I'm biting the bullet


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Tonight I'm going to attempt to ride my bike while leading Klaus.

I think I will employ the kids to go along with me and sort of hem him in, so he isn't so likely to yank me over if he stops or sees another dog....

We'll be like a bicycle calvacade for the pooch.
But gas and time being at a premium, I want to get him started so I can take him out for a twirl a couple of times a day, regardless of whether or not we are going to the beach or whatever. Plus if I can move him quickly enough, I don't think he'll get so excited when he sees other dogs.

That's the theory anyway. Probably woefully wrong. I have led him while driving and he put on the brakes...no great disaster when driving an Explorer, but the consequences (for me) might be a little more momentous if I'm perched up on the Schwinn when he leaps in the opposite direction.
woo hoo we did it! I trotted him up and down the street many times, till he was tired...I didn't end up on the ground...i did stop a few times and the back tire came up off the ground lol but mostly we kept forward motion going and now Klaus is pooped! Yay, mission accomplished. We passed people walking and kids on bikes and skateboards, and he was good. No dogs, thank goodness. Heard them barking but didn't have to pass (that will not be pretty but we'll get through it).
Why can't a Chow run alongside a bike? Do you mean he's too unmanageable with other dogs?

He couldn't be any worse than Klaus. If Klaus stops while we're moving along (and he has been known to do this..or to abruptly change directions) I'm dead. And klaus gets excited when he sees other dogs. He jumps and bolts...not always but sometimes. So i just have to watch, and when he sees them, I have to deal...whether that means stop and make him sit or what I don't know yet. He didn't drag me over to the strange people he saw so I think we can be cautiously hopeful. If I can get him used to the activity before we have to deal with another dog, I think we'll be okay.
Tonight I'm going to attempt to ride my bike while leading Klaus.

I think I will employ the kids to go along with me and sort of hem him in, so he isn't so likely to yank me over if he stops or sees another dog....

We'll be like a bicycle calvacade for the pooch.

Good luck! I would be wary though - what if he sees another dog and runs after it?
He'll pull me over.

He's pretty good, getting better all the time. But he can slip his collar and he does occasionally hit the end of his leash when I'm not expecting it. Less and less all the time, and he's better about other dogs now than he used to be (he's 2 in January). I will hopefully let the leash go before I wipe out, but that's theory. When we started today I had my daughter on her bike on the other side of him, and my son in front, just to create the illusion of an enclosing circle...but by the time we were done we were pretty scattered, and he was trotting along nicely, even when I turned.
Yeah the Chow hound. He's just too unpredictable. Plus he's going on 12 so I don't think he could keep up a trot for very long. Besides, Mrs. H. is the dog walker and she's no bicycle rider LOL.
I hadn't been on a bike for 30 years until I bought this one...

I just went back and forth in front of the house, my dog is big and can cover a lot of ground, so we were able to go a few blocks each way, but i didn't take him way to heck and gone away from the house just for that reason..I didn't want to walk him and the bike.

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