Immigration Laws in your State


Jun 10, 2010
National Council of State Legislatures

2010 Immigration-Related Laws and Resolutions in the States (January-June 2010)

With no federal immigration reform in the foreseeable future, state legislatures continue to step up to the plate to address the complex and challenging issue of immigration. In the first six months of 2010, every state in regular session considered laws related to immigrants or immigration. State legislators introduced 1,374 bills and resolutions in 46 states relating to immigrants and refugees. The number of bill introductions is comparable to the first half of 2009, when 50 states considered more than 1,400 bills and resolutions pertaining to immigrants. Montana, Nevada, North Dakota and Texas are not in regular session in 2010.

As of June 30, 2010, 44 state legislatures passed 191 laws and adopted 128 resolutions. Five bills were vetoed, for a total of 314 enacted laws and resolutions, a 21 percent increase over 2009. An additional 10 bills were pending governor’s approval. For the same period in 2009, 44 states had enacted 144 laws and adopted 115 resolutions; 23 were pending governor’s approval and three bills were vetoed. Delaware and North Carolina have introduced bills but have yet to enact legislation.

Getting the most attention this year has been Arizona’s immigration enforcement laws (SB.1070 and HB.2162). Key provisions include: law enforcement must attempt to determine the immigration status of a person involved in a lawful stop, detention or arrest when the officer reasonably suspects the person is an illegal immigrant; state residents may sue state and local agencies for noncompliance; and failure to carry an alien registration document is now a state violation. More information on these Arizona laws can be found under the omnibus category, and online.

As of June 30, bills similar to Arizona’s had been introduced in five state legislatures: South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island and Michigan. Minnesota and South Carolina legislative sessions have ended.

State laws related to immigration have increased dramatically in recent years:

In 2005, 300 bills were introduced; 38 laws were enacted and 6 vetoed.
In 2006, 570 bills were introduced, 84 laws were enacted and 12 resolutions adopted.
In 2007, 1,562 bills were introduced, 240 laws were enacted and 50 resolutions adopted.
In 2008, 1,305 bills were introduced, 206 laws were enacted and 64 resolutions adopted.
In 2009, more than 1,500 bills were introduced, 222 laws were enacted and 131 resolutions adopted.
Summaries of all enacted laws and resolutions are available online sorted alphabetically by state and by category at Issues & Research.

Enacted laws and resolutions as of July 20 2010 by state
Enacted laws and resolutions asof July 20 2010 by subject

2010 Immigration-Related Laws and Resolutions in the States


You can check the laws up for vote and already approved in your state through the above website.

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