Illuminati in Jail - Typology - 3 basic types: Yulia Timoschenko, Pussy Riot, Madoff

Apr 6, 2009
Illuminati in Jail - Typology - 3 basic types: Yulia Timoschenko, Pussy Riot, Madoff

There are three categories of people officially in jail related to activities ordered by the illuminati.

The first two categories consist of people who are really in jail.
The third category is people (real and fake, illuminati members and agents) who are in fact NOT in jail.

1. Illuminati members in jail
Exceptionally the Illuminati might sacrify (murder) one of their members at the bottom of the pyramid to advance some agendas (examples: Anne Lindh, minister for foreign affairs, Sweden, 2003, as last and successful attempt to change the outcome of the swedish referendum on the euro; Anna Politkovskaya, Russia, 2006, to suggest that "Putin did it"). (1)

But the illuminati will NEVER jail one of their members, because there is absolutely no reason to do it, since they totally control "justice", from judges to prisons.

Everybody in this category is in a prison of a country NOT ruled by the illuminati.
There is nobody in this category in jail in Illuminatziland, from Australia to Canada, from the EU to the USA, from South Africa to China, from Iran to Egypt.(2)

- Yulia Timoschenko, former Ukrainian prime minister. Jailed in the Ukraine 2011, 2 years after illuminati lost control of the Ukraine (3), to be released 2018;
- Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was assigned the role of playing "wealthiest man in Russia" while transfering russian wealth to the illuminati accounts. Jailed in Russia 2003, 3 years after illuminati lost control of Russia, to be released 2017.

2. Agents paid by the Illuminati in jail
These people took the risk of being jailed because of the promise of cash.
Almost all people in this category are NOT jailed in Illuminatziland.
Almost all people in this category were aware of the risks of accepting the task they were assigned to by the illuminati, except for a few idiots like the "artists" of "Pussy Riot".

3. Supposedly in jail but in fact NOT
Illuminati theater with actors playing the role of being jailed. Examples (4): Bernie Madoff, the actor assigned the role of greatest scam ever, 50 billion; example of the day: "Pope jails his butler".
Note that fake jailing illuminati members or agents is only a small fraction of the type of illuminati theater "fake arrests".
Reminder: Illuminati media constantly reports fake arrests in operations linked to illuminati fake wars.
Examples: a few among those reportedly arrested on the war on drugs; almost all reportedly arrested on the war on pedophiles (5) or the war on terror (6).

(1) Illuminati Murders - Typology
Illuminati Murders: Types of Murders or murder attempts executed by the Illuminati

(2) Illuminatziland: List of countries ruled by illuminati, explained

(3) Long before 2007, End Times Prophet predicted that Ukraine would be the first major battle lost by the illuminati during Armageddon
Battle of Armageddon - Ongoing since 24 March 1999: Battle of the Ukraine - proof Vladimir Putin is sent by God

(4) Illuminati "jailing" Illuminati:
World Record Holder in financial scams "Madoff"
Pope jails his butler

(5) Double Talk - Goals of playing the"Busted Pedophie Ring" broken record
Pedophilia Agenda - how it was advanced: Missing UK girl kidnapped in Portugal and Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring - HORRIBLE TRUTH: part of same script

(6) Human cattle of NATO "countries" does not even know that the mercenaries are NOT fighting the Taliban
Nazi Third Army in Stalingrad 1943 and NATO in Afghnistan: the BASIC difference
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