Imams and Dhimmi Clergy Condemn Mention of “Jihad” and “Islamist”


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
They object to the truth? They should condemn those that could commit any act like 9/11. They should condemn Jihad and radical Islamists and the hate that is taught by any mosque or Imam. They should condemn any act of violence or harm of any human being no matter race, religion, politics or philosophy.

Imams and Dhimmi Clergy Condemn Mention of “Jihad” and “Islamist” at 9/11 Museum Exhibit

Last Letters of the 9/11 Muslim Terrorists: “Remind your brothers that this act is for Almighty Allah”

The “interfaith panel” of dhimmis and apologists have raised objections to the portrayal of jihad and Islam in a short 7-minute film that is part of the 9/11 Memorial Museum. These seditious idiots were pleased with the photos of Muslims mourning 9/11, but wanted nothing at the Museum that would speak to the motive behind the biggest and bloodiest attack on the homeland in US history. Close to 3,000 of our friends, family, and first responders being slaughtered wasn’t terrible enough. We have to be polite to the slaughterers?......................

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