I'm anti Muslim.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Hey, true story. :razz:

It's not really a bigotry to hate on people who treat women as second class, it's actually Manly *flex*. I'm not anti-Christian in-that yea, the Bible says some fucked up shit...................................but only the loony Christians actually follow it to a T :lol:

I saw a woman in full black garb walk down my block with her two kids last week when it was like 90 and humid out. I was like, damn.

My anti-Muslim-ness won't make me anti-near-ground-zero-mosque, just yet. I'm getting there, you will have to swoon me.

For now, and as always, I can't say that I relate it at all to 9/11 and therefore its location being 2 blocks away from 9/11 is irrelevant to me. Plus, my anti-Muslim-ness doesn't mean that if I were King of this Country, I'd give Muslims any less freedoms than I myself have.
I agree with you in part GT, I think it's within a person's right to dislike someone or a group of someone's for whatever reason.
Hey, it's 2010. What we've learned through thousands of years of human evolution is that Women are not second-class to men. In fact, if the world was men only, I'd become a ruthless Dictator and begin the extermination process while simultaneously investing all stolen monies into space travel, in search of a breast-yielding planet in the cosmos.

The Universe is damn near infinite, everything is out there.
I agree with you in part GT, I think it's within a person's right to dislike someone or a group of someone's for whatever reason.

Yea, I'm pretty much done with defending a culture of this Neanderthalistic magnitude. It's an insult to my G in GT.
I wouldn't automatically dislike a Muslim as a person either, persay, but I would tell him that his Religion is whack as fuck.
Hey, true story. :razz:

It's not really a bigotry to hate on people who treat women as second class, it's actually Manly *flex*. I'm not anti-Christian in-that yea, the Bible says some fucked up shit...................................but only the loony Christians actually follow it to a T :lol:

I saw a woman in full black garb walk down my block with her two kids last week when it was like 90 and humid out. I was like, damn.

My anti-Muslim-ness won't make me anti-near-ground-zero-mosque, just yet. I'm getting there, you will have to swoon me.

For now, and as always, I can't say that I relate it at all to 9/11 and therefore its location being 2 blocks away from 9/11 is irrelevant to me. Plus, my anti-Muslim-ness doesn't mean that if I were King of this Country, I'd give Muslims any less freedoms than I myself have.

Are you referring to the Mosque that is already open and operating near ground zero?
Hey, true story. :razz:

It's not really a bigotry to hate on people who treat women as second class, it's actually Manly *flex*. I'm not anti-Christian in-that yea, the Bible says some fucked up shit...................................but only the loony Christians actually follow it to a T :lol:

I saw a woman in full black garb walk down my block with her two kids last week when it was like 90 and humid out. I was like, damn.

My anti-Muslim-ness won't make me anti-near-ground-zero-mosque, just yet. I'm getting there, you will have to swoon me.

For now, and as always, I can't say that I relate it at all to 9/11 and therefore its location being 2 blocks away from 9/11 is irrelevant to me. Plus, my anti-Muslim-ness doesn't mean that if I were King of this Country, I'd give Muslims any less freedoms than I myself have.

Are you referring to the Mosque that is already open and operating near ground zero?

I'm saying the Mosque discussion in general is irrelevant to how I feel about the Muslim's Religion.
Hey, true story. :razz:

It's not really a bigotry to hate on people who treat women as second class, it's actually Manly *flex*. I'm not anti-Christian in-that yea, the Bible says some fucked up shit...................................but only the loony Christians actually follow it to a T :lol:

I saw a woman in full black garb walk down my block with her two kids last week when it was like 90 and humid out. I was like, damn.

My anti-Muslim-ness won't make me anti-near-ground-zero-mosque, just yet. I'm getting there, you will have to swoon me.

For now, and as always, I can't say that I relate it at all to 9/11 and therefore its location being 2 blocks away from 9/11 is irrelevant to me. Plus, my anti-Muslim-ness doesn't mean that if I were King of this Country, I'd give Muslims any less freedoms than I myself have.

Are you referring to the Mosque that is already open and operating near ground zero?

I'm saying the Mosque discussion in general is irrelevant to how I feel about the Muslim's Religion.

And I will agree with your sentiment.
I wouldn't automatically dislike a Muslim as a person either, persay, but I would tell him that his Religion is whack as fuck.


I sure don't dislike anyone because of their religion. Heck. I had a friend who was a Wican. She is a little strange but a nice lady.

As for hate. Well. Hating someone or a group of someones takes a great deal of effort. Quite frankly I don't consider anyone or any group worth that kind of effort. I do have a strong dislike for folks who are trying to kill Americans. In this case it happens to be Muslims. I don't dislike all Muslims. Just the wackjobs who are killing Americans. So sue me.

I find the Muslim religion strange though. Woman are considered second class citizens. Seems to me we in America went through a stage of that until we came to our senses. The Muslim religion has gone through thousands of years exactly as it is. I don't think it will ever change.

Hate?? Nope. Ain't worth the effort.
On account of women hijacking my thread, I'm now a Muslim Religion sympathizer. hmmf.
On account of women hijacking my thread, I'm now a Muslim Religion sympathizer. hmmf.
Here's a pie.

Doug, I did the same without Viagara...and somehow without a zipper! :eek:

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