Immigration reform; economic suicide.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Any form of immigration reform that give legalization, green cards to 12 who are here working illegally is nothing but economical suicide for the nation. It give 12 million people the legal right to undercut American workers. This is not the time to have unskilled and skilled people from other countries competing for jobs and wages when we have 25,792,000 unemployed and underemployed Americans. Jobless rate among African-American teens is 40.5 percent. 26% among Black men. The homeless situation has reached epidemic proportions and our government has taken this situation off their agenda.

It is insanity and economic suicide for the economy and Americans to even think about legalizing 12 million that will compete for jobs with Americans. And the rhetoric that they will contribute to the economy. The fact is that 12 million are here working and paying taxes in we are in a recession and unemployment rate is over 8%. Plus legalization will add $2.6 trillion to the debt. They will not be eligible for Obamacare so they will continue to receive free emergency room healthcare. They will continue to receive all social services available to their American born children. There will be family re-unifications (chain migration) that will add to the workforce, education, social services and incarcerations.
There will be requirements that will have to be met and what if those requirement are not met? We will have a repeat of 1986 amnesty by another name.

Any kind of Comp. Immg. Reform in this economy or in the near future is political insanity and economic suicide for this country. Nothing more then enforcement and border security should be considered to reduce the number of those working here illegally undercutting American workers and American unemployed.

We have a bi-partisan group that is more than willing to sell out America and Americans for political gains. I pray that there is someone in Congress to see the insanity of all this and have the cajones to fight for America and Americans.
Bring them the hell out of the shadows and send them the hell home to Mexico where the unemplyment rate is 4.47% because U.S. businesses have move there providing them with jobs. And creating unemployment here.
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