Impact Of Illegal Immigration An “exaggeration”


Aug 18, 2008

That is what Bill Ritter of Colorado told a man on C-Span this morning. The impact of illegal immigration of our economy is not an “exaggeration.”

There is a direct “impact” on our education, health care and legal system.
When we have 350,000 “anchor babies” born in our hospitals free of charge each year and it is a direct impact on our health care system, economy and taxpayer.

When we have our schools flooded with “anchor babies” who my not speak English or fully comprehend the English language and extra school have to be built, that is not being built fast enough to keep up with the increase in students, special teachers have to be hired to give special attention to the children of illegal aliens. Even special schools are constructed especially for them like the Mariposa Academy of Language for children of illegal aliens and the majority of our public schools are as much as 95% Hispanic.
Most of these children quality for free breakfast and lunch paid for by the taxpayer.
Incarcerations, gang and graffiti units, legal representations and additional law enforcement are a direct impact of illegal immigration on our economy.

Any impact on our economy is an impact on the taxpayers.

Since most illegal aliens are low wage earners and unskilled are paying very little in taxes if any and the cost falls on the American taxpayer who is left behind and their children left behind in over crowded schools. Those low skilled and some or not, are taken by illegal aliens who are working for less and bring down wages of American workers. And if I hear once more they are doing jobs Americans will not do like construction, road work, clinic, department stores, Home Depot, hotel, domestic and yard work, I will scream because I know when there were not 12 million illegal aliens in this country Americans were doing these jobs as a fair wage. 12 million illegal aliens are not picking lettuce in the fields. How do 12 million low wage earners send $24 billion back to Mexico each year?

Not to forget about all the Americans who have become victims of the criminal element of illegal immigration. They have killed more Americans than all the recent wars altogether.

Maybe it does not have an “impact” on people like Bill Ritter, because he does not have to compete with illegal aliens for his job, his neighborhood are not flooded with crime, gangs, drugs and graffiti and his children do not compete for education.

Until Bill Ritter have walked in the shoes of the average hard working American family, he do not have a right to decide or comment on Comprehensive Immigration Reform which is another name for “amnesty” which will bring in extended family members and elderly parents who have not paid into the system but will be able to benefit from the hard work of American taxpayers.

And let’s not forget the most impact on our economy by illegal aliens is when they are sending $24 billion back home to Mexico each year which means $24 billion earned in the country going into Mexico economy and not back into ours and not helping the infrastructure of this country.

5 million illegal aliens who should not have been sold homes, defaulted on their mortgages they did not quality for last year taken advantage of by greedy and corrupt lenders was a direct impact on our failing economy.

Illegal immigration asks too much from the American taxpayers and we are just not willing and able to take on at this time. Enforcement of all of immigration laws is all we are will to settle for and nothing less.

The impact is quite personal for me and many senior citizens who are on limited incomes and who are helping their families to survive. When my son-in-law who is not selling any cars are not bringing home a check and the “lot boy” who is in this country illegally and does not speak English is still bring home a check each week.

My advice to someone who talks like Bill Ritter is to give more of your taxes to take care of the needs of illegal aliens.
American taxpayers are being left behind the needs of illegal aliens. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will not bring them out of the shadows because they are not in the shadows they are in the midst of all of our lives. In the schools, on the jobs, in our emergency rooms, etc.

Obama is building a case for Comprehensive Immigration Reform as we speak with Napolitano, Richardson, and many others.
Governor Ritter thinks this situation is "exaggerated"? I live in Colorado. I don't know what he was responding to specifically, but in general, illegal aliens have made huge impacts on this society and this state and anyone over the age of forty has got to notice the changes. I have to wonder were Bill gets his facts. If anything, the situation is minimized. Politicians better know, damned sure. Not minimize it even more.
There's the truth, then there's "statistics". Ravi. I don't think you want the truth. I'm here to tell ya. You already seem to have your mind made up. That sarcasm and inquisitiveness of yours, quite a mix. I live with these " exaggerations" , and they...are quite real. You should try it. You won't like it. Screw statistics. Live the dream, sweetheart.
Hi Silver--

