Immigration reform again?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Hell no Obama. Not with my money. Only immigrations reform I want to see it enforcement and deportation. I do not mind giving to take care of American citizens, but not those who come here illegally and take from a system that I support. 20 million illegal aliens given legal status is another American tragedy we are not ready for now or tomorrow.
Enforcement of our immigration laws will work. Go after businesses that hire illegal aliens and if they cannot work they will leave and they will take the million of anchor babies that I am taking care of now. Deportation by attrition.
Ruben Navarrette: Congress and Obama say they will work on immigration reform in 2010
He says it's a volatile issue, but they must resist political impulse to duck it again
Navarrette: Interest groups need to face debate honestly, shun ugliness
Americans should remember own immigrant roots, Navarrette say

Illega immigration not legal immigration. They are not Immigrants, they are illegal aliens. The ugliness is in the 20 million who entered this country illegally thumbing their nose at our laws and they do not deserve to remain here and gain legal status. They should go to the end of the line which is in their country and enter this country legally. 185,000 are allowed to enter this country legally each year.
"Remember own immigrants roots"? How dare you compare my ancestors who came to this country legally and registering with Ellis Island to illegal aliens who use this system and unlike my ancestors who gave and built this country to be the great country it is.
American will fight any form of amnesty with their lives because our lives depends of enforcement and deportation of 20 million illegal aliens.
Ruben Navarrette: 'Congress and Obama say they will work on immigration reform in 2010
He says it's a volatile issue, but they must resist political impulse to duck it again
Navarrette: Interest groups need to face debate honestly, shun ugliness
Americans should remember own immigrant roots, Navarrette say.'

Interest groups need to think first of AMERICANS and of AMERICA!!! Having one foot in the country of their parents and one foot in the USA is NOT working! Rewarding ILLEGAL entry is not the way to remember own immigrant roots! Either accept this country as your own and care more about IT than those who enter illegally or leave it! It's that simple.
You can probably count on one hand the number of people in Washington who give a damn about enforcing illegal immigration. Its a shame but one of the things I use in choosing who I vote for now.

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