Immigration Law for placing illegal alien children in detention facility


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Public Law 107 - 296 The Homeland Security Act of 2002. This is the law that includes the provision for putting children in a detention facility after entering the U. S.// Here is the list of Democrats who voted for this law but who are now outrage at Trump: Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Christopher Dodd, Joseph Leiberman, Joseph Biden, Bob Graham, Richard Durban, Tom Harkin, Mark Dayton, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Tom Daschile, Patrick Leahy, Jay Rockefeller, Herb Hohl, Democrat/Republican: John McCain, Olympia Snowe. President George W. Bush signed this law, but now he is acting outraged at Trump.

10,000 of these kids are "unaccompanied", or they are brought here by human traffickers.

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