I'm not ashamed of my country; But I'm very embarrassed by it.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I loved the thread someone posted about being ashamed of his country. I agree with much of what he said. However, I'm gonna say I'm not ashamed of America. Thats a very permanent term to me. I am embarrassed right now of America though. Kinda like having kids that you love dearly, but they do something publicly that is very embarrassing. Thats how I feel.

When I see the world's wealthiest nation, with so much opportunity, and then hordes of kids "occupying" areas for a cause even they can't articulate, it's embarrassing. They demand the world be handed to them. They demand that they be excused from having to climb the same workforce ladder all of us did. They demand they get their 5 years of drinking and partying in college, but for free. They demand, demand, demand, demand.....but I ask, what do they OFFER in return?

When I see clowns like Al Sharpton marching in the streets every time an incident occurs that they can conveniently twist as racism, while at the same time that race is fighting a war against itself in our inner cities and they say/do nothing about that. As a retired cop, it broke my heart going to almost weekly incidents of black on black murder.......and seeing the wonderful families that were destroyed because their 16 and 19 year olds got the idea in their head that they needed to carry pistols and kill those who dont "respect" them. One would think the first black (fill in the blank) events over the last 20-30 years would provide enough good role models to start slowing that trend. It's accelerating.

When I see how FAT AND DISGUSTINGLY OBESE our country has become, I wanna throw a hammer at a window. When I sit in a public restaurant and see a 500 pound cow-man shoveling cheesecake into his face after polishing off a 20 oz steak and beer, I wanna puke. OF course, they'll demand MORE PILLS (yeah, just what America needs, more pills) to treat the side affects of being so fat.

And speaking of pills, who is NOT on something these days? We've diagnosed normal, human emotions as (fill in the blank)-disorder. Do you have a 13 year old kid who is "hyper, defiant, anxious, moody"???? We got the pill for him!!!! (a condition known as puberty btw).

And last, but not least, political correctness has killed any shot at our nation having real issues solved. Just my most recent pet peeve is the sports world, and my beloved sport of football. The PC eggheads are tinkering with that wonderful game, which has built so many young men into better men, to the point that players can no longer hit, coaches can't yell. That mindset echoes throughout all of our society, where we are trying to morph everyone into nice little politically correct robots......who probably take about 10 pills to cure their fatness so they can go march in some stupid protest.
I completely agree with everything you wrote, "bucs90". Well done!

It is tragic and gut-wrenching to watch my country suffer "death by a thousand cuts", and not be able to do ANYTHING about it, except do the best I can to prepare my family for the aftermath.
TS56, you are exactly right. All we can do is keep living how we now is the right way, help our family and close friends, and, well, thats it.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?
Well, I'm no longer a Republican. Certainly NOT a Democrat. I'd say "independent", but seriously, thats just too fucking cliche' for me. All the cool "hipster" crowd is claiming "independent" because they think it makes them sound intellectual these days.

Nope. I'm not Republican, Democrat, Indepdent, or any of those. I'm just pissed off.
I loved the thread someone posted about being ashamed of his country. I agree with much of what he said. However, I'm gonna say I'm not ashamed of America. Thats a very permanent term to me. I am embarrassed right now of America though. Kinda like having kids that you love dearly, but they do something publicly that is very embarrassing. Thats how I feel.

When I see the world's wealthiest nation, with so much opportunity, and then hordes of kids "occupying" areas for a cause even they can't articulate, it's embarrassing. They demand the world be handed to them. They demand that they be excused from having to climb the same workforce ladder all of us did. They demand they get their 5 years of drinking and partying in college, but for free. They demand, demand, demand, demand.....but I ask, what do they OFFER in return?

When I see clowns like Al Sharpton marching in the streets every time an incident occurs that they can conveniently twist as racism, while at the same time that race is fighting a war against itself in our inner cities and they say/do nothing about that. As a retired cop, it broke my heart going to almost weekly incidents of black on black murder.......and seeing the wonderful families that were destroyed because their 16 and 19 year olds got the idea in their head that they needed to carry pistols and kill those who dont "respect" them. One would think the first black (fill in the blank) events over the last 20-30 years would provide enough good role models to start slowing that trend. It's accelerating.

When I see how FAT AND DISGUSTINGLY OBESE our country has become, I wanna throw a hammer at a window. When I sit in a public restaurant and see a 500 pound cow-man shoveling cheesecake into his face after polishing off a 20 oz steak and beer, I wanna puke. OF course, they'll demand MORE PILLS (yeah, just what America needs, more pills) to treat the side affects of being so fat.

