Illegals with liscense?


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
1,130 blogs - E.J. Montini's Columns & Blog - EJMontini - Is Brewer's spiteful order illegal?

There are people who are given more long-term permission to be in the United States, green card holders, for instance," she said, "What we have with this program -- authorized presence -- also means that they are here legally. That means that they are eligible for a driver's license. The expiration date on such a thing usually matches the expiration date on their status. Two years in this case. But there is a process in both state and federal law for that to happen. She (Brewer) ignored all that by issuing this order."

How could we have predicted that illegals now can get licenses and you know it's gonna be social services......liberals are so phoney

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