I'm so sick and tired of Vietnam



Why do we still have to hear about this crap? I've decided that its not about Conservatives or Liberals or Republicans or Democrats, its about Baby Boomers. That generation is such a huge pain in the ass. Its infuriating. From the protestors to the Vets, they are all a bunch of obsessed freaks about that War. It's all about the sixties.

The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly. Face it, it was immoral as hell. Then they bitched and moaned when they came home and got spit on. Yes they were sent there by bad leaders for stupid reasons and it was all a big cluster fuck.

I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war. That generation is a blight on this country. They did some good, a little bit. They gave us Civil Rights, then they proceeded to imprison every black they could find. They blabbed for a decade about peace and love, then they decided to become the most greedy selfish generation in history. They racked up an insane amount of debt and continue to do so and now they want to hand us the bill. Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.
busch2008 said:
Why do we still have to hear about this crap? I've decided that its not about Conservatives or Liberals or Republicans or Democrats, its about Baby Boomers. That generation is such a huge pain in the ass. Its infuriating. From the protestors to the Vets, they are all a bunch of obsessed freaks about that War. It's all about the sixties.

The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly. Face it, it was immoral as hell. Then they bitched and moaned when they came home and got spit on. Yes they were sent there by bad leaders for stupid reasons and it was all a big cluster fuck.

I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war. That generation is a blight on this country. They did some good, a little bit. They gave us Civil Rights, then they proceeded to imprison every black they could find. They blabbed for a decade about peace and love, then they decided to become the most greedy selfish generation in history. They racked up an insane amount of debt and continue to do so and now they want to hand us the bill. Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.

and this has WHAT to do with the political race? Sounds more like Gen. USA chat to me.
Yet, Americans refuse to use the flat-handed open salute as a defeated military force. No question, WE were defeated in Viet Nam. It sucked as a "war" and it sucks as a stain on our integrity as preservers of PEACE. Placing blame doesn't solve anything some thirty odd years later. Understanding the political and corporate propensities of the time tells a very huge and important story. I suggest you all for some research and mind-grappling.


God Bless America
busch2008 said:
Why do we still have to hear about this crap? I've decided that its not about Conservatives or Liberals or Republicans or Democrats, its about Baby Boomers. That generation is such a huge pain in the ass. Its infuriating. From the protestors to the Vets, they are all a bunch of obsessed freaks about that War. It's all about the sixties.

The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly. Face it, it was immoral as hell. Then they bitched and moaned when they came home and got spit on. Yes they were sent there by bad leaders for stupid reasons and it was all a big cluster fuck.

I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war. That generation is a blight on this country. They did some good, a little bit. They gave us Civil Rights, then they proceeded to imprison every black they could find. They blabbed for a decade about peace and love, then they decided to become the most greedy selfish generation in history. They racked up an insane amount of debt and continue to do so and now they want to hand us the bill. Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.

I have to agree with your opinion of Baby Boomers (and I'm one myself). We are without a doubt, one of the most self absorbed, self centered generations that ever walked the face of the Earth. I believe that the majority of our problems are caused by the fact that many of us just haven't really grown up.

As for us screwing like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy. If you are referring to AIDS, that disease (at least in Europe and America) was introduced by the gay community, not the hippies. The first cases of AIDS didn't show up in this country until 1981 and it was predominantly among gay men. Even now gays are the ones most affected. That is why they have such a preoccupation with the disease.

As far as Vietnam, our fighting men and women did the best they could. The problem with that war was that the politicians meddled in it. If they had stayed out of it and let the generals do the fighting, we would have been better off. Should we have gone in? Probably. Did it help to contain Communism? In the long run, no.

Speaking of killing millions of people needlessly. Even if we hadn't set a foot in Vietnam, the Communists would have done our killing for us and moreso. We didn't fight (much of) a war in Cambodia, yet the Khmer Rouge killed millions of people there especially after the Vietnam War (I believe the number is around 2 million people killed). When it comes to needless deaths, I wouldn't be so quick to pin the blame on the US and I certainly wouldn't be so quick to place hope in the humanity of Communist regimes.
busch2008 said:
Why do we still have to hear about this crap? I've decided that its not about Conservatives or Liberals or Republicans or Democrats, its about Baby Boomers. That generation is such a huge pain in the ass. Its infuriating. From the protestors to the Vets, they are all a bunch of obsessed freaks about that War. It's all about the sixties.