And speaking of pills, who is NOT on something these days? We've diagnosed normal, human emotions as (fill in the blank)-disorder. Do you have a 13 year old kid who is "hyper, defiant, anxious, moody"???? We got the pill for him!!!! (a condition known as puberty btw).

And last, but not least, political correctness has killed any shot at our nation having real issues solved. Just my most recent pet peeve is the sports world, and my beloved sport of football. The PC eggheads are tinkering with that wonderful game, which has built so many young men into better men, to the point that players can no longer hit, coaches can't yell. That mindset echoes throughout all of our society, where we are trying to morph everyone into nice little politically correct robots......who probably take about 10 pills to cure their fatness so they can go march in some stupid protest.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I would also like to add how ignorance has run rampant in our society. You would think that with the technology we have, ignorance would be eradicated in all but the most remote pockets of the country. However, it seems as if it's spreading like the bubonic plague.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?

It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.
I loved the thread someone posted about being ashamed of his country. I agree with much of what he said. However, I'm gonna say I'm not ashamed of America. Thats a very permanent term to me. I am embarrassed right now of America though. Kinda like having kids that you love dearly, but they do something publicly that is very embarrassing. Thats how I feel.

When I see the world's wealthiest nation, with so much opportunity, and then hordes of kids "occupying" areas for a cause even they can't articulate, it's embarrassing. They demand the world be handed to them. They demand that they be excused from having to climb the same workforce ladder all of us did. They demand they get their 5 years of drinking and partying in college, but for free. They demand, demand, demand, demand.....but I ask, what do they OFFER in return?

When I see clowns like Al Sharpton marching in the streets every time an incident occurs that they can conveniently twist as racism, while at the same time that race is fighting a war against itself in our inner cities and they say/do nothing about that. As a retired cop, it broke my heart going to almost weekly incidents of black on black murder.......and seeing the wonderful families that were destroyed because their 16 and 19 year olds got the idea in their head that they needed to carry pistols and kill those who dont "respect" them. One would think the first black (fill in the blank) events over the last 20-30 years would provide enough good role models to start slowing that trend. It's accelerating.

When I see how FAT AND DISGUSTINGLY OBESE our country has become, I wanna throw a hammer at a window. When I sit in a public restaurant and see a 500 pound cow-man shoveling cheesecake into his face after polishing off a 20 oz steak and beer, I wanna puke. OF course, they'll demand MORE PILLS (yeah, just what America needs, more pills) to treat the side affects of being so fat.

And speaking of pills, who is NOT on something these days? We've diagnosed normal, human emotions as (fill in the blank)-disorder. Do you have a 13 year old kid who is "hyper, defiant, anxious, moody"???? We got the pill for him!!!! (a condition known as puberty btw).

And last, but not least, political correctness has killed any shot at our nation having real issues solved. Just my most recent pet peeve is the sports world, and my beloved sport of football. The PC eggheads are tinkering with that wonderful game, which has built so many young men into better men, to the point that players can no longer hit, coaches can't yell. That mindset echoes throughout all of our society, where we are trying to morph everyone into nice little politically correct robots......who probably take about 10 pills to cure their fatness so they can go march in some stupid protest.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I would also like to add how ignorance has run rampant in our society. You would think that with the technology we have, ignorance would be eradicated in all but the most remote pockets of the country. However, it seems as if it's spreading like the bubonic plague.

You would think so right?

So....the majority of the "poor" people in America, well hell, almost ALL Americans these days, have dumbass "Iphone" or "Blackberry" or some piece of overpriced technology in their palms.

So they'll whine about stuff like "No access to education" while carrying an piece of equipment that gives them instant access to literally almost any piece of information, book, lesson or research known to man. If it's not classified, its online.

So instead of using that technolog to self-educate, they use it to play apps of Angry Birds or film videos of themselves acting like a rapper or something.

Which leads me to my next point of frustration:

The same people who bitch about not being able to afford health insurance.......will drop $150+ a month for a damn cell phone.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?

It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?

It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

I disagree. I think it will depend on who wins congress and by what margin.
It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

I disagree. I think it will depend on who wins congress and by what margin.

Even if the GOP wins all 3 by landslide..........