I used to live in Colorado. Tell me some stories about what its like for you now.
There's the truth, then there's "statistics". Ravi. I don't think you want the truth. I'm here to tell ya. You already seem to have your mind made up. That sarcasm and inquisitiveness of yours, quite a mix. I live with these " exaggerations" , and they...are quite real. You should try it. You won't like it. Screw statistics. Live the dream, sweetheart.
No offense, Squishy, but I've lived with the exaggerations all my life. Feel free to provide some actual truth, otherwise keep whining.
Sky? Why don't you tell me some stories, about how much you have invested in this and then, I will mock you too? Sound fair? I realy laid it on the line Nothing. Mockery, and that is it? I think better of you. Beware of dogma junkies. Jesus.
Sky? Why don't you tell me some stories, about how much you have invested in this and then, I will mock you too? Sound fair? I realy laid it on the line Nothing. Mockery, and that is it? I think better of you. Beware of dogma junkies. Jesus.

I was asking you because I am willing to have my ideas challenged. I am sincerely interested in your point of view.

If you'd rather not tell me, fine. I did not ask you these questions to mock you.

Show me where I am mocking you.

I'm not your enemy. I'm just an opinionated poster. You may know more about the immigration issue than I do. I'm willing to come around to your point of view.
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Sky: I was never your enemy. Stories? Tell me yours, please. What does this mean to you personally? It must mean something, or you wouldn't be here.
I don't have a personal story about immigration, silver. I'm just an opinionated Buddhist who thinks we ought to treat all human beings with dignity.

Obviously, my religion informs my politics. I asked you about your stories because you have indicated you live in an area that is particularly impacted by illegal immigration.

I have the luxury of contemplating ideas like Open Borders, perhaps you don't.

My story is more personal. I have personally experienced what it's like to fight with neighbors over boundaries and borders and shared resources. It's hell. It's war.
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You are pulling your punches, Sky. I got a bullet or two in my casa and (shock and amazement) I have heard real illegal alien people spout the same crap you have, makes me wonder . Word for word. I mean, With my ears, not on some web site, or FOXNEWS or a poplar college professor spout. It's just a humble fact. All you people are doing is enabling illegal aliens. I get bullets . I get bullsh*t. Idealism aside... what is going on here? You really don't have to deal with these nice people, do you? No, you don't. That is the simplest and easiest answer, YES? You don't and you don't have A BLOODY CLUE what this is about, do you? I am being nice here, Sky.
A good friend of mine has just become involved with a woman who moved here to Maine from New Mexico. She took a very serious hit in income to make this move.

So, why did she move?

Because in the last year three of her friends had been robbed, one severely beaten, one murdered, because of the crime in that area.

This woman loves Mexicans, (she's an uber-liberal). She loves the Mexican culture and she cares tremendously about the immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- but the crime she is fleeing from was all perpetrated by people who appeared to be Hispanic gangbangers.

I personally find it hard to believe that having ten or twenty million illegal immigrants, most of whom are desperately poor, is NOT going to strain a society's resources, and part of that strain will inevitably come to that society in the form of crime.

Something needs to be done to stop this flow of illegals into the nation, folks.

This woman is clearly no racist, but she fled New Mexico because of the violent crime which she says is getting worse all the time.

She'd live in New Mexico for over twenty years, so I suspect she knows of what she speaks.
You are pulling your punches, Sky. I got a bullet or two in my casa and (shock and amazement) I have heard real illegal alien people spout the same crap you have, makes me wonder . Word for word. I mean, With my ears, not on some web site, or FOXNEWS or a poplar college professor spout. It's just a humble fact. All you people are doing is enabling illegal aliens. I get bullets . I get bullsh*t. Idealism aside... what is going on here? You really don't have to deal with these nice people, do you? No, you don't. That is the simplest and easiest answer, YES? You don't and you don't have A BLOODY CLUE what this is about, do you? I am being nice here, Sky.

Clearly, you are angry and more interested in being insulting than discussing this issue with someone who has an open mind about it.

I am not enabling illegality in any way. That's a humble fact.

Who is shooting at you?

