Improving the Legal System

As a gun dealer I am pretty sensitive to this.
One question on the Federal Form 4473 asks "are you a user of or addicted to illegal drugs" (I cant remember the exact language).
Virtually every buyer answers no to the question. But on average probably 40% or more of my customers smoke pot on some kind of basis. I know that and they know that. Does that mean I am committing a crime by allowing what is probably a prohibited person from acquiring a gun?
The case could be made.

When i started in the business, I had an old dealer (he had started prior to 1968) tell me "if you do this business for very long, you are going to break the law. There are so many, with so many details, with some of them contradicting one another that it is impossible not to." He was absolutely right.

Yeah its retarded right!!

I get the whole "war on drugs" thing, I mean.. yeah ok.. Some drugs are dangerous, and a lot of people consider pot a gateway drug, etc, etc, yadda yadda.. But it's like, good friggin god.. People abuse their own damn prescription drugs, all the time, and are as free as a bird to do that.. Its undetectable most of the time..

But someone caught with a bag of pot can't get a gun for, you know, X number of years???

And does that form ask about alcoholism? Does it ask how often the person drinks, even..

I, for one, am sick of the Government trying so flipping hard to keep us safe from ourselves. I prefer freedom to safety any day.

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