*Illegal Ponds: Oregon=New China *


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. More stupid liberals trying to sledge hammer some bloke, they are going to throw him in jail for having three ponds on his 170 acres.
2. Its his land, and he should have every right to make ponds that collect rain water and snow run off.
3. And yet these fucking fascist bastards, say he doesn't own the water, so he must release the water he is storing back to nature, because any water thats being collected, *they own*.
4. Thats fucking batshit crazy!
5. So if I were in Oregon, and put a cup under the edge of my roof and fill it with rain water, the fucking government owns that?????
6. And I have no right *to it*?
7. This is batchit crazy, thats all it is, this man has every right to collect water on his lands, get over it stupid people in goverment in Oregon.
8. Link:Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail -- for Collecting Rainwater on His Property | CNSNews.com

"A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Gary Harrington of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his conviction in Jackson County (Ore.) Circuit Court on nine misdemeanor charges under a 1925 law for having what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on his property – and for filling the reservoirs with rainwater and snow runoff."

9. This is injustice, and over reaching, is Oregon the *New China*?

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The Law of the Sea Treaty would have given the UN rights to your cup of rainwater. You can move out of Oregon.

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