If I don't 'have a bloody clue' then why won't you answer my questions about what its like for you there?
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A good friend of mine has just become involved with a woman who moved here to Maine from New Mexico. She took a very serious hit in income to make this move.

So, why did she move?

Because in the last year three of her friends had been robbed, one severely beaten, one murdered, because of the crime in that area.

This woman loves Mexicans, (she's an uber-liberal). She loves the Mexican culture and she cares tremendously about the immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- but the crime she is fleeing from was all perpetrated by people who appeared to be Hispanic gangbangers.

I personally find it hard to believe that having ten or twenty million illegal immigrants, most of whom are desperately poor, is NOT going to strain a society's resources, and part of that strain will inevitably come to that society in the form of crime.

Something needs to be done to stop this flow of illegals into the nation, folks.

This woman is clearly no racist, but she fled New Mexico because of the violent crime which she says is getting worse all the time.

She'd live in New Mexico for over twenty years, so I suspect she knows of what she speaks.

Along with illegal immigration comes the drugs, crime and the gangs. We have our share of crime and do not need imported crime. Look at the stastics on how many Americans have been the victims of illegal aliens criminal activity. Here is Reno and Vegas, if not for the illegal alien crime we would not have crime to write about. So lets not go there. I have been a victim of these crimes and they are stealing from employers and doing every sort of illegal busines that are costing us.
There is not an illegal alien family that does not have a member who is not doing something illegal.
The story your girl friend is telling just do not fly with me so save it.
No offense, Squishy, but I've lived with the exaggerations all my life. Feel free to provide some actual truth, otherwise keep whining.
Oh, Ravioli, I thought we had an understanding. I speak the truth. You are the whiner. First of all, I don't have to prove a bloody thing to you one way or the other. You support these people, "the illegal aliens" the onus is on you to prove YOUR point...You do have one, buried in all that confuse babble, don't you? I don't like getting nasty, so let's be civilized. I say this once more, I hope it isn't to subtle for you. I live with these people. I am not some well intended dilettante with to much time on her hands....
Oh, Ravioli, I thought we had an understanding. I speak the truth. You are the whiner. First of all, I don't have to prove a bloody thing to you one way or the other. You support these people, "the illegal aliens" the onus is on you to prove YOUR point...You do have one, buried in all that confuse babble, don't you? I don't like getting nasty, so let's be civilized. I say this once more, I hope it isn't to subtle for you. I live with these people. I am not some well intended dilettante with to much time on her hands....
You want me to prove that I believe the impact is an exaggeration? I cannot prove what I believe and I cannot prove that it is an exaggeration. I just think it is because I've never seen any credible evidence that it is and I've never seen how much money it would cost to keep people from sneaking into the country. You obviously cannot prove it isn't an exaggeration so we are left with a draw. Who are "these" people? I've lived in a community that has had massive influxes of immigrants all my life and until the economy started tanking, IMO, they have had a net get off your high horse and put your money where your mouth is or quit crying.
Thank you, Ravi. You astonish me. You see what is happening with your own eyes, and that isn't enough proof? " Massive influx of immigrants"...? That these very same people can apply to immigrate legally instead of the alternative. That they choose not to, that is the problem. I don't know what else to say. That's the very root of this issue, I am sure you already know. What is it you are seeing that I am missing? I will get of my soap box and listen.
Thank you, Ravi. You astonish me. You see what is happening with your own eyes, and that isn't enough proof? " Massive influx of immigrants"...? That these very same people can apply to immigrate legally instead of the alternative. That they choose not to, that is the problem. I don't know what else to say. That's the very root of this issue, I am sure you already know. What is it you are seeing that I am missing? I will get of my soap box and listen.
mmm? I already told you.

As to your other point, we should expand how many people we allow to immigrate legally. The numbers we allow now are just silly, especially since we are close to zero population growth among legal citizens.
Ravi, You told me, I told you...OK, I will be nice. Again, you astonish me. You are trying to legitimize illegal aliens because of a that "zero birth rate" junk ? Come on now, and you have the chutzpa to ask me for "Statistics"? America doesn't owe it to Mexico or any one else a freebie immigration because they CAN"T control their birth rate, for that mater. Care to counter?

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