The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly. Face it, it was immoral as hell. Then they bitched and moaned when they came home and got spit on. Yes they were sent there by bad leaders for stupid reasons and it was all a big cluster fuck.

I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war. That generation is a blight on this country. They did some good, a little bit. They gave us Civil Rights, then they proceeded to imprison every black they could find. They blabbed for a decade about peace and love, then they decided to become the most greedy selfish generation in history. They racked up an insane amount of debt and continue to do so and now they want to hand us the bill. Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.
instead of enumerating the positives of the generation that I belong to, I will look foreward to seeing your plans to enlighten the next generation! (I hope it isn't bitching and whining--my generation supposedly invented that)
dilloduck said:
instead of enumerating the positives of the generation that I belong to, I will look foreward to seeing your plans to enlighten the next generation! (I hope it isn't bitching and whining--my generation supposedly invented that)

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but having seen a majority of Busch's posts i dont think he is in any position to enlighten my generation.

With that said, i think we will enlighten ourselves. We've seen alot of the mistakes our parents have made. We dont have to make them.
Well someone has to point some things out....
Believe me busch2008, no one is more tired of Vietnam than the folks that lived through that part of history.

Now as far as your statement goes...
That generation is a blight on this country.
Here is short list of what that generation has done. There is much more.

The landing of men on the moon several times.

The NASA spacecraft Viking Two makes a successful Mars landing to begin its mission of sending color photos back to Earth.

The American space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the moon's surface.

Dr. James Campbell performed the 1st human nerve transplant.

The United States launched the Telstar II communications satellite. It made the first public transatlantic broadcast.

Artificial Intelligence created

The memory chip

the first microprocessor

The PC

Two Duke graduate students, linked computers to share information and created the Usenet electronic bulletin board.

The 1st transcontinental wireless phone call was made from SF to NYC.

AT&T Bell Labs scientists invented the laser.

Texas Instruments developed the integrated circuit, or silicon chip.

The first two-way telephone conversation by satellite took place with the help of Echo 1, a balloon satellite.

Robert Weitbrecht, a deaf person, invented the teletypewriter (TTY). It enabled deaf people to call each other and type conversations.

The new $114 million Stanford Linear Accelerator Center at Stanford Univ., Ca., began smashing atoms.

Jan 12, The Boeing 747 made its maiden voyage.

The 1st flight of Space Shuttle atop a Boeing 747 took place.

1st scientific hand-held calculator, the HP-35, was introduced

the 1st portable insulin pump.

The Human Genome Project began and planned to sequence all human DNA by 2005. The database did not just store sequences, but linked them with citations to enable new discoveries.

Raymond Damadian produced the 1st image of a human chest using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In 1970 he found that cancer cells could be distinguished from healthy tissues using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

William Schroeder became the 2nd person to receive a Jarvik-7 artificial heart.

Researchers for muscular dystrophy identified the gene that caused Duchene muscular dystrophy, the most common and fatal childhood form of the disease.

In a medical first, doctors in Baltimore transplanted the heart and lungs of an auto accident victim to Clinton House who gave up his own heart to a 2nd recipient. House, the nation's first living heart donor, died 14 months later.

Dr. Samuel L. Katz of Duke Univ. co-developed the Edmonston B vaccine against measles.

Yep this generation is a blight on this country...I guess..But we're working on it.:finger:
I second Mr.P and want to add something, the baby boom begins roughly 1943, give or take. The beginning of US in Vietnam is 1958-1961, give or take. Do you really think this was the generation that 'began' the war? Another word on THAT war, it was done to help an 'ally', France and it fit with the premise of 'domino theory.' It was executived to death, but would that have happened without the Cuban fiasco? I doubt it. Fault can be laid at the feet of JFK and LBJ.
Mr. P said:
Well someone has to point some things out....
Believe me busch2008, no one is more tired of Vietnam than the folks that lived through that part of history.

P, you wasted your keystrokes. 2008's broad brush accusatory ramblings do not merit a response. They are the product of limited intelligence, petty jealousy and democrat bullshit.

