Illegal immigration petition.


Apr 12, 2006
I hope all of you will sign the petition to stop this travesty ongoing in the Senate and remind our political leaders they are supposed to represent US, not those that aren't legal citizens.

Our politicians have obviously lost their minds in regard to the illegal immigrant issue.
They've done nothing to ensure our borders are safe, even after 9/11.
They want to provide them with citizenship if they've been here for so many years.
They want to provide them with BILLIONS off the legal taxpayers back in social services.
From food, to housing to medical, to education, to the cost of jailing those that are criminals.
They want to provide the children teachers that speak only Spanish, not making the effort to even learn our language.
We're asked by our ATMs, by info lines when making calls which language, English or Spanish.
We have corporations paying illegal's under the table to ensure cheap wages, screwing our own citizens out of jobs.
Those that are illegal don't pay federal taxes.
They send the majority of their money back to Mexico, rather than spending it here, improving our economy.
If I were a LEGAL immigrant, the thought of people simply able to become legal because they BROKE THE LAWS ENTERING OUR COUNTRY would infuriate me.
You have gangs from Mexico and South America infiltrating our country.
Yet here this past Monday, they rallied in the millions and got Congresses attention......
When are we as Americans going to rally in the streets in the millions and let our politicians know WE'RE SICK OF THIS???????
Are you aware we have some states now that the Mexican population is GREATER than any other???? And yet, by law, they are eligible for all types free services because they are seen as a "minority".
I'd urge all of you that love your country and see our government as being politically correct or simply wanting cheap labor for big business to RAISE YOUR VOICE!!!!
Let them know we as tax payers are SICK of footing these billions in bills for people that have no respect and break the law being here!!!
Sign the petition, call your congress and senators. Encourage your local talk show host to organize rallies!
Let's show our "leaders" they aren't upholding the oath they took representing us with attempting to allow illegal, unlawful residents amnesty.

JaxinTN said:
I hope all of you will sign the petition to stop this travesty ongoing in the Senate and remind our political leaders they are supposed to represent US, not those that aren't legal citizens.

Our politicians have obviously lost their minds in regard to the illegal immigrant issue.
They've done nothing to ensure our borders are safe, even after 9/11.
They want to provide them with citizenship if they've been here for so many years.
They want to provide them with BILLIONS off the legal taxpayers back in social services.
From food, to housing to medical, to education, to the cost of jailing those that are criminals.
They want to provide the children teachers that speak only Spanish, not making the effort to even learn our language.
We're asked by our ATMs, by info lines when making calls which language, English or Spanish.
We have corporations paying illegal's under the table to ensure cheap wages, screwing our own citizens out of jobs.
Those that are illegal don't pay federal taxes.
They send the majority of their money back to Mexico, rather than spending it here, improving our economy.
If I were a LEGAL immigrant, the thought of people simply able to become legal because they BROKE THE LAWS ENTERING OUR COUNTRY would infuriate me.
You have gangs from Mexico and South America infiltrating our country.
Yet here this past Monday, they rallied in the millions and got Congresses attention......
When are we as Americans going to rally in the streets in the millions and let our politicians know WE'RE SICK OF THIS???????
Are you aware we have some states now that the Mexican population is GREATER than any other???? And yet, by law, they are eligible for all types free services because they are seen as a "minority".
I'd urge all of you that love your country and see our government as being politically correct or simply wanting cheap labor for big business to RAISE YOUR VOICE!!!!
Let them know we as tax payers are SICK of footing these billions in bills for people that have no respect and break the law being here!!!
Sign the petition, call your congress and senators. Encourage your local talk show host to organize rallies!
Let's show our "leaders" they aren't upholding the oath they took representing us with attempting to allow illegal, unlawful residents amnesty.


Too bad this wasn't a legit petition. I'd have signed it.

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