Immigration is Terrorism

He's got a great point - the last time LARGE scale immigration was policy, the people who REALLY owned this land were killed off, or the immigrants were brought here as slaves.

Going doun the road of raceism is a wast of time, I don't think it's nesasarily bad to be proud your white, however we as a race won't stick together so we may just as well admit it and move on- and the jew thing come on!!!
How ever there is a point to be made about tyson and the other's I worked in a two major meat processing plant's in wisconsin and they were almost total mexican, And then again as I'v posted before I cannot blam them for comming here- when you have nothing your going to do what you have to.

We have corperate traitor's big and small all over this country hand in hand with goverment officials, We should tax or tariff the crap out of company's
that shut plant's doun here to move oversea's Nike-Black and Decker should be on a list of shame Read out by congress every year. And we should have a better system of figuring out who we can leagaly hire and breaking the ball's of companys' that hire Illegal's
That Being said we also have to stop allowing our principal's to be sold for the price of a cheap pair of shoe's or a cheap DVD player, The people making this stuff are virtually slaves by another name, Locked behind fences
Working in condishion's that an american would walk rite out of without thinking twice.But they dont have a choice if they want to eat-live.
The money spend to wage war would be much better used to make the lives of people in other countrys better, Food water shelter real freedom should be this nation's priority's
William, if you put this link here to show us how this Mr Hopper is stupid, racist and antisemetic, congratulation.

But if you did it because you think he's right, you should have your member card of the KKK and neo-nazis party...
-=d=- said:
the last time LARGE scale immigration was policy, the people who REALLY owned this land were killed off

Yes. The Indians were a proud people but they had a terrible immigration policy. Too bad we're copying it!
William, your ancestors were immigrants. Should they have been blocked from entering America? The ethnic diversity of America is its greatest strength.

Those who frequent this board will, for the most part, not accept your blatent racism.

Dress it up a bit however, and they will be patting you on the back and saying "right on!". You don't have to be real subtle, just don't be blatent. Focus it against those of Arab descent and you will have an even easier time of it.


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