2008 was not attempting to advance a rational concept, he was simply striking out with a few gratuitous insults.

You could have covered everything you needed to say to the dimwit with the last part of your response - :finger: because that is all the effort that his statement merited. Perhaps one day, if he ever grows up, he may stop feeling sorry for himself long enough to realize that not everything is someone else's fault. Personally, I'm not very optimistic about that.

I'll add my own sentiment to your's. Here ya go 2008 :finger:
busch2008 said:
Why do we still have to hear about this crap? I've decided that its not about Conservatives or Liberals or Republicans or Democrats, its about Baby Boomers. That generation is such a huge pain in the ass. Its infuriating. From the protestors to the Vets, they are all a bunch of obsessed freaks about that War. It's all about the sixties.

The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly. Face it, it was immoral as hell. Then they bitched and moaned when they came home and got spit on. Yes they were sent there by bad leaders for stupid reasons and it was all a big cluster fuck.

I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war. That generation is a blight on this country. They did some good, a little bit. They gave us Civil Rights, then they proceeded to imprison every black they could find. They blabbed for a decade about peace and love, then they decided to become the most greedy selfish generation in history. They racked up an insane amount of debt and continue to do so and now they want to hand us the bill. Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.

It remains to be seen how your generation will turn out, doesn't it!

I can only speculate as to what you PERSONALLY are doing to improve things other than to whine about previous generations.
I am amazed by the ignorance of todays generation on a daily basis.

My father served in the USMC in Vietnam. He was not forced to be there, he enlisted because our country needed him and all the other amazing and couragous soldiers who were over there helping to defend your freedoms, including the free speech you so callously take for granted.

He almost lost his life, and you sit here whining and complaining that your sick of hearing about it? I am extremely proud of my father and all the others who went to war for a cause that nobody seemed to believe in or agree with. But you know what? It wasnt for them to decide whether or not we should be there, they were the ones who stood up and did what needed to be done.

And unlike Kerry, my father EARNED his Purple Heart and is proud of his time served in defense of our country and any other countries in need of defense from the bullies of this world.


The men and women who serve our country deserve nothing but respect and gratitude, regardless of our views and ideas of when war is and isnt neccesary.

pennyville73 said:
I am amazed by the ignorance of todays generation on a daily basis.

My father served in the USMC in Vietnam. He was not forced to be there, he enlisted because our country needed him and all the other amazing and couragous soldiers who were over there helping to defend your freedoms, including the free speech you so callously take for granted.

He almost lost his life, and you sit here whining and complaining that your sick of hearing about it? I am extremely proud of my father and all the others who went to war for a cause that nobody seemed to believe in or agree with. But you know what? It wasnt for them to decide whether or not we should be there, they were the ones who stood up and did what needed to be done.

And unlike Kerry, my father EARNED his Purple Heart and is proud of his time served in defense of our country and any other countries in need of defense from the bullies of this world.


The men and women who serve our country deserve nothing but respect and gratitude, regardless of our views and ideas of when war is and isnt neccesary.


Welcome Pennyville!73, Thank your dad for us and great first post. :dance:
The protestors and activists bitched and moaned and lost the War. They blasted their brains with mind altering drugs, preached about peace and love and screwed like rabbits giving us pleasant new diseases for future generations to enjoy
Of course, because new diseases just appear from people having a lot of sex.

The vets. They went over there and they killed millions needlessly.
I wasn't around then, I'm sick of hearing about their lost war.
They went because they were either made to, or because they were drafted and forced to. It's not their fault that they were sent to that hellhole for no reason whatsoever. Vietnam was a mistake on epic proportions. However, I get tired of Vietnam vets claiming that we (everyone who didn't go to Vietnam, alive yet or not) owe them, owe them, owe them.

Coming on the heels of the greatest generation they are a big flop.
The Greatest Generation. I like how one news anchor says it, and it all of a sudden became true.
Got to thinking today that some of what's going on today is a whole lot like Viet Nam-----one side says we should engage the enemy before things get worse----the other side prefers to ignore it and demand that the govt. take care of things " at home". :)
Golden Arms said:
They went because they were either made to, or because they were drafted and forced to. It's not their fault that they were sent to that hellhole for no reason whatsoever. Vietnam was a mistake on epic proportions. However, I get tired of Vietnam vets claiming that we (everyone who didn't go to Vietnam, alive yet or not) owe them, owe them, owe them.

