Illegal Immigration; A Conspiracy Against Afro-Americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Illegal Immigration; A Conspiracy Against Afro-Americans.
Illegal Aliens displace Afro-Americans in the work force more than any other race. Causing high rate of unemployment, crime and destruction of the family unit.
In the 70s I remember when Afro-Americans were picking up garbage, doing construction work and clean up, domestic, hotel, casino and restaurants, hospitals and clinics, teachers aides, Afro-American youths in fast food and Wal-Mart, road work, etc, Mom and Pop neighborhood stores, now they are replaced by Latinos and Philippines. Cheap foreign labor exacerbated by the lack of immigration enforcement. I am in rehab facility because of a MS flare up now and all the workers are foreign. Nurses, aids, transportation, yard work, kitchen and maintenance and some cannot even speak English. This is another American tragedy.
Drug trafficking as is illegal immigration is another conspiracy to destroy the Afro-American. We cannot secure the border if we keep sending out invitations for them the come. With you can work, get and education and you will be put on a path to citizenship if you get past border patrol agents.
Obama has been Afro-Americans worse enemy and the next four years he will totally destroy them.
Black Activists Joining Minutemen Against Illegal Immigration
By Digger / April 24, 2006 01:19 PM 

It seems the black community is starting to wake up to the truth about illegal immigration and it's impact on them. While illegal aliens have continued to drive down wages and hurt those in this country whose livelihood depends on manual labor, the activists in the black community have actually supported them -- if you can believe that.
Just recently it was discovered that at one single placement agency alone, over 70 construction workers -- who were predominantly black -- in the Katrina recovery region were replaced by illegal aliens. This is one agency. Multiply that by all the agencies in the region and you'll see what a travesty is being placed on the black community by illegal immigration. These are Americans who want to work, not people looking for a handout.
Now they are starting to speak out against the injustices illegal immigration places on those they claim to defend and support.
Black Activists Joining Minutemen Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

How Illegal Immigration Hurts Black America
With national unemployment hovering around 10 percent and black male unemployment at a staggering 17.6 percent, it's just not true that undocumented workers are doing the jobs that we won't do.
Following a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid that nabbed 300 undocumented workers at a Columbia Farms processing plant in Columbia, S.C., a spooked House of Raeford quietly began replacing immigrants with native-born labor at all of its plants. Less than a year later, House of Raeford’s flagship production line in Raeford, N.C., had been transformed, going from more than 80 percent Latino to 70 percent African-American, according to a report by the Charlotte Observer.

How Illegal Immigration Hurts Black America

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