I'm not sure what blacks are complaining about


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
They are integrated at every level of American life and celebrated as heroes. The athletes and entertainers are worshipped. They have jobs, welfare, more food they can eat. America has, in effect, become black in very profound ways.

Whites, for their part, still own the country so their complaints as well seem illegitimate.

Once again, let me say that actually the people in America with the most right to complain would be the various Asian and Hispanic groups. They are usually hard working immigrants and their descendants, they are law abiding, and yet marginalized from American life, treated as foreigners, with everyone wanting to kick them out. But white and black Americans will never look in the mirror and try to fix themselves. They all consider themselves perfect.
Consider the following point: The very expression, "Social Justice" is an affront to logic and morality. "Blacks" who demand "social justice" (and whites who demand it FOR Blacks) are either stupid or profoundly immoral.

The only justice worth pursuing is INDIVIDUAL justice, and I will fight with any INDIVIDUAL "Black" person who is unjustly persecuted, rejected, overlooked, shunned, mocked, or generally mistreated. But I don't think that happens very often.

That Blacks in the U.S. are, statistically, sucking on the hind teat, is no longer a result of millions of individuals being mistreated - as it once was - but now it is more a function of Blacks making horrible life choices...and we all know what they are. But although it is impolitic to say it, it is also the result of an average IQ that is at least 10 points lower than the remainder of society - probably more. And no matter how loving the 87% of us who are not Black would be, they would still be, statistically, somewhat below everyone else in income, wealth, etc.

To answer the question posed above, Blacks are complaining that they don't get "social justice." It is a complaint with no solution.
They are integrated at every level of American life and celebrated as heroes. The athletes and entertainers are worshipped. They have jobs, welfare, more food they can eat. America has, in effect, become black in very profound ways.

Whites, for their part, still own the country so their complaints as well seem illegitimate.

Once again, let me say that actually the people in America with the most right to complain would be the various Asian and Hispanic groups. They are usually hard working immigrants and their descendants, they are law abiding, and yet marginalized from American life, treated as foreigners, with everyone wanting to kick them out. But white and black Americans will never look in the mirror and try to fix themselves. They all consider themselves perfect.


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