Actually alot of the Vietnam vets who went heard the call of their country and volunteered much like there fathers did during WW2. From the more I study about communism and what the communists did there before and after the war I am not seeing how it was a mistake of epic proportions. The mistake of the war not to win it. Our pull out of Vietnam left the door open for the communists to begin their slaughter of Southeast Asia. If we had rolled back the Communists there Millions of people in Southeast Asia wouldnt have died under communist oppression.

It could be argued that the whole situation in Vietnam would have been avoidable had previous administrations allied with the North Vietnamese when they were interested in ties with the west and when they didnt turned to the Soviet Empire for assistance. But that doesnt mean when they made their choice to enforce communism on the people by force that it wasnt necessary for us as freedom loving people to fight the toltalitarian states.

Vietnam Vets are owed respect and dignity they deserve. they deserve to be heard when they exercises their free speech. they deserve to get their story out and correct the record. and John Kerry needs to answer for his actions.
Golden Arms said:
They went because they were either made to, or because they were drafted and forced to. It's not their fault that they were sent to that hellhole for no reason whatsoever. Vietnam was a mistake on epic proportions. However, I get tired of Vietnam vets claiming that we (everyone who didn't go to Vietnam, alive yet or not) owe them, owe them, owe them.

We did what our country asked of us. Most served voluntarily. Those who were drafted served with no less distinction. I'm not asking for respect - because coming from the likes of you, that would be meaningless. I don't care if you agree with what we had to do or not. A long time ago, when it might have mattered, smug diletantes like you taunted us and called us baby killers and one came home to call us war criminals. I've finally arrived at the point where I am at peace with what we had to do and your opinion is less to me than a single drop of rain is to a hurricane.

Lady, you owe me absolutely nothing - except perhaps to make some minimal effort to know what the hell you're talking about before you shoot that big mouth off. Your idiotic statements are either outright fabrications or the product of a self-absorbed dimwit who has left the peroxide on her scalp far too long.
Merlin1047 said:
We did what our country asked of us. Most served voluntarily. Those who were drafted served with no less distinction. I'm not asking for respect - because coming from the likes of you, that would be meaningless. I don't care if you agree with what we had to do or not. A long time ago, when it might have mattered, smug diletantes like you taunted us and called us baby killers and one came home to call us war criminals. I've finally arrived at the point where I am at peace with what we had to do and your opinion is less to me than a single drop of rain is to a hurricane.

Lady, you owe me absolutely nothing - except perhaps to make some minimal effort to know what the hell you're talking about before you shoot that big mouth off. Your idiotic statements are either outright fabrications or the product of a self-absorbed dimwit who has left the peroxide on her scalp far too long.

I hear that!!! We did what we did and did it to the best of our ability. Most people's opinion of what we did in VN doesn't matter one wit to me. No one "owes" me a damn thing.
Psychoblues said:
Yet, Americans refuse to use the flat-handed open salute as a defeated military force. No question, WE were defeated in Viet Nam. It sucked as a "war" and it sucks as a stain on our integrity as preservers of PEACE. Placing blame doesn't solve anything some thirty odd years later. Understanding the political and corporate propensities of the time tells a very huge and important story. I suggest you all for some research and mind-grappling.


God Bless America

Defeated? We laid down and quit.
rtwngAvngr said:
Defeated? We laid down and quit.

Yes we did. There is no question that militarily the US forces won every major and most minor engagements in the field. I say let the politicians and peace activists render that salute.
Merlin and CSM,

you and all the other Vietnam Vts, actually all vets, have my total respect and thanks for all you did during and after the War.

Hopefully, coming from someone who actually appreciates the fact that there are people who lay down there lives, and fight the good fight, regardless of whether they win or lose, does mean something to you.

Its just a sad fact that there will always be people who believe their rights and freedoms are a God given gift, that they are owed, insead of realizing without people like you they wouldnt be able to sit here and bitch and moan,
and insult you using those freedoms you earned for them.

Every person in America owes there way of life to a veteran, because with out them, we'd be living under the rules of communism, and wouldnt be here, debating our freedom of speech.

:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:

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