Our nation will still be soft, lazy, and morbidly obese. Our kids still wont get discipline at home or school (for the most part, this is general). The "occupy" crowd will be even whinier. All true.

BUT...if left wingers are voted out, at least we MIGHT be on a track to fix it in a few decades.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?

It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

It doesn't matter who wins in November.

If Obama wins (which I believe he will), the runaway train will continue to speed towards the cliff.

If Romney wins, he will take control of the runaway train, slam on the brakes, find out that the brakes depend on government assistance, and the brakes won't work.
If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

I disagree. I think it will depend on who wins congress and by what margin.

Even if the GOP wins all 3 by landslide..........

Our nation will still be soft, lazy, and morbidly obese. Our kids still wont get discipline at home or school (for the most part, this is general). The "occupy" crowd will be even whinier. All true.

BUT...if left wingers are voted out, at least we MIGHT be on a track to fix it in a few decades.

That's about all we can hope for at this point. Although I don't think it will take quite that long if we can hold the offices for a couple terms and the public remains vocal.

Wishful thinking, I know.
It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

It doesn't matter who wins in November.

If Obama wins (which I believe he will), the runaway train will continue to speed towards the cliff.

If Romney wins, he will take control of the runaway train, slam on the brakes, find out that the brakes depend on government assistance, and the brakes won't work.

If Romney wins I expect chaos, riots in large cities, etc. Why? You probably already know, but I'll just say it...

- Obama is "The One" they've been waiting on.

- Even if Obama could never give them what they wanted, they THOUGHT he could.

- Even if Romney wont make their lives any worse, they think he will.

They look to the gov't to fix their problems. The gov't can't. But they think it can, and they think Obama was the one to do it. If Romney wins, there will be Greece-like riots eventually.
I disagree. I think it will depend on who wins congress and by what margin.

Even if the GOP wins all 3 by landslide..........

Our nation will still be soft, lazy, and morbidly obese. Our kids still wont get discipline at home or school (for the most part, this is general). The "occupy" crowd will be even whinier. All true.

BUT...if left wingers are voted out, at least we MIGHT be on a track to fix it in a few decades.

That's about all we can hope for at this point. Although I don't think it will take quite that long if we can hold the offices for a couple terms and the public remains vocal.

Wishful thinking, I know.

Republicans are not in the business of fixing problems when they can simply be ignored.
Even if the GOP wins all 3 by landslide..........

Our nation will still be soft, lazy, and morbidly obese. Our kids still wont get discipline at home or school (for the most part, this is general). The "occupy" crowd will be even whinier. All true.

BUT...if left wingers are voted out, at least we MIGHT be on a track to fix it in a few decades.

That's about all we can hope for at this point. Although I don't think it will take quite that long if we can hold the offices for a couple terms and the public remains vocal.

Wishful thinking, I know.

Republicans are not in the business of fixing problems when they can simply be ignored.

What's the democratic plan to fix Medicare?
If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

It doesn't matter who wins in November.

If Obama wins (which I believe he will), the runaway train will continue to speed towards the cliff.

If Romney wins, he will take control of the runaway train, slam on the brakes, find out that the brakes depend on government assistance, and the brakes won't work.

If Romney wins I expect chaos, riots in large cities, etc. Why? You probably already know, but I'll just say it...

- Obama is "The One" they've been waiting on.

- Even if Obama could never give them what they wanted, they THOUGHT he could.

- Even if Romney wont make their lives any worse, they think he will.

They look to the gov't to fix their problems. The gov't can't. But they think it can, and they think Obama was the one to do it. If Romney wins, there will be Greece-like riots eventually.

You have to ask yourself, is widespread rioting in big U.S. cities a BAD thing? I don't live anywhere close to a "big" city, so I personally don't care if the "city slickers" ransack and burn down their own cities.

"Thinning out the herd" could be a VERY good thing. The vast majority of major U.S. cities are liberal cesspools anyway.
Why is it only fake republicans are ashamed of country or party?

Could it be because as liberals they are forbidden from expressing what they really feel so they have to switch parties to do it?

It just depends on which party is in control as to which group of partisans is embaressed about America.

I have been embaressed with America for quite some time and that has not changed recently.

If Romney wins....

Our country will still be fat, spoiled, undisciplined, whiny, lazy and stupid. Well, not all of us, just about 30% of us. Thank God for the other 70% of we'd be fucked.

I think you have those percentages reversed however no matter who wins you are correct in your final analysis.

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