I'm not white - and we are all racist


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
My message is to primarily white people, although anybody might find this useful or agree.

I cannot emphasize enough that non-white people are racist. I know this for a fact, being non-white myself and interacting with all the different groups in America. My family, we discuss race. Not all the time, but we are racially aware. All of the people I've known so far, every single one of them has friends primarily of the same race. Nobody ventures outside. I grew up with Mexicans, Chinese, they all just hang out with each other and make comments about others. Sometimes in different languages.

If you were told whites are racist, while all the colored people live in multiracial harmony, you were lied to. Everybody is racist to some degree.

Blacks are racist.
Hispanics are racist.
Asians are racist.
Indians are racist.
Arabs are racist. (And, of course, Muslims are "religionist", they only associate with each other and hate outsiders).

True. Every single group prefers its own, wants to expand at the expense of other groups, and doesn't care about the others.
My message is to primarily white people, although anybody might find this useful or agree.

I cannot emphasize enough that non-white people are racist. I know this for a fact, being non-white myself and interacting with all the different groups in America. My family, we discuss race. Not all the time, but we are racially aware. All of the people I've known so far, every single one of them has friends primarily of the same race. Nobody ventures outside. I grew up with Mexicans, Chinese, they all just hang out with each other and make comments about others. Sometimes in different languages.

If you were told whites are racist, while all the colored people live in multiracial harmony, you were lied to. Everybody is racist to some degree.

Blacks are racist.
Hispanics are racist.
Asians are racist.
Indians are racist.
Arabs are racist. (And, of course, Muslims are "religionist", they only associate with each other and hate outsiders).

True. Every single group prefers its own, wants to expand at the expense of other groups, and doesn't care about the others.

I don't think this is true and I disagree with you.

First of all, it is a broad generalization. You can't possibly speak for everyone in your own group, much less everyone in other groups. You can speak for yourself and you have. You've expressed that you have this feeling that everyone is racist because this is probably how you see the world.

We need to begin by understanding what "racist" means. The left has redefined it to mean basically anyone who doesn't adhere to a left-wing political philosophy. That's not what it means. Often people conflate "racism" with simple prejudice. We all have prejudices. Prejudice is merely a different way to define preferences. I prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla, I am prejudice toward vanilla because I prefer chocolate. I don't "hate" vanilla. I don't think chocolate is superior or vanilla is inferior, it's just my personal preference.

"Racism" is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. The big misnomer is that racism always manifests itself as action or behavior. People can mask racist beliefs very well and they often will. They can even overcompensate for their innermost feelings out of a sense of guilt. We see this sometimes manifest as "white liberal guilt". That's where a white person will support black causes as a matter of public policy in order to appear "tolerant" of blacks to others. However, if a black man moved into the house next door to them, they would leave the neighborhood.

On the other side of the same coin are black people who are obsessed with racial injustice. They see everything through the lens of race. This is sometimes called "reverse racism" and it's probably far more prevalent than actual white supremacy. In fact, often times, the black activist type will not even acknowledge it is possible for blacks to be racists. It's interesting, when you absolve yourself from any culpability, virtually anything can be justified.

Perhaps I am an optimist but I believe strongly in the message of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that we should seek to judge each other by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. I have lived my life by this mantra and raised my children to do the same. I believe we are all a part of one race, the human race. This isn't to say there is no difference in cultures and all cultures are equal. Most certainly, they are not. That's not racism, it's simply acknowledging a truth. It's not saying that all cultures shouldn't be respected but some cultures have proven to be better than others. We should all seek to learn from each other and improve our own cultures in the process.

As a society, we have to get away from this idea that race divides us and understand we are all individuals regardless of what amount of melanin is in our skin. We all have minds, we're all prejudiced in our own ways and we're all flawed as human beings. We can't heal the wounds of the past until we can truly become "colorblind" as Dr. King immortalized in his eloquent and profound words.
Reminds one of the famous Lone Ranger and Tonto joke; "What you mean, we?"
True. Every single group prefers its own, wants to expand at the expense of other groups, and doesn't care about the others.

I am white, and I am a Wiz. However, you have never been to our thanksgiving dinner or you might change your mind.
My message is to primarily white people, although anybody might find this useful or agree.

I cannot emphasize enough that non-white people are racist. I know this for a fact, being non-white myself and interacting with all the different groups in America. My family, we discuss race. Not all the time, but we are racially aware. All of the people I've known so far, every single one of them has friends primarily of the same race. Nobody ventures outside. I grew up with Mexicans, Chinese, they all just hang out with each other and make comments about others. Sometimes in different languages.

If you were told whites are racist, while all the colored people live in multiracial harmony, you were lied to. Everybody is racist to some degree.

Blacks are racist.
Hispanics are racist.
Asians are racist.
Indians are racist.
Arabs are racist. (And, of course, Muslims are "religionist", they only associate with each other and hate outsiders).

True. Every single group prefers its own, wants to expand at the expense of other groups, and doesn't care about the others.

When any race makes a disparraging comment about another race it is almost always a statement indicating the proceeds of their culutre. Rarely does anyone make an argument about genetics. Racial arguments are genetic arguments. Cultural arguments deal with values, politics, habits, and conduct. Culture is a legitimate realm of criticism.

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