CDZ In a race to the bottom: Facism better than Communism?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
I am not a Fascist and am deeply opposed to fascism. But a thought popped in my head of who would I rather take over in a hypothetical situation. The radical left or the radical right. Now Hitler and the 3rd Reich are probably the most notorious villains of evil governments, and that's somewhat earned since they almost took over the world, and carried out a terrible genocide. However, we have a tendency to overlook the atrocities and death caused by the communist regimes like the Soviet Union and Maoist China. Terrible, terrible regimes who put up a body count that puts the Nazis to shame. Both are clearly bad, but which is worse and why?

In my opinion, It has got to be the communist, leaving fascism to be the least putrid smelling turd. Here's why. In fascism, there seems to be a nationalistic utilitarian unity that is to say, what is good (or seemingly good) for the majority of the citizenry in this country, we will do. Im not trying to say what they say is good for the majority, actually is good for the majority. But while fascism favors the nationalistic majority as virtuous and supreme (or at least claims to), fascism is very bad for the minority, whatever/whoever that may be. Obviously things are still wildly oppressive for the "majority" in a fascistic regime. Communism on the other hand is essentially equality is to be the end result. There is just no way in hell to achieve this other than through sheer tyranny. We are just not biologically/evolutionarily/psychologically built to all wind up equal in the end. On top of that, it is pretty damn impossible to define what level of equableness one is aiming for. Is it money? Is it happiness? Is it gender/race related? Why not all? So, Communism has to force a large population of wildly diverse people, with different dreams, desires, priorities, interests, abilities, etc. into a tiny little box of whatever their definition of equity is. Since we are all unique individuals, communism has to oppress pretty much everyone equally by definition. Even though that never is the case, all communism winds up doing (mixed with the inevitable ingredient of human nature) is create two wildly exaggerated classes of people, the wide ranging majority of have-nots, and the tiny minuscule minority of the ruling class, and their lap dogs. So as opposed to fascism where its "us" vs the minority and the enemies, communism is the government vs you, and you are required to spy on your neighbors so its also you vs your neighbors. The proof is in the pudding. The death toll from communistic governments against its citizens is anywhere between 80 million people and 150 million people. Vs fascism which was somewhere around 8 million.

If you disagree, have at it.
I am not a Fascist and am deeply opposed to fascism. But a thought popped in my head of who would I rather take over in a hypothetical situation. The radical left or the radical right. Now Hitler and the 3rd Reich are probably the most notorious villains of evil governments, and that's somewhat earned since they almost took over the world, and carried out a terrible genocide. However, we have a tendency to overlook the atrocities and death caused by the communist regimes like the Soviet Union and Maoist China. Terrible, terrible regimes who put up a body count that puts the Nazis to shame. Both are clearly bad, but which is worse and why?

In my opinion, It has got to be the communist, leaving fascism to be the least putrid smelling turd. Here's why. In fascism, there seems to be a nationalistic utilitarian unity that is to say, what is good (or seemingly good) for the majority of the citizenry in this country, we will do. Im not trying to say what they say is good for the majority, actually is good for the majority. But while fascism favors the nationalistic majority as virtuous and supreme (or at least claims to), fascism is very bad for the minority, whatever/whoever that may be. Obviously things are still wildly oppressive for the "majority" in a fascistic regime. Communism on the other hand is essentially equality is to be the end result. There is just no way in hell to achieve this other than through sheer tyranny. We are just not biologically/evolutionarily/psychologically built to all wind up equal in the end. On top of that, it is pretty damn impossible to define what level of equableness one is aiming for. Is it money? Is it happiness? Is it gender/race related? Why not all? So, Communism has to force a large population of wildly diverse people, with different dreams, desires, priorities, interests, abilities, etc. into a tiny little box of whatever their definition of equity is. Since we are all unique individuals, communism has to oppress pretty much everyone equally by definition. Even though that never is the case, all communism winds up doing (mixed with the inevitable ingredient of human nature) is create two wildly exaggerated classes of people, the wide ranging majority of have-nots, and the tiny minuscule minority of the ruling class, and their lap dogs. So as opposed to fascism where its "us" vs the minority and the enemies, communism is the government vs you, and you are required to spy on your neighbors so its also you vs your neighbors. The proof is in the pudding. The death toll from communistic governments against its citizens is anywhere between 80 million people and 150 million people. Vs fascism which was somewhere around 8 million.

If you disagree, have at it.
I heard a funny outdated joke that relates to this topic and the soviet union. An American dies and goes to hell, and Satan is there to give him his tour of Hell. They come up to a giant cauldron with a fire blazing underneath, the American see's hands trying to reach and climb out of the cauldron but there are Satan's demons sitting on the edge who keep pricking them with their pitchforks to force them back in. Satan says this is the cauldron for Englishmen. They come up to another cauldron, even hotter, and again with demons on the side keeping the occupants in. The American noticed a person wearing a black beret trying to climb out before he gets forced back in, and Satan says this is the cauldron for Frenchmen. They walk up to another giant cauldron, that's burning so hot its white. But on this cauldron there are no demons guarding the edges. The American sees one person almost make it out but falls back in. Satan says that's the cauldron for the soviet union. The American asks, how come there aren't any demons guarding that cauldron? Satan replies, because we don't need any, anytime someone tries to climb out, one of their "comrades" always pulls them back in.

Thank you, Ill be here all week.
I have a new POV here.

The best link is by reading into this political compass site. I'm short for time so here is a pic:


How about we say those Authoritarians are pretty darned crazy and I don't wanna live under either.
Fascism has a great number of ways it can be expressed and implemented. It’s underrated, and over vilified. It can be everything it’s detractors paint it to be. Be it can also be something else entirely. I’ve often pondered what a democratic republic would look like with a fascistic flair.
For instance take our constitutional republic, and constitution. Limit the ability to vote for president to the house and senate which are voted for by the people. Add a constitution with nationalism at its core, and you might have a damn near perfect form of government. Term limits go without saying...
Communism is the final phase of human development in relation to the production of our material needs. It is forward thinking.

Fascism is a right wing reactionary ideology that seeks to prevent the inevitable transition to socialism. It is backward thinking.

Is it any wonder cons love fascism?

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