyone is shooting or running. Oh God, that old fart with the chihuahua just took it to the neck, that lady with the heavy make-up just fell with part of her leg blow off, you have no idea what the feds are doing because you are getting the hell out of Dodge.

Just when you think that maybe you might make it to cover a lance of pain like a hammerblow strikes your back, a chunk of flesh the size of a child's fist explodes from your chest, oh God, look at the blood, you are on your face and you do not remember falling, the pain is horrible, worse than anything. Out of the corner of your eye the feds are visible through the dust and smoke, some them are down too and you ask yourself again what the hell you are doing here but again from your companions there is no answer.

You painfully turn your head, blood is flowing freely from your nose and mouth but you see your stupid brother in law hiding behind an old Ford truck with many bumper stickers and curse his name. Your sight is getting dim as you vomit, piss and shit simultaneously. Your last thoughts are gleeful as you see your stupid brother-law take one right between the eyes. You close yours and smile, at least the cows are safe.

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