"I'm gonna kill you!"

It is an expected outgrowth of the extreme rhetoric being generated 24/7. This is happening because we tried to stimulate the economy, bail out banks and the auto industry and provide healthcare to Americans.
What is going to happen when we have a real crisis?
The nutcases are being pushed to the brink. Once they finally break and do physical harm, the puntits will shrug and say "Who me? I never told them to do that"
Odd how the right cannot face the fact their rhetoric is damaging the nation by inciting the nuts. McVeigh acted after Clinton's election, when the mood was the same as today. The plane into IRS nut, is in the same category, as is the holocaust shooter.

The self delusion on the left is astounding. Rocky is a moron, but you often evince some knowledge of history...

so let's see if we can pick a violent racist on the left, who is, in fact a hero to the left, unlike the McVeigh guy to the right.

How about the 'sainted' Margaret Sanger?

1. Margaret Sanger, liberal answer to Mother Theresa, their saint. Her genius was in combining racist-eugenics strategy with sexual pleasure and women’s liberation.

2. Sanger subscribed to almost every category of eugenics, aiming at banning the reproduction of the ‘unfit,’ and regulating same of everybody else. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit- that is the chief issue of birth control,” she claimed in her 1922 book “The Pivot of Civilization.” (p. 42)

3. In 1926, Sanger gave a speech at the KKK rally in Silver Lake, NJ. Sanger appointed her friend, Lothrop Stoddard, as a board member of the Birth Control League (the forerunner of Planned Parenthood). Stoddard, wrote “The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy,” in which we find this statement: ‘Just as we isolate bacterial invasions, and starve out the bacteria, by limiting the area and amount of their food supply, so we can compel an inferior race to remain in its native habitat.’ Rosen, “Preaching Eugenics,” p. 216

4. “The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA)[which changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942]….Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism. In her report, "Birth Control and the Negro," she made the point that “Negroes…still breed carelessly and disastrously," and, in a letter to Clarence Gamble in Dec. 1939, argu[ed] that: "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." MSPP > Newsletter

I've noticed that the lower President Obama goes in the polls, the more rabid you become in criticism of the right.
Now, behave yourself.

Ironically, the effective use of birth control has accomplished the opposite of Sanger's stated goals...

You may get a kick out of this one:

"Some blacks saw the relationship between race and abortion, and, in 1977, sent this telegram to Congress: “As a matter of conscience I must oppose the use of federal funds for a policy of killing infants.” It was signed by Jesse Jackson, who, of course, changed his position when he sought the Democratic nomination." http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/nvp/consistent/mccarthy_jackson.html)
....There are many more that can be listed. McViegh was the worst, and certainly a real poster child for this kind of insanity, but it is out there, and your tactic support of it, along with so many others on the right, is very disturbing.

Odd how the right cannot face the fact their rhetoric is damaging the nation by inciting the nuts. McVeigh acted after Clinton's election, when the mood was the same as today. The plane into IRS nut, is in the same category, as is the holocaust shooter.

These events you describe are inconsequential compared to the damage that has been done, and is continuing to be done. The right wing fringe is really a minuscule fraction of America. It's purely partisan rhetoric to focus on it overly...
I hope they lock up the people making threats. Yet at the same time, I wish they would lock up the politicians who get paid to pass laws that kill many more.

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